zieg72 209 #651 Posted June 28, 2012 I like everything about it!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anglo Traction 761 #652 Posted June 28, 2012 And again the 'Hawkhurst Gang' (Google it) come's up with more ingenuity , Yes Ian , the the Fan Shroud look's fine . Good job you didn't take a pic of the Hood in 16:9 Widescreen, it would look even longer! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raider10 3 #653 Posted June 29, 2012 :woohoo: awesome dude! Cant wait to see it in the flesh next week when all us crackpot horse nuts meet up. Still not lookin forward the monotonous (wow! that was a big word for a friday night!) journey down though. see ya. Ian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #654 Posted June 29, 2012 I like everything about it!!! Thanks Carl And again the 'Hawkhurst Gang' (Google it) come's up with more ingenuity , Yes Ian , the the Fan Shroud look's fine . Good job you didn't take a pic of the Hood in 16:9 Widescreen, it would look even longer! Hi Richard, ah yes the Hawkhurst Gang, quite a notorious bunch!! Hawkhurst is also the birth place of the "Rootes Group" cars and Oxo gravy.. Hhhmmm.. A 16:9 widescreen photo... Now there's a thought I only managed a grab a little time in the shack today, got a little bit more done though. Carrying on with the belt guard, I was going to add a strengthening flange thingy to help stiffen what was a rather bendy guard.. Then I thought I might as well make the flange thingy a bit bigger and call it a footplate.. Some ribbed ally stuff fixed on top will make it strong. I decided to fit the KT engine cover as a fan cover on the front trans.. This end needed some of the steel I'd cut out welding back on to make it fit right. I wasn't too keen on how the cut down version looked, so the missing bit was also welded back on with a little trimming to clear the hood. I think it looks more er... "Factory" with the cover the shape it should be. A view from the front.. The fan cover won't be that noticeable when the machine is charging straight at you 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #655 Posted June 29, 2012 Yep, do it Ian...I bet that fan shroud will look OEM by the time you're done with it. :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #656 Posted July 1, 2012 Yep, do it Ian...I bet that fan shroud will look OEM by the time you're done with it. It be done Craig Bit of a small update even though plenty has been done on the ol girl today.. The belt guard has had some more work, mostly slowly welding it all up taking plenty of time to make sure nothing distorts with the heat.. A lower mount for the fan shroud has also been added.. Been a bit too busy to take any progress photos, but I did manage a few at the end of the day.. Sorry about the quality of the photo's, taken with my phone in a space not big enough to swing a camera!! Oh, did I mention the the 'orse has gained half it's legs today? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #657 Posted July 2, 2012 Howdo Chaps, it's been another busy day but not many photo's to show for it.. Doing small jobs such as extending the brake rod to the front trans by an inch, then extending it again by an inch... Only in the right place this time.. Finishing off with cutting the second extension off again and welding it back on at the right angle!! The belt guard had a tad more work done on it.. With a flange welded on to stop the base of the guard flexing about when it's taken off. Dash panel installed, I need to find something to block the two big hole that someone cut out! The big news for this update is the ol girl is back on all her wheels again Not much left to do til test drive time, here's a list.. 1 - Fill both trans'ssss with oil. 2 - Finish and install the exhaust + heat shield. 3 - A quick bit of wiring. 4 - A very quick bit of fuel pipe plumbing. 5 - Check the air pressures in the tires. 6 - Install the battery. 7 - Put some gas in the tank and go for a test drive.. If all goes to plan all 7 numbers should happen tomorrow For you delight and viewing pleasure here's Part 33 of the build video's.. It's only 1 day behind which isn't bad for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WH Raider10 17 #658 Posted July 2, 2012 Looking forward to see it drive again Ian! That will be a beast to work with! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Kuhn 1,573 #659 Posted July 2, 2012 Can't wait to see it drive again. I like the look of the fan shroud on there. Jake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ole MN 11 #660 Posted July 2, 2012 Ian, Can't wait to see it move and turn on it's own. I think you've nailed it this time. Good luck Brad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsholler 54 #661 Posted July 3, 2012 I think you should put a speedometer in the hole.. just for fun.. (check out SOI's post in ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #662 Posted July 3, 2012 Looking forward to see it drive again Ian! That will be a beast to work with! Thank you, it certainly feels like a beast while driving it Can't wait to see it drive again. I like the look of the fan shroud on there. Jake Hey Jake, you need wait no longer. The shroud looks even better now it's had a quick lick of paint. Ian, Can't wait to see it move and turn on it's own. I think you've nailed it this time. Good luck Brad Hi Brad, I've almost nailed it this time, I just need to make a couple of additions to get it to steer right. I think you should put a speedometer in the hole.. just for fun.. (check out SOI's post in ) Now there's a thought... Think I might be busy trying to hold on.. The ol girl does shift a bit It's been a busy day rushing about getting the ol girl ready for a test drive today. A few photo's. Pete giving the belt guard/fan shroud a quick lick of paint. Yep, the belt shroud/fan guard really is that long.. It might even be longer than the chassis! And a parked up back in the shack shot.. So what happened during the test drive I