What I've been mowing with since July 5th.
I've never much cared for Z turn mowers.
They ride ruff, tires leave spinouts in the grass, no reach under bushes....
As I mentioned in TMO's thread about his newfound Farmall Cub, I was mowing my back acre with a 68 IH Cub & around the house & side yard with one of the Horse's.
It seemed like it took hours & I wasn't happy with the Cub's cut.
I ended up trading it for this Grasshopper 718 with 52" deck.
She's seen some use, but still very solid.
It rides much better than my in-laws Bad Boy, I like the floating deck & ability to stuff it under bushes.
I can actually mow my whole yard, a good portion of my in-laws & neighbors yard in the same amount of time it took to use the Horse & Cub.
Plus I enjoy using it.....so much that I just cut my yard for the 5th time since getting it.