both my fuel pumps on my k181 and k301 leaking gas decided to rebuild them. found a place here on RS "then and now automotive" great people there. ordered 2 diaphragm kits and had them here in Ohio in 2 days awesome service. on the k181 it has a vacuum pulse pump some old timer told me check for the 2 halves they may be warped .anyone try to use file to true them up? it has been 30 yrs since I had one apart. my grandmas 856 quit running once (back in the 80's) and it was the pump just went over to the WH dealer at that time I think 15 bucks and they had them in stock well that is no longer the case anymore!!
I did visit the old local WH dealer and they are now putting plastic pumps on he told me 100 bucks for a new pump . I have 65 with shipping on these 2 kits and it will be original yet