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Found 79 results

  1. Have a C-81 with a 48" Snow Plow, the current Steel Bottom Scrapper Blade is on it's last season..... I have noticed as of late that quite a few folks are installing the POLY blades..... I plow a 100' macadam driveway and my concern and/or question is how well and how DURABLE are these blade. I did install feet on my existing steel blade plow (see pics) to limit the normal wear. Thanks for you input
  2. Redtickuleez

    My New d180/wife upsetter

    Hello gentlemen!!! I recently bought a d180 with loader and backhoe. Im looking for serial number.. there is a plate under the steering wheel but its been pajnted over and i can make it out. Can y'all tell me another location and was this tractor pruchased originally with these attachments and any info would be greatly appreciated... Thanks fellow Wheel Horse enthusiasts !!! !! !!!
  3. Aaron Coffman

    "Pond" Wheel Horse Walk Behind

    Hi Red Square Community, I am looking into purchasing the below pictured "POND" Walk Away. The unit itself has the cast in “POND” on the chain reduction housing. The two main things I am looking to learn are what value is typical for these to sell for. This one has a Briggs & Stratton model “N” engine. It runs and drives, but the throttle linkage needs some adjusting. It comes with a cultivator and plow implement. Secondly, I was wondering if there is any way to determine what year specifically this Pond is from. The seller believes late 1940s and not 1950s. I am new to these machines, so I am looking for some guidance. Thank you in advance!
  4. i know that there is ebb and flow with market conditions, but I have been seeing bargain 520 and c-160 prices more common. I recently saw a c-160 like model on a place other than here that was close by, but i did not get a chance to see it as I was still on a medical tether getting care. i say c-i60 like model because it was a series of numbers like 4455 or somesuch .Tractor had the k series engine clearly a sixteen HP and came with a decent looking deck and pusher blade. i called my buddy Jay and told him for the $250 ask , he better hustle after it. i really do not know if he did. I also have been seeing 520s and such lower than I can remember as well as the D series..My theory is that people experiencing paycheck to paycheck living are increasing in number. You even are seeing a lot more older trucks like square bodies and especially big blocks than you did before. we used to see this a lot in new trucks when fuel prices hit records. i am not claiming expert status on this, but it seems to be trending this way one county next to indiana and 90 miles North of the Ohio River. Tell me what you are seeing out there and what you think. Edit: Jay and I ran up to buy Bob Ellison's tractor in MI. Bob was very nice to deal with and included his "last seat" I got super lucky buying my first C-160 that did not start and another one shortly dropped in to keep it company. The tractor described above was listed for only two days and was gone
  5. Just curious what is the heaviest for a future project.
  6. Hi Guys, has anyone put the 3/4 inch Thrust steering bearings on your Wheel Horse Tractors. I recently did an install for a customer on a John Deere and i have to admit was easy to do and no mods required. My biggest concern will the thrust bearing fit and the will stock top clip fit back on with no mods . Thanks
  7. DerrickH

    312-8 Headlights

    Still learning about my WH 312-8. Where do i start looking to figure out how to get headlights to work without buying new lights right away?
  8. Well, this has been a nightmare and a blessing the past week. I was scrolling across Facebook marketplace and came across a tractor I had never seen nor known about. I have(as far as I know) all advertisement and manuals on the Work Horse line and had never seen a RR-832! Even after doing a lot of online research, barely anything seems to be known about these. I found one manual that includes A-81/A-111/ and mentions the RR-832. Anyways, I attempted to contact the person selling the Work Horse on Facebook and purchase, however she thought I was a "scammer" and didn't really want the tractor. Within 30 min it was listed as sold So, I started doing everything I could to track another one down. I found just ONE example on Youtube, and that gentleman sold the unit years ago. I found another SINGLE example on this forum, however it was slightly customized and the owner hasn't been active for awhile. What to do now? Well...buy a A-111! I put out a post looking for a RR-832(Still willing to buy a true one with cash in hand from any state) and a young man offered the below A-111 for $150. I couldn't complain with that price! So, we worked out a deal, I had him payed, and I set up shipping. Four days later it was sitting in my driveway. I'm going to go through the process of "converting" the A-111 to the RR-832. Give me some good luck If anyone has any information on the Work Horse, I would greatly appreciate it!
  9. Have a wheel horse 314 8 speed. Ran then would quit, but had gas and spark. Ran good when it ran.seems like an electrical issue. Can i disconnnect some stuff to manually start it, and bypass any cutoffs? Or switchs that may be bad?.
  10. msdhomeplans@gmail.com

