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Found 14 results

  1. D_Mac

    Another "Other Brand"

    Well here I am again. In the " other brand " section of a Wheel Horse Forum. Its like my own little section down here. Picked this up today. Went to look at it last week made an offer and it was turned down. He called me today to see if I still wanted it. I always " want" I just never " need". So I went and got it. International Harvester Cub Cadet 106. Not exactly sure of the year. 1969 - 1971. It was owned by the same family since brand new. Father bought it new passed it down to his son. They each owned it roughly 25 yrs a piece. It is in some desperate need of some loving but I think it is in OK shape. All original Has a 10hp Kohler. 42 inch mowing deck, and a 42 inch snow blower. Has chains under the seat but I am not sure if they are tire chains as I have not pulled them out to see. Has original manuals. Runs and drives. It is a TANK ... very heavy. It is covered in greasy dirt. Need to clean it see where its coming from. Engine dosnt smoke when starting or running. This is my first tractor with a shaft drive and it also has disc brakes which is also a first for me. I hosed it down to clean off some old grass clippings and mud and oil and grease . After that I couldnt get it started but I am assuming its because I hosed it down good and coil wire wet. Fingers Crossed it will fire right up in the AM as it had previously done several times beforehand . I look forward to all your comments, opinions, advice....etc. May have paid a little more then I wanted too. Your opinion on its value as it sits I would like to hear as well. You know I will posting pictures of its progress as I try to fix it up some. I still need to go over it and see what I think it needs. The ratchet strap was just there to hold the deck up level. it was missing an R clip to hold it in place. I already put new clip in and its fine now.
  2. Well I got a phone call this AM about someone wanting to buy my homemade tractor. Guy said he would be over in 30 mins to see it. Meet him out by my garage and I opened the door and he was excited to see it full with tractors. I learned that he wanted to use the Homemade to plow several driveways with it. I explained to him that it really wasnt the tractor for that and should look at the Simplicity or my new to me Cub Cadet. I pushed all four tractors out into the driveway. Gave him the history of each one. He wanted to drive the Cub so I started it up showed him how to operate it. he drove it down my driveway out into the street where he stopped and tried all the gears and reverse. Made a few passes up and down the street. Now he turned back into my driveway and headed towards the garage were he proceeded to smash right into the homemade tractor and T-Boned the Lambert. I thought he was going to ride over the Lambert and through the neighbors fence. He was panicking I jumped over and killed the engine. WOW cant believe what I just saw !!! At first I didnt see much damage. Paint was scratched, small dent in the rear fender on the Lambert. I though no big deal. The guy felt awful about it. Said his fault and would pay. i told him dont worry about it. I would repaint the scratches no big deal on the small dent. So after he left I started pushing all the tractors back into the garage. I get to the lambert and go to push it this is what I discovered......... U G H H H H H H H !!!!!!! Never ocured to me to look at the other side. He pushed it up against the curbing on my driveway. I only had 2 of the three wheel bolts in because I cant find a third. I do not know if that helped it or hurt it. I am relieved the fenders didnt get damaged. The hubs didnt get damaged. Looks like just the rim. I called him back, he came over to look and I decided that 100 bucks be fair. Now I do not know anything about rims or how to get a new one the correct size..... lug pattern.... center hole ... the offset..... i understand none of it. Did I say U G H H H H !!!!!!! yet ? I know you guys can help me. Where do I start?
  3. Thanks for the input so far. Nothing has worked!?? I have a WH 91-16KS01 1979 C-161 HYDRO. Kohler K341AS Spec # 71246A Original belt which was supposed to have been new earlier this year, was running off idler pulley. Found this this to be true because I smelled it rubbing on belt cover and wittnessed it running off idler. As per 4 suggestions I have received so far, nothing is working. Have new idler pulley, spring and 2 different size belts. NEW: 2 new belts. One 84" and one 82" as per conflicting numbers from dealer and this forum. Tried both sizes, 82" absolutely too SMALL. The 84" WALKS off New idler pulley and new spring. 83" goes on but will not allow disenagement of lever and walks off idler as well. Have tried every possible combination. New idler pulley IS installed correctly so as to line up with pump pulley. Linkage bars have all new spacers and shims to eliminate this as possible problem. Bought the tractor earlier this year for winter snowblowing only. So far new/used transaxle last month. Now while dealing with this belt issue I noticed it was getting hard to start after first start up. While banging my head on the wall behind me in "belt" frustration I have now noticed what appears to be a blown head gasket. Something else to be dealt with once "belt issue" is resolved. I certainly appreciate ANYTHING I may be overlooking on this belt issue.
  4. Version .jpg


    List of various belt Lengths and Widths text Chart belt Belts sorted by part number pdf 4 pages 458KB Belts sorted by belt section (cross section) pdf 4 pages 422KB


