Hello y'all,
I hope everyone is staying safe and staying healthy. If not, i pray that you or whoever is afflicted be healed soon.
I hope to learn a lot from the forums and hopefully can use some of you young whipper snappers for your brains (ideas, how to's and such). Lol. Btw i am only 30, much respect for the older generation(s)!
For me, well... If i would have found this 5-6 years ago, i would have said I am new to Wheel Horse. That is about the time my dad bought the 312-8 (that i now own). That purchase and talking to my dad about implements/attachments that i could purchase is what got me so interested in wheel horse.
Like i mentioned, i started with a 312-8. When i purchased from my dad, it came with a mower pan and a snowblower (wrong model tho). Wisconsin winters were brutal and a regular snowblower was taking me 2+ hours to clear the driveway. Thats when i bought my B-100, included in that deal was a mower pan and a plow. Boy... that B-100 has plowed a lot of snow. I love it.
I had also bought 2 lack luster tillers at some auctions. Well, that made me look for a tiller attachment. Found one relatively close and went to go look. $200 later, i had a tiller loaded into my truck and i had asked if he had the tillers mount for the rear axle. He said he wasnt sure, but he has a wheel horse sitting in the back. Told me to go look.
I look over this 854, and there is no rear mount. Just as im getting up, he asks if i want the tractor. I said i only got the $200 i gave you. He said free of charge. And thats how i gained my 854. (854s hood is in my shop)
I want to start restoring my wheel horses, pretty paint, new decals, clean them up. I am proud of what i own.
And now im looking at getting a D200 with FEL and a backhoe. Its a sketch time to buy but i could use the tractor for house and cabin work.
Pics are attached. Please ignore the messes. They aint the prettiest tractors, but they all run.