Hi, i have a couple questions if anyone would mind helping me out! I have a 414-8 (i think its an 87) that I would like to swap a few things on to make it work and look a little better to me. The first thing is the front axle... will a 520 swept front axle bolt right in? Is the center pivot bolt the same diameter? I know the outer knuckles are larger 1" on those machine but are they the same height? I figured I could just sleeve the knuckle to keep my stock 3/4" 414 spindles if so Also any info on this john deer 200 series swept front axle swap? anyone know if the pivot and knuckles are all the same diameters on that one? and how much wider is it? This one is actually looking to be an easier swap if the bushings are all the same size
Also whats differences on the 520 frames? Are they longer or the exact same frame? Brace for the transmission mount? and mainly just the front axle?