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Any metal lathe operators about? Southbend A9

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8 hours ago, Mickwhitt said:

Someone mentioned it not having a position indicator for thread cutting. 

It does have an indicator to start each pass with the tool at the same point on the lead screw. It swings in to contact the lead screw then you always hit the same start point with each pass.

A lot to learn to cut threads with this machine but it will be worth doing. 

Looks a lot better for the paint. 

Need to check it turns parallell before you commit to accurate work. Plenty of guidance on the Web how to do that. 

But it's definitely worth doing now it's been moved and reassembled. 

Happy turning and if you want any advice drop me a line. 



Still lots of gear yet to get before its fully useful for me, like dead and live centers, various cutters, bits, different chucks, etc… hoping to find an estate sale or similar to be able to not have to pay retail for all the little odds and ends.

But I did manage to cut a couple threads with it already (thanks to youtube tutorials) 


spent the last few days making adjustments. When I fired it up, it sounded like it did before, but just seemed a bit louder then it should.


gear lash adjustments, and belt tension, adjustments etc and its pretty quiet now. 


I did order a DRO set up for it, so that should help immensely especially for a novice like myself.

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A metal lathe is a wonderful thing!! and an old South Bend in good condition is a winner!!


Re the DRO, I have one on my 13/36" SB and i would suggest - again! - going to you tube and get some insight/feel/ideas on setting it up - after all it IS a very precision tool and setting it up can be a pill. I was fortunate enough to have my "guru" machinist buddy to help with mine and watching him get that thing dialed in was ..... well, I was glad he was there!! Geez, I'd sure hate to lose that feature on the lathe, its a great addition.


By the way --- you sure got that old boy looking good:handgestures-thumbupright:

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