Today I thought I would try to get the Tecumseh HS50 in the RJ35 to run. It ran before I installed it but nothing since. I about janked my arm off trying to get it to run last evening. Well, what could be the problem .... it's got fuel (starting fluid too), It's got compression, and I see spark. Fuel and compression for sure ... lets go for a spark failure. First thought was "flywheel key". Flywheel almost just fell off. I put a screwdriver behind it and did not even have to put any pressure on it and the flywheel was off. Yep.... this is the problem ... a loose flywheel and sheered key. NOPE ... key not sheered, just a little offset. Now to the points ... cover not on correct. Point connector block not properly installed. So I fixed that problem and cleaned and gapped the points. Put it back together with a new flywheel key. Rotated the flywheel by hand and there was good spark at the plug. With it all back together a few pulls had it running. So it was something with the points but nothing too obvious. Now that it runs I installed a muffler support. Exhaust is made from ¾" electrical conduit. Now another small problem .... oil leaving the crank seal. Easy fix ...I hope! And..... do I need this primer bulb? The carb has a choke and I'm not running it in the winter. I was going to just cap off the nipple. The motor is from a snowblower. That's it for now. Thanks for listening, Joe .