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Found 43 results

  1. bigbuck

    RJ 35 transaxle and fenders

    I'm not positive of the model, but I think I'm close. Please call George at 517-499-5678
  2. RJcollector

    Value of RJ collection

    Ive been thinking about selling my 4 RJ-58s and all the attachments and parts I have. I have 4 tractors-2 have Kohler K91T , 1 has the Clinton and one has no engine. Only 1 is missing the serial number decal. Kohlers run. Clinton needs a carb. I have original exhaust shields AND belt guards for 3 of them. 3 mower decks, 2 plows, cart, 2 spare transmissions, parts breakdowns, original manuals and sale tags, seats, tires. Not sure if I should sell it as 1 big collection or break it up. And also a good starting price? I'll post pics when I get a chance. Thanks
  3. How can you tell the difference between a 1955 RJ and a 1956 RJ, 1957 RJ? Tom
  4. wh315-8

    Two more shows down

    The RJ58 was the big hit for spectators this year at my local festivals here in Carroll County OH. the children loved getting their pictures sitting on it, then they discovered the bicycle horn under the steering wheel. It’s always a joy even in parades. Just love showing off part of my collection every year and hearing all the stories from those that had WH in their lives at one time. Can hardly wait to get to retirement so I can get some of my other models back to their glory in working order and be able to attend other shows/festivals throughout the year. My fellow tractor enthusiasts always know when a spectacular starts asking about WH, they point in my direction. I study up on the history of the different models and always intrigue those that didn’t know much about how WH came to be. This website is one place that has helped me learn so much about the WH history and I thank you for sharing your knowledge that I am able to pass on to keep WH alive and well.
  5. I've started the rebuild of my RJ58 and the CBR32 sickle bar that fits it. I've been collecting parts for it for a few years so I thought I'd get started on it. I didn't take many pics of the tear down, mostly just close ups for reference. I've got the engine tore down and cleaned up, ready to go to the machine shop. This one will get bored .010 and the crank will be turned .010. I got the parts for the engine today so I'll be able to take it to the shop this week. While it's at the machine shop I'm going to have them bore and tap the exhaust port to 3/4" N.P.T. Any opinions on which rim is correct for the RJ would be appreciated I picked up new blades for the sickle at the show in Le Sueur last year, I finally got those changed. Now I need to get it and a bunch of small parts sent to be plated.
  6. 2,165 downloads

    Operator manual Illustrated parts list 6 pages 3.73MB Illustrated parts list #A-7136 Includes PSB #023 #052 #058 #060 #080 10 pages 938.48KB Engines used according to Toro Clinton B1290-1107 Kohler K91-31307A Kohler K91-31388A Electric start kit Electric starter kit model EC-35 for Clinton engine - Listed for 1958 and 1959 Electric starter kit model EK-35 for Kohler engine - Listed for 1958 and 1959 6-12 tire chains model TC-12 - Listed for 1958 and 1959 Seat cushion Foam rubber with imitation leather cover model FC-24 - Listed for 1958 and 1959 Transmission drive belt 1567 - (4L x 29" or 1/2" x 29") Details & Attachments 2 pages 107.33KB 1958 model RJ-58 1958 serial numbers that have shown up for the RJ-58 Early models used Kohler K90T-27107D equipped with a Schnacke recoil unit with a backup rope starter contained under the recoil assembly and an oil bath air filter. 00005 00251 01099 - No casting date on trans. Leather gearshift boot, large, round rear wheel hubs, "slab" hitch, replacement engine 01188 - Has round rear wheel hubs 01516 01768 01789 - No casting date on trans. Leather gearshift boot, 3-ear triangular rear wheel hubs, "slab" hitch, Clinton engine with Schnacke recoil 01797 01871 02525 03177 03501 - Located in UK 03796 - Kohler K90T-27107D with serial 364044 equipped with a Schnacke recoil unit with a backup rope starter contained under the recoil assembly and an oil bath air filter. 04883 04885 05000 05619 05714 05798 06528 - May be 16528 06749 06771 07633 07649 - Transmission J12-8 October 12, 1958 07725 08440 08612 09284 09337 - Hard to read 10163 11432 11628 - # 3521 spline gear with 10 splines changed to 11 splines in 5003 and 5010 transmissions at serial # 11628 PSB #023 11916 12221 - B3-9 trans casting date - Kohler K91 engine with Schnacke recoil 12291 14473 14713 16097 16528 - May be 06528 166x6 16868 - F4-9 trans casting date - Kohler K91 engine with Fairbanks recoil, solid pan seat without holes 18348 June 2023 18500 and lower Late 1958 units came with a Kohler K-91T-31307A equipped with a Schnacke recoil unit with a backup rope starter contained under the recoil assembly and an oil bath air filter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Details & Attachments 2 pages 106.94KB 1959 model RJ-59 1959 serial numbers that have shown up for the RJ-59 Early 1959 units came with a Kohler K-91T-31307A equipped with a Schnacke recoil unit with a backup rope starter contained under the recoil assembly and an oil bath air filter. 18501 and up - Possible 1100 units built 20078 - Located in UK 203xx 21033 292xx 21900 - 1960 Suburban 400 began production at serial #21900 somewhere around Aug-Oct 1959. Late model RJ-59 tractors with a Kohler would have a K-91T-31388A with the Fairbanks recoil starter and paper air filter element. The 31388A was also used on the 1960 Suburban 400. K91T-31388A Serial 425251 found on RJ-59


