I have a D-180. Year unknown but it doesn't have an oil filter. It does have one for the trans. The filter is a car filter, fram D-16 to be exact. I would guess the year to be early to mid 70's. Since I have the unit ( approx 10 years ) it's had Dextron trans oil in it. I changed the oil and the filter when I got the machine. Filters were changed every year since and another complete change after the first five years. The service manual ( I don't know if its correct for this tractor ) states to use Dextron. The manual indicated it had an oil filter which it doesn't have so I am under the assumption that the info about the Dextron may not be right either. Later manuals seem to indicate motor oil like 10/30. But those manuals online from Wheelhorse only refer to the D-160 then go right to the D-200. Did they stop making the D-180 earlier ?
I've been using the Dextron and the car filters for all these years. Lately it seems it doesn't run as fast as it used to when pushing snow although it still spins the tires when I hit an ice bank. The blade is slower to lift but I would guess that the lift cylinder/pump is responsible for that ?
Sorry for the long intro.. my question is can I start using motor oil in it and will it negate the slight slippage that I may have ? I'm assuming if it originally took Dextron it should have had a different filter on it ? I doubt if a small Ford Bronco/Blazer could push much better than this one. Very fast front and back. Any other info would be appreciated.