So we bought our new place from my in-laws. Their new barn isn't complete yet, so I am working (tip toeing) around everything as to not upset what's in my new barns. There wasn't room inside for the just fine-running WD-45 that I bought for my wife, so it's been sitting neglected outside with a bucket over the exhaust stack. Somehow, the engine still filled with water and became stuck. I drained the water/oil, filled it as full as I could get it with diesel and let it sit for a week during summer time. Now I get it to roll over, fire up and it's hurt.
Fast forward from September ish when I got the ole girl running and I finally look into why it's only running on cylinder #1. I pulled the valve cover tonight and the rocker cross-shaft is broken at the cylinder #4 exhaust valve (end) and that same pushrod is bent and dropped about 1" or more down below the level of the rest. Three of the exhaust valves are stuck open too.
So, I'll be looking for some AC parts... in the midst of trying to still sell our old house that I labored so hard making it a proud gem, getting the new house winter-proof with insulation and window fixins, helping to raise my girls and get ready for this winter's plowing season.