Well, i had a particularly high 'body count' of pieces of trash at yesterday's mowing. 4 coffee cups, 1 aluminum beer can, an ash tray full of butts, and my personal favorite, an Arby's bag complete with at least 25 containers of Arby's sauce. i usually just mow it down, but mowing over a plastic bottle of Mountain Dew with liquid inside might just be urine......
One time, years ago, I was mowing and a cup of ice came at me from behind and narrowly missed my head. i carried a gun for a time after that, but later decided that it would be my luck that even a .22 could over penetrate and hurt someone. Besides that , once the threat is over, i would be breaking the law big time. You get the same thing riding a motorcycle with tailgaters harassing you, but a windshield washer pumping mineral oil backs them off in a hurry.
My 100 yards of side ditch looks like a lawn and it is not easy to mow as Fescue takes power to cut. then these jerks show up and use my place for a garbage can