I got sick of seeing my early 1955 WH sitting outside on the tractor pile, so I took it out for a quick repair job! I have had this for many rears and finally got to hack it up. Some Yahoo extended the frame and made it into a dragster for some dumb reason! After several measurements and head scratching, I got the cut off wheel going to it. I chopped out the 12 inch extendo frame sections and welded it back together at the correct specs. Took about 7 hours of cutting, welding and tons of grinding. Now it looks like something worth having. This is the early style of RJ35 with the gas tank that sits up on a frame. Not the gas tank that is held up from straps under the hood. There is actually some red paint left on here, but you can't see it yet. Start the hacking! Step 3 or 4... Ahhh, reunited and it feels so good! Finally after all these years! Wowsa ,this looks short now! Oops! Step 57 completed Sir! Hey this is looking good all of a sudden!