  5. Goldann520


    Well guys, I guess it's so long! Someone bought my JD 212 yesterday, and couldn't refuse the money for my 520 today.😣 I am no longer a wh owner, so doesnt feel right hangin' out with you guys. Thanks Terry good luck all. See you down the road.
  6. zanepetty

    how to run throttle and choke cables

    Does anyone have any good pictures of where the throttle and choke cable goes on my 753? I'm thinking one runs over the head and the other goes under the engine shround but I can't remember for sure. Any pics or help is appreciated. Also does the little hooked spring on the govenor arm go through the notch on this disc? Thanks in advance.
  7. zanepetty

    nelson or stanley muffler

    Ive decided I'm putting a new vertical muffler on my tractor. Has anyone had any experience with Stanley or nelson mufflers? Those are the two I'm interested in. Thanks
  8. We are only a couple of weeks away and I am getting really excited to be able to host our 4th Annual Event! Here are some final details that need to be covered before our big day arrives: Parking: Our field out behind the golf cart business is now home to a new barn that is being constructed. So this area is unavailable for our use. We will have you park just east of the elevator and will have a couple Gators running back and forth to give folks a ride back to the property. It isn't far at all, just thought it would be nice to help you out a bit. Only those that are arriving the night before (Friday) will be allowed to park across the street next to the golf cart business. We CAN NOT park between the golf cart business and elevator.....too many semis had a hard time getting through last year. Show area: Will continue to be in the center circle. Please pull in on the west end of the circle drive, unload on the property and then park down across from the church and just east of the elevator. Signs will be out to help mark the proper areas. Swap Meet area: Will start at the barn on the north side of the driveway and will head down toward the east. This area is not for general parking but for swap meet items only. Our swap meet area continues to grow with many awesome deals going on throughout the day. Food: Food will be provided once again by the Miller family. They will have things for you to buy throughout the day. We will try and make sure that coffee is ready to go for the early morning arrivals. I can't thank them enough for taking on this huge task of keeping everyone fed. I am sure they will have their awesome pies yet again this year for all of us to enjoy. Show T-shirts: Are for sale again this year. I am really pleased with the design and the quality of shirts are always a good one. I am only taking pre-orders for the shirts and might have just a couple extra shirts on hand the day of for sale. Since this expense is coming out of my pocket, I can't afford to have extra shirts laying around after the show has completed. Get your orders in now. More information can be found here: Plowing: Having the opportunity last year to plow in the field was a big hit with all of the folks in attendance. The farmer that owns the field said that if the crops have been removed prior to the show that we will be allowed to play with the machines again out there. It was a big hit with those in the community and the workers at the elevator. They all were impressed with what our little red tractors could do. So if interested, please throw in a plow and be prepared to play out in the field. Raffle and Show Meeting: We will have our raffle at 2 p.m. in the barn (if we all can fit). I am in desperate need of some items to be raffled off for this year's event. A few of you have been so kind to chip in and provide some nice prizes for the cause. Remember that 100% of the proceeds that are raised from this go directly to St. Baldrick's Foundation in honor of the late Max Nunn. For more information on this little hero and what he means to this forum please read the following thread: In the meeting we will also be talking about some possibilities for the future and I need as many of you there as possible to help with some logistics. Tractor games: If I can get some things organized, I would like to have a couple of tractor games available throughout the day. I might need some helping hands to be able to pull this off. Address of the show site: If you need the address or directions to the show site, please send me a private message. Since the show is being held on my parents property, I don't like to paste the address all over the web. Restroom: There will be a port a potty on site again this year. Please again understand that this is the family property and traffic through the house needs to be kept at a minimum. Camping: There are a few folks that are coming the day before and will be camping out. You are more than welcome to join them and if the weather cooperates we will try and have a bon fire this year. Please let me know ahead of time if you are planning on camping. Local Lodging: If you are wanting a place to stay over night. Feel free to check out these local places. http://www.google.com/hotels/?gl=US&cu_link=1#search;l=Warsaw,+Indiana;q=warsaw+in+hotels;d=2013-09-22;n=1;si=;av=r Seating: We will have seating and tables in the barn for you to enjoy fellowship and a time to relax and eat. I would highly encourage you to throw in a lawn chair because the weather is going to be beautiful this year! Safety, safety, safety!!!!!: All ages are encouraged and welcome to attend. Please understand that the show property is right next to a country road where some locals feel the need to see how fast they can get their 4 cylinder going in a small stretch. If you have children attending, please keep an eye on them as I would hate for a horrific accident. Please be careful with all of the machinery. This show has turned in to a great thing for our family. We don't want the fun to stop. Goal: Last year we topped the 160 tractor mark for the first time. I am really hoping that we can hit the 200 mark this year. I need your help in doing this. This show is open for ANY brand of tractor and we encourage all to attend. So please tell your non Wheel Horse friends to load up their machines so that we can admire some of the history of lawn and garden tractors. Thank you again to all of you that make the huge sacrifice to attend our show. We completely understand that we all have busy schedules, high gas prices, etc. get in the way. We are honored that you are willing to spend the day with us. For those of you that are new to the forum, this is a great venue to meet many of the folks here on the forum in person. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am looking forward to seeing all of you once again!
  9. Crown Vic P71

