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Deck spindle won’t take grease

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Hey Team,


I have a 42” deck and I’m greasing the spindles for the first time.  2 of the three are refusing to take new grease.  I pulled the fitting off and confirmed that the fitting itself is not at fault.  Under the fitting is a fair bit of congealed grease.  I sprayed some PBlaster and got a column of aged grease back.  However when I attempt to add more grease to the spindle I’m stopped after one pump.  Any way to flush the spindle of the old stuff?

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I’ve had plenty of greaseables get clogged solid from lack of grease maintenance.  A little heat from a MAP gas torch and it should get soft enough to pass through again.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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This may not apply to your deck


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like pullstart said some heat and I have also put oil in the grease gun and pumped it into bearings then flush with new grease. 

Also, those spindles are pretty easy to take apart. 

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I had a spindle that wouldn't take grease and found that the hole was blocker per the service bulletin.

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points to @gwest_ca, that did it.   Thanks.

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peter lena

@Redav72   good follow up on that ,  thumbs up to all the members giving insight to the issue , also think its great that the original intent was to lubricate related bearings , keep it lubricated , pete

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12 hours ago, peter lena said:

@Redav72   good follow up on that ,  thumbs up to all the members giving insight to the issue , also think its great that the original intent was to lubricate related bearings , keep it lubricated , pete


Thanks Pete.  Hey I've been meaning to ask.  When you say "your preferred penetrating oil" for paint care, what is your preferred brand?

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peter lena

@Redav72   when dealing with any neglected paint , faded / chalky , my first thought is stopping whats going on , MARVEL MYSTERY OIL , is good , also like KROIL OIL, any penetrating oil in aerosol form , will quickly cut thru the grunge and get into seaming metal cinnections. let it sit a day , prefably in a heat  , sun ,  so the metal gets hot and draws in the lubricant . wipe that down clean cloth , do it again , those 2 coats will typically break thru the grunge , and you will notice a possible shiene breaking thru. like  a 6" electric palm buffer , with any cleaner wax , makes it easy / simple . try an experimental area , to see effects , and what  steps you did to get to shinny paint. once you find that , go at it in , small steps . also like 303  brand vinyl care , for plastic / seat  recovery . having done this many times , don,t even think about it , just do it , regularly wipe down my horses with clean  oil sprayed cloth , they just pop with color , very easy to do .  anything else , just ask , get shinny , pete 

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