    Carburetor Replacement

    Hi I am trying to resurrect my fathers 1966 wheel horse lawn ranger. I have gas leaking from the carburetor and I need a replacement. I can not seem to find any accurate resources for the correct one needed. Here are the specs for the tractor. I am also in need of a seat for it if you know which work for this model. Thanks in advance! Model Number L 156 Serial # 219222 Wheel Horse Lawn Ranger L-156 Tecumseh H60 gasoline 1-cylinder air-cooled Displacement: 221 cc 13.53 ci Bore/Stroke: 2.625x2.50 inches 67 x 64 mm Power: 6 hp 4.5 kW Starter volts: 12
  11. First post on this site. Any info would greatly be appreciated. Looking for information on this Raider 12, picture has model and SS#. It has a Kohler engine, mowing deck and cultivator. It was my parent’s and I used growing up mowing yards and plowing tobacco. Around 1990, dad replaced motor with original short block and replaced mower deck. Mower has not been used in 20 years, but the 3 blades turn freely. Tractor has been sitting in shed and not ran in 5 years. Motor turned over with jumper cables but did not start. The Cultivator plow has had some metal added to place Concrete block for weight, that dad and I added. I don’t know if I should sale for scrap metal or for someone to restore. Any recommendations?
  12. Here’s a walkthrough video I took today.
  13. Hey everyone! Long time forum reader, first time poster! I just picked this blower attachment up last night for free! Thought it may fit one of my Wheel Horse tractors but once i got it home i was not so sure. I have a 1986-87 - 212-6 and a 1970's C-100. Both have all the parts needed to attach a mower deck. I have no idea how this one would attach to either, it may be missing parts? It does not have any model/serial numbers on it so i was having a hard time finding the manual that goes with it. I also do not know if it was modified at any point, the man i got it from did not know what it came off and my best guess is it came with the house he said he moved into 1 year ago. Thanks for the help!
  14. Getting just a LITTLE cabin fever so decide to make a Wheel Horse shop clock out of an old engine shroud and discarded wall clock. Mission was to not buy anything (leave home) and getter done..... Happy with the results..... plus I can now tell what time it is in the shop at a glance.....
  15. WildHorses

    Another 420-LSE Find

    Found a 420-LSE this morning. This one doesn't have the serial on the hood and the tag is faded beyond reading it. It's in pretty rough shape but I think it will clean up ok with some touch up work here and there. This one is going to my dad, I think he was pretty happy to get it. I bought it from a lady who's husband had passed away. If anyone knows of any previous pictures of this tractor anywhere let me know I'd love to find out what number it is. It appears that the flag stickers have been on the hood for a while so I'm hopeful that maybe the previous owner posted some somewhere although based on how he took care of it he may not have known what he had. Very thankful I snagged the chrome 420 PTO loop that I saw on ebay a few months back as this one will need it. Anyone have any original decals they want to sell??
  16. Hello, I am currently nearing completion of the restoration of my Wheel Horse 702 and I am finding parts that I am missing including a starter belt cover, brake guard, seat, deck height adjuster and possibly a new steering wheel. If anyone can point me in the direction to find them I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
  17. horse175Mich

    C175 For Sale

    Awesome condition C 175 V twin for sale... $1600 obo.. Starts on first click of starter every time! 52" mower deck , hydraulic lift Hydrostat trans wonderful tractor!
  18. Cobra


    Looking for some collectors here in Belgium.. I am from Pennsylvania but have been living here in Brussels for 3 years.. I have my Collection back in Pa. but I am looking to ad to it with things from here.
  19. Ok folks I can't say enough about Wheel Horse and More. They helped me get the correct parts I needed. Great customer service and with fast shipping. I will be checking there website for parts I need, if they have it will buy from them. Check them out their fantastic people to work with!!!!!!!
  20. Elijah’s Wheel Horse 417A

    Wheel Horse 417-A

    Hello all, I recently inherited a Wheel Horse 417-A from my Late Grand-Father. It has been leaking from the Oil Pressure Sensor and I can’t seem to find this particular sensor anywhere If you could give me some leads that would be great! The engine is a KT17 Series II it smokes right under the muffler coming from the sensor i would like to fix it as it has the mowing deck, 2 Tillers, snow plow/dozer, snow blower, and 2 cabs this tractor is very centimental to me and it runs amazing other than this little part!! Also if you could provide any information on this particular model that would be great! Thanks!
  21. johnnymag3

    Set em' up Saturday

    Line them up, set them up, Stage them up....its set em' up Saturday....Show off your Horses
  22. elicountryboy1996

    Proper belt for Wheel Horse c161 Auto Hydro

    I have recently acquired a Wheel horse C-161 Automatic Hydrostatic, and I noticed what seems to be the drive belt is missing some chunks so I am wondering what is the proper belt to fit it, and if it is indeed the drive belt, It runs from where the shaft comes out on the side to the rear of the tractor,
  23. Scottwilson

    Hello from Kent UK 512-D owner

    Hi all I’ve just acquired my first Wheel horse and it’s a 1986 512-D with the Robins Diesel engine from what I can see it was a one year only model into Europe. Any info anyone can give me would be great .
  24. Can any one tell me what this is, other than just a Wheel Horse? The identification badging is missing, unless I am missing where it may be. The engine is a 14 horse Kohler, it is a hydro (both drive and deck lift), but other than that I am not sure about year/ model/ type of hydro drive/ if the hydro drive is one I can tap into for other hydraulic attachments such as lifts (3 point), etc... Thank you in advance to all you WH guru's, Darren P.S.-Is there a good way to get the steering wheel off without breaking it as I have another good one on the machine next to it.
  25. Thinking about trying a foot pedal throttle on my WH, Has anyone ever tried it and how did it work out? Thanks!
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