    Been a While

    Well I finally got to go to my first show today with the help of Brrly1 and I got to say it was super great! I talked to and met other people and with the help of a good friend Carl, I got to get my C125 running for the first time since January this year!!!! The spool valve blew the seals and I thought there was no hope until I met Carl and Brrly1 who helped me get the parts, get it fixed, and invited me then took me to my first show. I just want to say thanks to these great guys and all of the other Wheel Horse people. I have felt very welcome in this hobby. Probably the best hobby in the world!!! Now, I look foreword to many more shown and friends!!
  10. So awhile back I posted a topic called " Modification Dilema" where I asked whether or not I should cut the fenders on my 1054 to accommodate some taller tires. In the end I ended up cutting the fenders, only to realize later that the tire were way to damn tall as they stood at 32" compared to the factory 26/27". About a month later the 12hp Kohler I had put on it started to smoke like a chimney and I knew it was time for a total redo of the machine. Jump to a couple weeks ago I began pulling it all apart for a fresh coat of paint, newer 16hp twin Briggs, swapping the 4 lug hubs for a pair of 5 lugs, and finally a set of 26x12x12 Ags. The engine proved to be the biggest challenge as it was way longer and wider than the original Kohler. For the width I bolted on a piece of angle to the side of the frame, but for the length I had to make brackets to extend the 50# grill 5" ahead. For extra support and to have a place to bolt on the hood I ran a piece of 1" flat stock from the grill to the tower. With all the modifications came a drastic new look. Let me know what y'all think. If I ever get decals made up for it I'm gonna call it a Wheel Horse 1054 "Low Boy"
  11. Ok, When I was a kid, my step-dad bought us a "Wheel Horse" snowmobile, which was built like a tank rode real smooth, but slower than most others (it was older) I loved it though. Any way since then I always wanted a Wheel Horse but had no reason to buy a tractor until I bought my acreage a couple years ago which I found a 1985 417-A, love it howver I ma seeing nice looking 500 series and "c" series for sale. Can any one explain the difference between the "C" series, 300, 400 and 500 series besides the motor size. Is it worth upgrading to a 520 or 518? I like the looks of the "c" do they perform the same as the 400. Is the 300 series the same tractor except for the engine? Or what is your favorite and why? Just curious. Thanks
  12. I worked on my early production RJ35 today. Removed the NOS Schnacke recoil starter that didn't grip anything when you pulled on the handle. It was cleaned up on the inside and reinstalled and works as it should. The little Kohler has alot of compression! I hope it will run. I cleaned and reinstalled the rear hitch assembly. Remounted the original front tires and rims. They haven't been mounted in 5 or 6 years! Definetly gives it an old look now. I used four old bolts to mount the engine to keep it looking old school. Does anybody have one of these old style kill switches that match my holes in the back of the hood? I'd like to buy one if you have one available? Thanks...Keith
  13. Got board this weekend after taking 3 weeks off from taking care of my sick wife. She's a little better now so I snuck out for a quick wrench session! I wanted to see if I could clean up the old rusty frame, I think I see good red paint under the rust! So I went to work on it to bring back some of the original red paint from 1955! This is the early production model with the gas tank on a steel frame. This is probably the 2nd batch of RJ's the Pond's built that year, since it doesn't have the aluminum steering wheel. Dang, look at all the nice old paint under that rust!! Gotta love it! It looks like the seat and steering wheel are painted black. I have the original front tires and rims and I'll have to clean them up, they are covered in rust too, have to take a peek at whats under there next! Guess I'll leave it in original condition now, just spray it with oil!! I'll clean up the rest later to see what paint is left. How's it look fella's? Hammerhead
  14. Raider10

    c105 ammeter bounce.

    ::Just thought i'd update everyone on my ammeter bounce fault. Went into garage straight after tea tonight to recheck all my wiring and connections etc. Bunged some juice in to tank and fired it up. The ammeter was bouncin all over the place as before. I decided to disconnect the rectifier to check the ac output but didnt need to go any further as it carried on bouncing about with no stator connected. I then pulled the wires off the ammeter and it still bounced about. Looks like a faulty ammmeter. never known a faulty one before, you learn summat knew every day. thanks to everyone who offered their help. Going on ebay now to look for new one. Cheers. Ps. heres a pic of the offending article nearing completion, just rear fender to paint and seat gubbins to sort out. gonna start on snow plough then. the front mounting is already in place ready for test fitting.
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