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Pony Express. (Sort of).

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It was my pleasure nORM. Do postal vehicles over there have the steering wheel on the wrong side like over here? :lol:

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Same as normal, mIKE. Steering wheel on the right. BTW. Package delivered by our young lady postie dressed all in Santa gear. :D

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OMG Norm...

Is Mrs. Claus a feminist icon? – The Hill

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I did not want to be Naughty at this time.  :UK:

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I did say, YOUNG.


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2 hours ago, Stormin said:

I did say, YOUNG.


You're as young as you feel nORM! :occasion-xmas:

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12 hours ago, squonk said:

It was my pleasure nORM. Do postal vehicles over there have the steering wheel on the wrong side like over here? :lol:

Only road sweepers over here,🇬🇧, have the steering wheel on the ‘Wrong’, (to us) side Sir. In fact some even  have dual controls, with a steering wheel, etc, on each side!!


“Merry Christmas” folks.   

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Sweepers  pavers and garbage trucks with dual controls. Mail trucks with steering on the right (WRONG SIDE). Everything else has left ( CORRECT SIDE) steering. Rual mail carriers have LH steering but sit in the RH seat. ( I have no idea on how they do it! )


Edited by squonk
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16 hours ago, Stormin said:

Same as normal, mIKE. Steering wheel on the right. BTW. Package delivered by our young lady postie dressed all in Santa gear. :D

So I guess Postal vehicles have the steering wheel on the WRONG SDE! :auto-swerve: :lol:

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58 minutes ago, squonk said:

Sweepers  pavers and garbage trucks with dual controls. Mail trucks with steering on the right (WRONG SIDE). Everything else has left ( CORRECT SIDE) steering. Rual mail carriers have LH steering but sit in the RH seat. ( I have no idea on how they do it! )


Before the UK left the EU, a directive was issued from Brussels that was supposed to bring us more in line with Europe. It required UK drivers to change over to driving on the “Right” side of the road, ( I think it was to save European manufacturers the cost and hassle of building right hand drive vehicles for a “smaller market). Vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes would change over on a specific date, but to minimise disruption, vehicles over 3.5 tonnes would change over a week later.🤔 Cyclists 🚴‍♂️though, could ride wherever they feel like, so no real change there it seems!!


Merry Christmas 🧑🎄 

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Cyclists ride all over the place here too. Both sides of the road, down steps, in mall and hospital corridors, sidewalks, beaches

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1 hour ago, ranger said:

Vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes would change over on a specific date, but to minimise disruption, vehicles over 3.5 tonnes would change over a week later.🤔 


  Now have I got this right, Doug? For the first week vehicles under 3.5T would be drive on the right? Over 3.5T would be driving on the left? After that all those that survived would drive on the right? Who where the bright sparks who thought that one up? :rolleyes:


  As for cyclists. I went into Cambridge once and once was enough. The supposedly educated university types were positively lethal. 


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2 hours ago, squonk said:

Cyclists ride all over the place here too. Both sides of the road, down steps, in mall and hospital corridors, sidewalks, beaches

In and around Portland Maine there are actual bike lanes.  

I kid you not... The bike lanes are used less than a sidewalk. 




17 minutes ago, Stormin said:

After that all those that survived would drive on the right? Who where the bright sparks who thought that one up?


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3 hours ago, Stormin said:

Who where the bright sparks who thought that one up? :rolleyes:


Probably one of the thousands of hidden projects in our recently adopted $1.7 trillion (with a t) omnibus spending package that the US Congress - both sides of the aisle - just gave to banks and unsavory lenders across the globe as a Christmas present. My great great great grandchildren will still be paying for it... but hey, Merry Christmas!!! 

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Hmmm... I wonder if she knows how to play the violin???

"Many a good tune can be played on an old fiddle !!"


Is Mrs. Claus a feminist icon? – The Hill

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