This topic came up in a recent discussion on proper battery maintenance and storage techniques.
I usually keep 3 or 4 batteries on float charge thru the winter and have performed a simple modification on $5 Harbor Freight float charger to allow it to peform as it should.
I purchased several chargers two or three years back and found each of the chargers put out a different voltage. The range varied from 12.8 to 13.4 volts.
A float voltage of 12.8 is too low and 13.4 is just a tad too high, If you are using this item to float charge your batteries, please take the time to measure the DC voltage between the red and black charger clips WITHOUT THE CHARGER CONNECTED TO A BATTERY. Any voltage significantly outside a 13.0 to 13.3 range could be slowly compromising your battery.
I will post pics on a simple modification which will allow setting of a precise 13.2 volt output needed to properly maintain a wet lead acid battery thru winter storage.
Stay tuned as my camera memory card appears to have issues of its own.