I have a 1977 B80 8 speed. Started no problem 1st time after winter storage. Drove it around a bit turned it off and had difficulty starting. Jumped the starter motor from the battery to check solenoid because I was getting no click from it at all and it spun the starter motor freely without throwing out and engaging. So I run off to parts store change the solenoid, buy new battery in case the old is not holding charge &.....nothing. no click, OHM meter jiggling backwards a little bit but not showing + reading at all. So this leads me to believe either fuse, ignition switch or safety switch. Fuse looks good ( No breaks ) heres a few questions.
1) Any body know how to test the ignition switch so I dont go buying more parts I don't need?
2) Where's the safety switch on this thing?? It may have been pulled already.
Thanks in advance for the help