  7. Has anyone got a WT-30 tiller they can send pictures if pleas? It’s the one fitted with a K91 engine for RJ models. Many thanks
  8. Jennifer

    RJ front weight!

    Well got my new weight yesterday! My valentines gift from my husband now has the front weight less likely to pop those wheelies!!!! There might be enough power still but doubt it…. He bought me the RJ from David in Arkansas a few years back we posted on the trip! The moment we saw the ad on here about the front weight we had to have it! Seize the moment, don’t know when ever come across another for sell…! So here I just wanted to share pictures of it! My tractor is a bit dirty from winter setting but i wipped it down just a little for the photo opt!!
  9. Vaughan32850

    UK RJ / Suburban Appreciation

    Let’s see all the RJ’s and suburbans that are in Europe / United Kingdom. Here’s my two RJ-58’s.
  10. So I started to do just a little touch up painting on my RMR-32 deck to get ready for mowing season and it just snowballed from there. I messed up my touch up by wet sanding it down to early, so that led to a "well I'll just take it completely apart and repaint everything". This is where the fun begins. Taking it apart revealed multiple issues: 1) Idler pulley bronze bearing is shot. 2) All 4 spindle bearings are shot. 3) Both cross shaft bearings are shot. 4) Cross shaft is bent. Here are these issues and the help that I need in greater detail: 1) The Idler Pulley Bronze Bearing: I mic'd it at 5/8" x 7/8" x 1". This is based on the OD and the length of the Idler bolt (part #1049), and the OD of the exposed portion of the bronze bearing in the idler pulley. Idler pulley (part #1602). 2 Questions: 1) What is the actual size for the bronze bearing? 2) Can this bearing even be replaced? It is in a peculiar place and appears to be held in 2 spots, one spot on either side of the pulley. I can't see inside until I cut the bearing out so it's hard to tell whether or not the is a tube of sort that makes contact with the bearing throughout the pulley, like the axle tube bearings. And it seams like this would, or could be a royal pain to set the new bearing if it only has two points of contact. 2) 4 Spindle Bearings: Wheel Horse part #1515. I ordered the Toro replacement. Part # 230-045. Well, I order NICE 1630 DCTNTG18's (3/4" IDx 1-5/8"OD x 1/2"W. The Toro replacement is a sealed bearing on both sides, so that's what I got. However, the originals that were in the deck were metal shielded on both sides. This got me thinking. The idea of the shielded bearing is to allow for grease to make it's way from my grease gun, through the zerk, onto the gears, through the bearings, and then eventually on the ground. My Question: Is it a bad idea to have gotten the sealed bearings for the spindles? Or will the sealed be fine fore weekly operation? 3) The Cross Shaft Bearings Are Shot: I was planning on replacing these with the same sealed NICE bearings. The question is the same as the spindle bearings. The originals were also shielded, so is it okay to replace with the sealed bearings? 4) Bent Cross Shaft (Part #3139): The bend is extremely miniscule; hardly noticeable at operating speed. I knew this years ago but ignored it. I've now figured out that this is why the cross shaft bearings are bad. Also, since the bearings are harder than the steel cross shaft, the bearings wallard out the cross shaft and they no longer seat properly on the cross shaft. Well, it's ground it down so much that the can't seat at all. Not to mention it's wearing the gears out too. My Questions: Is there someone here that has a good one that I can purchase? Or can anyone make one up for me? I've emailed Lowell Scholljegerdes but haven't heard back. He's made several parts for me over the years. Any help is appreciated.
  11. Jennifer

