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warren county new jersey garden tractor pulls

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well next tuesday in warren county at the fair ground is the garden tractor pulls. they are held early in the day redgistration ends at 9 am and pulls start shortly after.

hope to have a few fun pulls with my jacobsen and my dad on his big ol GT-18 sears.

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Have fun and good luck. We were supposed to have our pulls last night at the Gloucester County NJ 4-H fair but mother nature turned the pulling track into a mud pit. Hope you have better luck.

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the sky is clear and hopefully the track is dry. today is the day i see what my jacobsen is realy made of. I am pulling an old jacobsen cheif 1000 on 93 octane pump gas with max 104 octane boost added so hopeing i dont blow anything up.. and also running 10 PSI in the rear ags. i dont want to go to soft as the rears are tubed and a pain to retube.

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We got our pulls in on Saturday night. The fair committe worked with the club to make it happen. :thumbs: Took the wife, big mistake. While I watched the pulls she shopped............and shopped............... and shopped. :thumbs2: Good thing I brought the truck.

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in the 950 stock class AKA ag tire class i pulled 45.5 feet and was useing the stock hitch on the jacobsen that is set way to low for pulling as well the engine wasnt quite at top allowed RPM. in the 1050 class i picked a different line and went about 56 feet.

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need to build an adjusta hitch for pulling as well as a yank and pray handle for the clutch pedal.

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