So at the house I got the 1973 12 HP Auto and a Poulon from, I found this buried in a corner. I went and got it today. It appears to be complete and in decent shape. The rear tire looks to still hold air, and the engine appears to be free, but we'll find out more this weekend. The things that do need attention so far is the drive chain and the steering chain, which are both locked up.
When I was looking these up, it appears that the company was started in Indianapolis and began making roto-tillers. And apparently only 500 of this type of tractor were made. So parts might be somewhat scarce. But it seems like most parts could be fabricated fairly easily. And the engine is a Briggs & Stratton, so parts for it might be easier to come by. Or just engine swap it.
More pictures will come as I clean it up and get it figured out. I'm a little upset that this guy didn't have the snowplow attachment. But it shouldn't be too hard to make myself.