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Found 91 results

  1. Donavon1

    Project black betty

    Project black Betty the diesel 1054
  2. Hello all. I am looking for suggestions on adapting the pto from my C series tractor to a harbor freight predator 420 13hp engine. I know the predator motors are a controversial topic however it is the route I have chosen for this particular machine. The intent was to mostly use it for plowing so no PTO required but it would be handy to have. Looking to hear from someone that has successfully done the swap that may offer any advice before I attempt to transfer it over. Just looking for any general pointers that will help me along the way to make it go as smoothly as possible.
  3. I am new to this group. I have my sons collection of Wheel Horse tractors that are definitely rare models. He still has one to pick up that’s dual wheel and was purchased from Peabody Coal Co. This is the perfect site to get involved with. The best advice comes from folks that are hands on.. had to be their own machine shop. Nothing compares to the knowledge in this group.! But my first topic is this 19hp Craftsman INDY 500 limited edition model. I was reading a topic on here about the 18hp and 20hp models, but cannot find a single replica of this tractor on ANY site or e-bay. We live near central Ohio, so I’m assuming it’s a regional release.The Briggs engine lobes like a medium cam in a V8. We thought it was an intermittent miss, but it’s not missing a bit. The engine is the strongest riding tractor I’ve ever operated. It will literally cook the deck belt in high grass before dragging the engine down. Very wide and lower to the ground. I never got the size, but the rearend is all tires.! Looks like a dragster from behind.. almost gives the appearance of shortened axle tubes in a hot rod. Just wondering if anybodys ever seen this particular model. My next top is will be about the C160 total hydraulic Wheel Horse he just acquired. Claim they were specially made for snow removal.
  4. Wendell


    New to the forum, but not to Wheel Horse. I just bought a 314-8 on the gear shift pattern there is what Toro calls a spring shift control, my 312-8 doesn't have this The 314 is a 1999, what was the purpose for this. Thanks.
  5. Conner Anderson

    wheel horse charger 9

    I own a Charger 9, it is a 68 and I am wondering what I should ask for it. I personally want to trade it, just cannot find anything worth my efforts. I found a younger gentleman in his 20's, he's over 650 miles away from me and he has himself a raider 12, I want it just he wants two tractors for it. I personally feel my Charger is worth more than 250, as it is one of a kind. Please, let me know.
  6. Bobbi Barroso

    Snowblower question

    Missing lift rod. Anyone know where to buy one or the dimensions to make one?
  7. Version .jpg


    List of various belt Lengths and Widths text Chart belt Belts sorted by part number pdf 4 pages 458KB Belts sorted by belt section (cross section) pdf 4 pages 422KB


  8. Goldann520


    Well guys, I guess it's so long! Someone bought my JD 212 yesterday, and couldn't refuse the money for my 520 today.😣 I am no longer a wh owner, so doesnt feel right hangin' out with you guys. Thanks Terry good luck all. See you down the road.
  9. Hey guys, kinda gotta brag about this one. Got my sleeve hitch out of Alabama today for $100! Got part # 85518 from you guys,( thank you very much) got lucky and found it on ebay. Took a chance and ponied up the $100 with only a picture of the box. It's dated '93 so sure it's right for my 520h and wouldn't you know, everything's there! Couldn't have done it without the wonderful members of this forum. Thanks Terry. Just what I need for my brinly plow, disk, tater plow, and backblade!
  10. I bought this from a man in Indiana who said that his dad bought it new in 1964. There was no doubt in his mind that it was a wheel horse wagon but i cant seem to find any info or pictures of one like this. It is a four wheel wagon with sides that pull right off. It has the same wheels that are on the front of the wheel horse tractors and the original paint under the primer is red. I just want to make sure its a wheel horse before i put the sticker on it. Thanks!
  11. dewdew

