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seat replacement

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Question: I'm looking at the seat and decal drawing and could use an answer! Does the the seat spring or the adjusters go under the seat? It looks like the adjusters go directly under the seat and then the springs under the adjuster. If so, where does the spacer (110932) go?   The reason I ask is the seat is quit low and the back sets low making it hard for me to reach the brake/ return to neutral pedal.

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1 hour ago, gwood said:

Question: I'm looking at the seat and decal drawing and could use an answer! Does the the seat spring or the adjusters go under the seat? It looks like the adjusters go directly under the seat and then the springs under the adjuster. If so, where does the spacer (110932) go?   The reason I ask is the seat is quit low and the back sets low making it hard for me to reach the brake/ return to neutral pedal.


Going from memory, which ain't what it used to be.  I had those on one of my tractors and removed them because they were a nuisance and I always moved the seat all the way back anyway.  I think the spacers were between the seat and the tracks.

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Depends on the tractor model. They attach differently. What model are we talking about  @gwood

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peter lena

@gwood  scroll down to seat spring ideas , have also predrilled  new side height mount points ,  helped a lot . pete 


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953 nut
16 hours ago, gwood said:

Question: I'm looking at the seat and decal drawing and could use an answer! Does the the seat spring or the adjusters go under the seat? It looks like the adjusters go directly under the seat and then the springs under the adjuster. If so, where does the spacer (110932) go?   The reason I ask is the seat is quit low and the back sets low making it hard for me to reach the brake/ return to neutral pedal.

Might be helpful to let us know what the seat is going onto,    can't read your mind!


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35 minutes ago, Lee1977 said:



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