hear you ask? Well, quite a bit of driving, head scratching, tightening of drive belts, and playing with tire pressures.. The result was a WH that really wanted to turn but was still having belt slippage issues! I'm not quite sure what's going on with the wheel to wheel belts or why they are slipping despite the belts being a very tight, but I do have a plan I have two days to make a pair of tracks out of two ratchet straps, lot's of bent bits of steel, and some chain.. This could be interesting!! Enjoy today's video, introducing Nigel the local mower repair bloke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roscoemi 245 #663 Posted July 4, 2012 Hey Ian, just watched the video and a couple thoughts come to mind. There is no suspension per axle, so no way to distribute weight across a side of the tractor. There are three contact patches per side vs one with tracks. With tires in a turn, the side on the inside of a turn the front will rotate forward, the middle will stop and the rear will go backwards. With track there is one pressure point. I believe tire gription is overcoming belt gription. Have you tried putting the inside side of a turn in nuetral? The inside belts will still slip, but not against any pressure from the drive . :confusion-scratchheadblue: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #664 Posted July 4, 2012 Hey Ian, just watched the video and a couple thoughts come to mind. There is no suspension per axle, so no way to distribute weight across a side of the tractor. There are three contact patches per side vs one with tracks. With tires in a turn, the side on the inside of a turn the front will rotate forward, the middle will stop and the rear will go backwards. With track there is one pressure point. I believe tire gription is overcoming belt gription. Have you tried putting the inside side of a turn in nuetral? The inside belts will still slip, but not against any pressure from the drive . Howdo, I think the problem is I'm trying to turn 3 somethings big (tire) with somethings small. I'm asking too much from too smaller pulley! But if I were to turn the tires into pulleys..... Yep tracks.. Only a very quick update tonight, I'm totally shattered!! I thought I'd put up a sideways shot of the beast, as I've not really been able to get one until now.. What it does also show is the strap bit from a ratchet strap... During testing back in it's mono trans days some testing was done with with ratchet straps as tracks, and they did help rather a lot! So in a last ditch attempt to get this beast steering before the Ardingly show this weekend I'm making tracks from straps. The plan is to bolt some steel to the straps that curves down both sides of the wheels to help guide the straps.. Best get cutting this lot up.. Of course at this late stage of the game I've run out of new cutting discs, so I'm working my way through the used pile! Lot's of cutting and drilling some bit's later (Thanks to Nigel for the angle) we have this lot.. And a few more on the bench.. Some are made of angle, others of flat bar.. What ever I could get my hands on really. The flat ones will curve around the tires something like this... Not this one though, it's just for working things out. One of the bit's of angle cut and ready to be bent. These bent bits steel will be joined together on the sides by lengths of this smaller strapping stuff. As I said at the beginning of this post, it is a bit of a last ditch attempt.. It may work, it may not.. But I'm a stubborn old git and have to try :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neil 2,410 #665 Posted July 4, 2012 good luck with the tracks Ian I admire your perciverence Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 2,650 #666 Posted July 4, 2012 nightmare !!!! so close.... good luck for saturday Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bobie01 22 #667 Posted July 4, 2012 nice progress but have you already think to replace the belt by chains??this simple to realise an no slip Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jachady 130 #668 Posted July 5, 2012 It definitly looks like it works better than using brakes to turn. I think if you can get full power to all wheels you'll have this licked. Good Luck!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoreau 658 #669 Posted July 5, 2012 Glad to see both transmissions work as they should. with the tracks in place, I think you will have it licked! I think the tracks would hold up better then changing the belts to chains. Even if you don't get the tracks done in time, TAKE IT TO THE SHOW! It will still amaze people on what you built! You come way too far to not show it off a little. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
312Hydro 474 #670 Posted July 5, 2012 Good progress Ian! Have you thought about spraying the belts with belt dressing to increase the grip? Another thought might be to use cogged belts and pulleys, Good luck with the tracks, I'd definitely take it to that show ! To much effort not to show it off because we all know you'll get it sorted out :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wh1257 226 #671 Posted July 5, 2012 Looking forward to see it drive again Ian! That will be a beast to work with! Thank you, it certainly feels like a beast while driving it Can't wait to see it drive again. I like the look of the fan shroud on there. Jake Hey Jake, you need wait no longer. The shroud looks even better now it's had a quick lick of paint. Ian, Can't wait to see it move and turn on it's own. I think you've nailed it this time. Good luck Brad Hi Brad, I've almost nailed it this time, I just need to make a couple of additions to get it to steer right. I think you should put a speedometer in the hole.. just for fun.. (check out SOI's post in ) Now there's a thought... Think I might be busy trying to hold on.. The ol girl does shift a bit It's been a busy day rushing about getting the ol girl ready for a test drive today. A few photo's. Pete giving the belt