    Lookin for help

    Well here's my situation I have this 76 d1-60 that I have about $200 into plus countless hours of work to get it mowing again. Everything went fairly well last summer. But in the fall I noticed a slow drip coming from the transaxle. And the starter went out also shortly after the leak. i need a mower that I can count on. I love this one when it works. So should I sell or take it in to fix all the issues. And can anyone tell me a ball park number as to what it's worth compared to what it would cost to fix it. the bad... leak in transaxle leak at hydro motor and drive shaft (I rebuilt the hydro motor following a tutorial on RS but didn't replace the seal where the shaft exits the motor.) bad starter the good.. it has never seen snow it was only mowed with and alway been in climate controlled storage. it has a newer motor as of 1996(linnamar twin 790) with less than 1500hrs have all original manuals what do you think I should do. Im not made of money so as much as I would love to a complete restore is not an option.
  12. Hello everyone, I have finally joined Red Square after several weeks of reading posts and looking at the awesome pictures everyone posts of their WH’s. I guess you could say I need a place where I can talk to people who have the same “addiction†as me because I can tell you my wife is about ready to make me move out to the garage if I don’t stop talking about WH’s to her. Anyway, I just wanted to post my summer project I just completed two weeks ago. My dad gave me a 1983 Wheel Horse GT-1642 Work Horse back in May. He didn’t have any use for it sitting around his house after he stole the deck off it for his 520 (I owe my dad and my uncle for getting me hooked on Wheel Horses). The tractor was in pretty rough shape so I figured I would give it a go and see how I could do restoring the old beast. I completely stripped it down and got the frame and wheels painted just in time for the big show in Aredntsville. I put the rusty sheet metal back on the frame so I had it to ride around the grounds. The next week I stripped it back down to the wheels and chassis. I sand blasted all the sheet metal down to bare metal so I have a fresh rust free surface to work with. Once all the body prep work was done, I primed it with Rustoleum rust prohibiting primer and then shot it with Rustoleum Smoke Grey oil based enamel. I know the color is a darker than the way they came from South Bend but I liked the color on the tractor. I ordered new decals from Redo Your Horse, which the quality is absolutely amazing!! After some wet sanding and buffing I assembled it back together, stickered it, installed a new seat, and I have been using is to pull my lawn sweep after I mow with the 520. It’s a blast to drive. This is an awesome forum site!!! Thanks for letting me share!!
  13. will a 6900759 blower fit my 529h 6900759? I meant to say 520h my 520h is 6900148
  14. Eric857

    Broken line

    Hello Redsquare, I was just working on taking apart me engine when the little metal fuel line that runs from the fuel pump to the carb broke. The rubber on the end inside the bolt was old and hard and snapped off. Is it reapairable? Can I replace it? Thanks, Eric
  15. Hey everyone. As you know I'm hot and heavy into wheel horses now and many of you have answered many of my questions and helped me TREMENDOUSLY. But I've finally decided to give my horse a paint job and I thought I'd post pictures along the way. Here's the engine cleaned,sanded, prepped and primed. This is the first thing I've done. :)
  16. Looks like WHEEL HORSE is the featured Lawn and Garden Tractor this year at the Prairie Land Heritage Museum - Steam Show and Fall Festival Days held on September 27, 28 and 29th, 2013 This is a great show and thanks to Denny Clarke and Martin Howard and my brother David Ralph and I we had several wheel horse tractors displayed last year. There were NO Wheel Horse tractors at the Show in 2010 when I attended my first show. Here is a photo of the Red Square members in attendance in 2012! Martin's Howard's handy work on display at South Jacksonville in 2012: Denny Clarke on parade in 2012 at South Jacksonville show: Part of the display at the 2012 show: Announcing 2013 Features Advance is the feature steam engine. Feature Tractors are lesser known classics, and feature garden tractors are Wheel Horse. Features Watch an antique tractor pull and shop the flea market which includes a large selection of tractor parts and mag repair. Stop by the Children’s Activity Area 9 a.m.-noon Saturday to watch the Illinois State Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pulls. Education Day is Friday, Sept. 28, student groups will be admitted free and there will be tours for long term care residents from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Family Fun Catch a ride on the wobble wagon or train, learn to drive a tractor, get lost in the corn maze, let youngsters participate in a pedal tractor pull, or just sit back and watch horse games or a parade. Visit a petting zoo and check out a giant fish tank. Enjoy a children’s museum, story time, and crafts compliments of the Jacksonville Public Library. Entertainment Bandstand performances will be Friday, Sept. 28, from 10-11 a.m., Jonathan Turner Junior High School Choir; 11:30 a.m.-2p.m., Jacksonville High School Music Department; Saturday, Sept. 29 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. “The Round Mound of Sound†with R.B. Burnett, “Harmony†with Glen Gobel, and “Saved by Grace†with Rod Nicholson; 1-2 p.m. The Chosen Ones; and Sunday, Sept. 30 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Ken Bradbury and Friends. Rob Brogdon will perform at 7 p.m. Friday at Liberty Church. Sunday worship services will be held at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Daily Demonstrations Learn about sorghum/molasses production, tractor and horse plowing, threshing, baling, grinding, hay lifting, and much more. Displays: Walk through displays of gas engines, lawn and garden tractors, horse drawn equipment, steam engines, and antique tractors and equipment. 1949 John Deere A 1949 John Deere A, 2012 Raffle Tractor Prizes Go home with chances to win a handmade quilt or your choice of a 1949 John Deere tractor or cash. Food Get a taste of Prairie Land’s ham and beans cooked by steam engines, corn bread, pie and drink from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the barn dining room or visit one of the many other vendors. Other Attractions Go back in time and take a peek at the general store, one room school house, sawmill, blacksmith shop, Liberty church and museums. Golf cart rental available. Reserve a cart in advance by calling Battery Specialists at 1-866-275-2742. Two-passenger cart rental rates: One day $50; Three day $125. Four-passenger cart rental rates: One day $70; three day $175 Prairie Land Heritage Museum Institute Located on the corner of Lincoln and Michigan Avenues • P.O. Box 754, South Jacksonville, Illinois 62650-0754 plhmshow@aol.com
  17. zanepetty

