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Wheelhorse WT-30 RJ-58 Tiller (k91 driven)
Vaughan32850, in Implements and Attachments
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I'm not positive of the model, but I think I'm close. Please call George at 517-499-5678
By 2drxploder
looking for a tiller for my 520h as well as some wheel weights. also maybe some good chrome hubcaps
located in charlotte nc area
By RJcollector
Ive been thinking about selling my 4 RJ-58s and all the attachments and parts I have. I have 4 tractors-2 have Kohler K91T , 1 has the Clinton and one has no engine. Only 1 is missing the serial number decal. Kohlers run. Clinton needs a carb. I have original exhaust shields AND belt guards for 3 of them. 3 mower decks, 2 plows, cart, 2 spare transmissions, parts breakdowns, original manuals and sale tags, seats, tires. Not sure if I should sell it as 1 big collection or break it up. And also a good starting price? I'll post pics when I get a chance. Thanks
By morePEdal
1989 Wheel Horse 520H
Selling my 1989 Wheel Horse 520H. It has hydro transmission and has hydraulic lift. I bought this tractor last November from the original owner with the intent to use it just in the winter. I have a 416-8 that I use for cutting grass, but also have a snow blade. I am selling this because I decided I want power steering so I bought a different garden tractor. I put in a new fuel filter, fuel lines, new spark plugs and oil was changed with a new filter put in. It has 115 compression on both cylinders. The carb needs work, but it does start and run. I no longer have room for it. 1790 hours.
I am in Germantown, Wisconsin.
Comes with:
-42” Deck
-Two- Single Stage Snowblowers, one is attached.
-Snow Plow
-Hard Top, Soft Sided Cab, in good shape
-Cast Iron Weights
-New Battery
-New Snowblower Belt
Price: $1100
Cross Posted.
By wh315-8
The RJ58 was the big hit for spectators this year at my local festivals here in Carroll County OH.
the children loved getting their pictures sitting on it, then they discovered the bicycle horn under the steering wheel. It’s always a joy even in parades. Just love showing off part of my collection every year and hearing all the stories from those that had WH in their lives at one time. Can hardly wait to get to retirement so I can get some of my other models back to their glory in working order and be able to attend other shows/festivals throughout the year. My fellow tractor enthusiasts always know when a spectacular starts asking about WH, they point in my direction. I study up on the history of the different models and always intrigue those that didn’t know much about how WH came to be. This website is one place that has helped me learn so much about the WH history and I thank you for sharing your knowledge that I am able to pass on to keep WH alive and well.