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Happy Veterans Day

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Much gratitude to all who have served. :USA:



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To all the veterans and active duty folk. 



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Thank you for your service...



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Thanks to all veterans. 

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953 nut

Veterans Day is an American holiday but we should honor all veterans from around the world that have helped to maintain freedom.

Veterans Day - Imgflip

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Thank you to all men and women who serve, have served, or even plan to serve!  It takes a strong will, strong mind, and wide shoulders indeed!  

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Thank you to all our Veterans and Service Men and Women.:clap:

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Ed Kennell

          See the source image


                                                        We are here enjoying our freedom because of your service.     Thank You 



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Thank you veterans.

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On Wednesday, my grandson's school sponsored a bring a veteran to lunch event. My grandson ask a good friend of mine Tim to join him. Tim went to the lunch and stopped on his way home to say hi. He said there was a WW2 vet there and got to talk to him about the time spent in the the airforce. Impressive to say the least.


In this day and age it is so easy to take for granted our freedom. Our men and women fought for us as well as others around the world. Action or not willing and ready.


I sure hope the schools continue this tradition as it is a genuine opportunity to know the story and to say thank you.




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Thank you for posting that @Pullstart.


Perhaps some of our leaders should watch it for a refresher course on why we have a military and how vital it and its members are to our continuation as a nation.



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I was not born in this land but have come to love it even more than where I was born, for the opportunities and the life that it has given me. I never forget that fact and think of it everyday for I knew something very different. The appreciation , respect and debt we all owe to our veterans is unmatched anywhere else in the world. How different would things be if it was not for their service ,dedication and sacrifice. We seem to forget about it often. When so we should take a look at all the cemeteries in Europe filled with American Soldiers that never came home. A sobering sight that will make us think as to what might have been had they not been there along with many others from many countries. I certainly would have not been here enjoying the fruits of their sacrifice. To them and all the Veterans,THANK YOU.

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