    how to run throttle and choke cables

    Does anyone have any good pictures of where the throttle and choke cable goes on my 753? I'm thinking one runs over the head and the other goes under the engine shround but I can't remember for sure. Any pics or help is appreciated. Also does the little hooked spring on the govenor arm go through the notch on this disc? Thanks in advance.
  18. mdtoro

    520xi starting issue

    My 520xi is having trouble starting. Sometimes when I try to start it I hear the click of the solenoid but it doesn't turn. Usually trying a few more times and it will turn over and start. The manual mentions something about servicing the starter. Does the service consist of cleaning or replacing the brushes? Brushes look a bit pricey when I looked for them. Also, I'm going to replace the battery. The Interstate workaholic battery has worked quite well! Hopefully the new ones are just as good!
  19. Sybesma07

    Wheel horse trailer

    What would a wheel horse trailer like this sale for and are they hard to find?
  20. Hi RedSquare, I am in the process of restoring a wheel horse 857 and i have just received decals to put on the machine but in not to sure how to put them on and protect them from getting scraped off. any suggestions? Thanks
  21. 608KEB

    Snagged a 520H

    I bought the 94 520H that was listed on Red Square classified. Very happy with it. 350 hours. 48" SD deck. Should get years of use out of it. I have 93 520H with 980 hours. It is in fair to good condition. I can't decide if I should keep it for parts or sell it. It seems I've heard more bad than good things about Onan 20hp motors. I think the 93 520H tractor would be worth about $750-$850 with the 42" RD deck and mule drive. Feel free to post good stories and bad nightmares about Omen motors.....I mean Onan. I am curious.
  22. I have a 417-A with a mid-hydraulic lift for the mower deck. I want to use this lift for implements and I am unsure how to use this lift cylinder for attachments. Does any one have picks of a mower broke down, so that I could see the routing of cable/ chain to the rear of the mower?
  23. Motor Head110

    856 Rear End

    I went to start my 856 this morning to plow snow and I noticed the rear end was locked up (again). I took the shifter out and looked in the hole. There was no rust. And the I took a large screwdriver and tried to move the forks. They moved. Im all out of ideas. does anyone know what could be wrong with it?
  24. i am a new member. i have a 1965 875 wheel-o-matic. the engine is knocking and smoking, so, i decided to replace it with the parts tractor motor. identical motor. in order to get the old motor off, i removed what appears to be the mower deck or snow blower mounting plates. on the right side foot rest, there was a spring tensioned pully. i didn't think i was going to need it for running a snow plow blade. long story short, i can't figure out how the belt and this spring tensioned pully need to be installed. looked all over the internet for a belt diagram, no luck, pleanty of mowerdeck and snowblower info. i am close to throwing in the towel and taking it in to a high dollar repair place. i don't want to have the wife chew on my rear anymore that i deserve, somebody, please help me!!!!!!!
  25. Hello everyone!! A few weeks ago I was fortunate to stumble upon a pretty nice 312-8 with 675 hours. Much to my wife’s dismay, I drug it home but once she took it for a drive she was smiling from ear to ear. She actually said she liked it better than my 520. I kinda scratched my head and just said ok dear. Anyway, I decided I wanted to put 23x10.5-12 on the rear of my 312 instead of the 23x9.5-12 that is stock. I found a set of Goodyear tires without rims at a consignment sale that came home with me. Then the hunt for rims began….Low and behold I found a set of rims that my neighbor had laying around his garage. I was told they came off his CASE and he didn’t need them anymore. So tonight I decided to scuff them up and paint them metallic silver to cover up the red. I have yet to find an exact match to the factory silver WH put on their wheels that I am happy with. I have found though, if you have a nick in your factory rim, a Sharpie Metallic Silver marker is the best for the task of touching it up. IMHO. So my question is this: I blended a mix of metallic silver and Smoke Grey paint to produce the color of the rims below, do they look close enough for horse shoes? I can’t decide if I’m happy with the color or not or if I need to do a grey metallic. I’d appreciate any opinion. Thanks!! Below is also a pic of the 312 they wheels and tires are going on.
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