guard/fan shroud a quick lick of paint. Yep, the belt shroud/fan guard really is that long.. It might even be longer than the chassis! And a parked up back in the shack shot.. So what happened during the test drive I hear you ask? Well, quite a bit of driving, head scratching, tightening of drive belts, and playing with tire pressures.. The result was a WH that really wanted to turn but was still having belt slippage issues! I'm not quite sure what's going on with the wheel to wheel belts or why they are slipping despite the belts being a very tight, but I do have a plan I have two days to make a pair of tracks out of two ratchet straps, lot's of bent bits of steel, and some chain.. This could be interesting!! Enjoy today's video, introducing Nigel the local mower repair bloke. think you need tractor tires Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeek 2,286 #672 Posted July 5, 2012 Love the details pics! You're a craftsman! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #673 Posted July 5, 2012 good luck with the tracks Ian I admire your perciverence Hi Neil, thanks for your kind words. My real motivation for pushing hard is so all you fine chaps can see this thing drive and turn as it should at Ardingly. nightmare !!!! so close.... good luck for saturday Hi Mark, yep so close and yet not that far now (I hope) I've just heard the weekends weather warnings on the radio, I think your doing the right thing heading south to the show. It sounds like your neck of the woods is going to get hit pretty hard! nice progress but have you already think to replace the belt by chains??this simple to realise an no slip Jeff Hi Jeff, yes chains and sprockets would certainly help with the problem, but at this moment in time changing from belts to chains is well out of my price range. Good progress Ian! Have you thought about spraying the belts with belt dressing to increase the grip? Another thought might be to use cogged belts and pulleys, Good luck with the tracks, I'd definitely take it to that show ! To much effort not to show it off because we all know you'll get it sorted out Hey Rich, I had a look at the price of cogged pulleys the other day.. If I had been sitting down I would of fallen of my chair!! Price wise they make chains look really cheap It definitly looks like it works better than using brakes to turn. I think if you can get full power to all wheels you'll have this licked. Good Luck!!! Your powers of sight are working well, even with the belt slippage the ol girl managed it's first 360'd turn in the garden. Glad to see both transmissions work as they should. with the tracks in place, I think you will have it licked! I think the tracks would hold up better then changing the belts to chains. Even if you don't get the tracks done in time, TAKE IT TO THE SHOW! It will still amaze people on what you built! You come way too far to not show it off a little. Hey Scott, yeah I was quite chuffed when both trans'sss worked as they should with no leaks from anywhere. think you need tractor tires Hi Vincent, I agree tractor tires would look better and give more traction, I just need to get the power to all of the wheels first! Love the details pics! You're a craftsman! Thanks Zeek. It's been another busy day in the shack, really cracking on with making the tracks. So not many photos again I'm afraid.. The chances of getting both tracks built and fitted in the timescale were very small indeed.. Until my secret weapon arrived in the form of a Garry! Here he is cutting the steel parts. Thank you Sir for all your help today Working out the spacing.. Much to our surprise it didn't take long to find all the nuts and bolts needed! Track one almost completed. Fitted!! I just need to finish fitting the white strapping. Track two well on it's way to completion, only four more steel hoops to fit.. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, I've other things I need to get sorted in the morning, but then I have a few hours in the afternoon to finish making and fitting the tracks.. I'm still not 100% sure these flimsy tracks will work, It's looking like it's next test drive will be when I go to load it on a trailer for Ardingly late tomorrow afternoon! "But what if the tracks don't work", you ask? Well it will be going on the trailer working or not, so yep Guys it will be at the show :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheeledhorseman 577 #674 Posted July 6, 2012 "But what if the tracks don't work", you ask? Well it will be going on the trailer working or not, so yep Guys it will be at the show Great stuff Ian, look forward to seeing it at the show. Hope the tracks work out ok in time but the timescale's made it a tall order so we'll all understand if it won't turn on a sixpence. Andy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pycoed 1 #675 Posted July 6, 2012 Just found this thread, or should I say saga! Two things strike me: you have to get all three wheels each side turning together reliably. The only way you are going to do this is with chains & sprockets. Anything else will certainly fail in mud. Relying on friction isn't going to do it on anything other than dryish grass. You could try timing belts & pulleys from a scrappy, but I don't think they are up to the job - a lot of torque on the output end of a gearbox. Bearing Boys list 3/4 chain sprockets (say 16 tooth) at £8 & duplex sprockets at £15. 2X £15 plus 4 X £8 & away you go. Bound to find some 3/4 chain from a scrappy? Second thing is the tyres have way too much air in them. Without suspension you only have sidewall deformation to ensure all three wheels stay in contact with the ground & can provide traction. I notice on the last video even on a nice flat grassy field that the directly driven wheels are tending to spin & place a lot of strain on the belts & pulleys. Argocats use about 2 psi in the tyres so letting yours down to that may be worth a try? Hell of a project though!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites