I am new to this site so I am hoping someone can give advise.
I have a 1990 312-8, a 1981 C-125-8 and an 80's C-85 parts tractor. I am wondering if anyone knows what it takes to swap the C-85 wide front tires with the 312's round front tires? I bought a C-125 new in 1981 and it is still performing well, but I like the front wide tires from the old C series better than the smaller 312 round narrow tires. Can the tires (or rims / tires) be swapped or do I need to also swap the front spindles? Does the C spindle fit the vertical axle spindle hole on the 312 or is there more work to retrofit the C series wide turf tires onto the newer 312?
On the same note, the C-85 has nice rear turf tires like my C-125. Does anyone know if swapping those C tires to the 312 would cause any issue like fender / fuel tank clearance and whether the snow chains that are on the rear 312 tires would even fit the C-series turf tires? Winters I run my original C-125 with wheel weights & chains and a 48 inch WH plow and the 312-8 with wheel weights & chains and a 1992 42" single stage high shoot blower for winter snow clearing. I did the swapping of blower vs plow depending on snow depth for 2 years and had to get the 312 to have each sitting on standby for winter storm. Too many swaps in the cold after last years huge storm buildup.
Appreciate any help you can give.