Honda in later years reduced the quality somewhat on their main ignition switches. The good news is it made them easily repairable. When I was attempting to remove the wear part of the switch from the key cylinder, the utility knife I was using to cut away the plastic ears plunged into the meaty part of my thumb. It was a lot of blood more defined as a solid flow to the point there was no droplets. Direct pressure for five minutes slowed it down enough to start the clean up. The stab wound was over an inch wide which meant it was an inch deep. Torn muscle was coming out of the wound which insisted on gapping apart a quarter inch or more
After putting some vintage Merthiolate in the wound [the kind that actually contained Mercury] that thing burned like it had been spat on by Satan. The bandage was a sterile pad, a paper towel, and a few Walmart bags to hold the leaks. The wound stayed gapped wide open tor a week and slowly closed in from both ends. At three weeks it was obvious that it would close together and now it is weather tight. Daily applications of iodine which also burns pretty good and watching for signs of infection helped things along.
The point of this is the human body is a wonderful thing. I had a wound similar to this that I ripped the stitches out of by lifting a heavy weight. The surgeon chewed me out and sent me home without further treatment and it healed itself together so I thought I would give this a try. No scars at all !