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Greasing Mower Deck Spindles

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I just got a 416-8 and am trying to grease the mower deck. The deck was sitting for 2-3 years before I got it as the tractor was just used for plowing in the winter. When you pump the grease in, it should eek out and be visible. I was told to pump 10-15 pumps in and that should be good. I don’t see any grease coming out and I’ve pumped 25 times. Where is this grease going if I don’t see it? I was also told I can unscrew the zirk and try to clean out the old grease as much as possible. I have to wedge something on the blade side to stop the pulley from spinning, right? I have basic/general mechanical skills but am frustrated at what should seem to be an easy task ends up being more complicated and time consuming. Your advice is greatly appreciated!

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Turn the deck up sideways and look at the spindles where the blades attach, if everything is working right you will see all of your grease.

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There is no grease coming out of the spindles when I see underneath the mower deck

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Are you seeing any grease under any of the pulleys on top of the deck?


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Yes, now that I look, I see grease under the left and the right pulleys, but not the middle pulley.

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I'm not an expert on this, but normally the old grease is forced out of a couple of holes in the spindle cups, just above the blades in the area that @clueless mentioned.  I suspect your spindles are clogged, and the new grease is being forced through or past the pulleys above the deck.  My memory is really vague on this, but there's a simple procedure for clearing those spindles, and if you're lucky you won't have to take them completely apart.


See if your deck is listed here, it may help you solve your problem:

WH61-90 #391 Metric Spindle Grease Lock - Service Bulletins - RedSquare Wheel Horse Forum


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