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416-8 trans

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what trans is in a 416-8 tractor im lookin at it but it doesnt feel like it goes in any gear when you move the shifter just curous what other trans would work

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Jdog, as far as I know any 8-speed with 1-1/8" axles should fit the 416-8. Before you junk the tranny you have, though, you might want to either take the shifter out and be sure the end didn't snap off, or open the tranny up to see if a shifter fork went south. Since you'll have to take the tranny off anyway, this might save you some money. :thumbs:

Duff :thumbs2:

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can whlvr

It is possible that your shifter set screw has backed off and the shifter has moved out of the forks,if your lucky you just realign the shifter in the forks and tighten the set screw,good luck.

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can whlvr

here is a pic of the bolt i am talking about


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can whlvr

can you pull your shifter out and take a pic i can only get it in 2nd or 3rd gear but the shifter comes up in the reverse and 1 spot and it is just a straight rod is there suposed to have a ball on it and what does the set screw look like mine has about a 3/16 to 1/4 haft on the end and the rest is threaded but luckally this and a loose hub is all thats wrong with it pics on the way

thanks for everyones help

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If you look at the picture above you can actually see the ball. It's machined on the end of the shifter just below a turned down section and you'd be able to tell by looking at the end of your shifter if it was broke off.

The set screw actually looks like this:


It should only have one

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my set screw looks just like that and here is pics of my shifter rod and the shifter on the hole with set screw tight





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the last picture is the shifter forks on either side its just a big open hole

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There's supposed to be a larger pivot ball fastened to the shifter by a roll pin through the hole the set screw is currently in. (the setscrew goes into the hole in the pivot ball)

There's a good possibility it's inside the tranz and it really should be removed.

I don't have a picture of a shifter but can get one if no one else has one.

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how hard is it to split the case i need a new gasket also or do gears go every were

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If you can get the right wheel hub and input pulley off easily, then it's a "piece of cake".

You will definitely need a new gasket for the case halves and you might even want to think about new axle/brake shaft/input shaft seals while you're that far.

If you separate the case halves slowly and carefully you shouldn't have any pieces flying across the room. :thumbs2:

(The Uni-Drive manual is available for download at Toro.com)

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heres a picture of what it looks like


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