    WT-30 Tiller

    Needing someone that has one of these WT-30 tillers to please load pictures of the belt tension thingy! We know there has been two at the big show one this past year another the year before! Hopefully they are members here! If so and you would be so kind to help us with this, Thanks in advance! Husband is trying to get ours useable. He got a 32" belt but something isn't going his way! LOL! Every thing we have gotten on this tiller shows a Kohler K91. We have in fact a Clinton 1200 that runs fabulous! The Tiller does not appear to have ever had red paint on it. Engine and tiller paint match. Also we are looking for the speed reduction to slow the tractor, CC-60 conversion assembly! Thanks everyone!
  12. Going to pick up a load of horses Thursday evening. D160, rj, suburban and c141. Will post pictures when I get them. I’m gonna try an get them all in one load so I am gonna have to use some of @pullstart loading skills. I think I can fit three in the truck and put the d160 on the trailer. Here is a little preview, that’s all you guys get for now unless you just happen to find ad for them
  13. RJcollector

    RJ-58 Side cover

    Hi, I'm rebuilding an RJ-58 tranny and its all together except the left side cover will not go on because the brake shaft is not lining up with the bearing. Its off by about 1/16th of an inch. The bearing on the other side cover is not cocked. The only parts that are not original in the tranny is the big differential gear and a couple bearings but they are the correct size bearings. It is the correct gear, its just out of another unit. Same part number and everything-3502. Did those big gears vary slightly in size during production? because it seems like if the big gear was about 1/16 smaller, I would be able to push the gears together and the cover would slight right on. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. john7

    RJ58 with one heavy haul!

    As you can see, I don't need much of a reason to take the RJ for a spin!
  15. Camarokid

    My First wheelhorse

    Hello red square new member here, I would like to share my very first tractor with you all. A 1958 rj58 that I picked up the other day. This past Friday I left work a half hour early to make it to the bank to only travel 10 mins down the road from my job to purchase a rj. So I took it home and enjoyed my weekend staring at it! Can't play yet with it... Have some searching and work to do XD
  16. As many of you know, the correct rims (especially the front ones) for the RJ's and Suburban's are becoming pricy. So from a hobby (verses technically correct collector) What other front rms are the same or similar offset and look. Did any other brands use the RJ/suburban front rim, or use a similar looking rim. What other WH or other brand rear rims are similar.
  17. I had a good road trip with my wife and kids today ! They let me bring this home with me.
  18. Does anyone have any info on this style of front weight ? Original WH ?
  19. newt

    first horse - a rj-58!

    hi there everyone, I just picked up my first wheel horse on Saturday, an rj-58. I got a seized mower deck, a plow blade, which I think might be from a newer wheel horse. (it has the blade that angles) the best part was I got the cbr sickle for it, and its in really good shape! I have a few green tractors, a bunch of red and silver ones, I thought its time to try a different brand! now I found a lawn ranger not far from me! and so the sickness continues! I'm sure I will be on for questions about the rj, so thanks in advance! - newt
  20. Don_WH

    rj question

    What years did the rj 's have the small cast steering wheel ?
  21. I need some help identifying this WH. I'm working on learning the details to look for, so here's what I see! The hood stand is solid. The front axle is swept across the width and swept back. The lines on the top of the hood seem to fade out and not go all the way back it has a solid seat pan. The extra frame space in front of the hood looks too long? so would that make it a 1960 Suburban 400 or 401, or could it be an RJ? it's in poor shape, but maybe a parts tractor, or the start of an RJ restore. is the hole to the back left of the hood not factory? it's been for sale for a while, and I'm about ready to check if the price is getting a lot more negotiable
  22. BradyS

    Convert From Ohio

    Yes you read that right I'm a convert, well sort of. I have been into Cub Cadets for several years now and decided to go out on a limb and buy The Wheel Horse Story Book. And to make a long story short I've been bit by the bug. I now have an unhealthy desire for an RJ 35 which is apparently the hardest model ever too find because I've been looking around for about 8 months with no luck. The closest big City to me would be Hamilton Ohio anyone else close to me?
  23. clemedc

    Oil Bath MOD

    Does anyone have pic or a guide how to modify a metal oil bath filter to work on an RJ. By that I mean convert it to up flow instead of down flow. I also need the Elbow from carb to breather if anyone has one. I guess I should ask if this OIL BATH filter from a 6hp briggs will work b4 I attempt to modify it. Does anyone know if it will work, and does anyone have pics or a tutorial? I learn better by seeing.
  24. Just brought this back from Jersey. It has the wrong motor, my dealer friend said it was supposed to have a 4hp Kohler that he has but has to find it. Got the tractor, slot hitch, snow plow with hookup, rear plow + deck. I'm trying to find out if it's a 58 or 59 from the experts here.
  25. russtiron

    `55 Cable Steer project

    Hi all I have a project tractor and have a couple of questions.The steering shaft has been cut to adapt another steering wheel and I was wondering if the steering shaft length is the same on the early cast wheel and the later regular wheel,also the front wheels have been replaced ,I know early tractors have a narrow rim,does this continue through the rj59`s? Thanks! Chuck
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