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Found 108 results

  1. Hi all you movers of snow, I have a Wheel horse 520 H 1996 Model 73501 and just reattached my model 79361 snowthrower on it and the belt is very loose. I had used the blower last season and it had performed great (it came with the blower already on) I removed it for mowing use and reattached a month ago with the same belt. Even with the belt on the inner/larger PTO pulley, the belt was so loose that it would barely turn the auger without engagement into snow and completely stopped in snow. the belt then came off and was damaged so that the steel cords started to protrude and I replaced the belt. (belt: # 116332) The new belt slips also and the symptoms are the same, even on the larger PTO sheave. The belt tension spring is mounted and functioning and as far as I can tell I have routed the belt correctly. I tried to visit pages that show images of this, but was not allowed to view the content?? Are there any additional ways to make the belt fit better? I'll post some key pictures of what it all looks like shortly When I removed the cover for the belt at the PTO I noticed that I had it on the smaller/outside sheave and moved it to the larger. this did tension the belt better and perhaps it will work. However I am concerned about the Belt guard that is situated between the 3 pulleys on the thrower- is it in the right position?
  2. Very Solid tractor! Newer Agro Tires on Rear and Solid Front Turf Tires. Wheel Weights on rear. Fully Swapped Forward Swept axle off of 520h. I ran my 60" Deck on this tractor for over a year with no issues. Deck it solid top to bottom with no rot and newer blades. Belt and Pulley are good to go! She's just a little dusty and needs a cleaning. Can get a nice Seat a Tractor Supply. $1175 OBO -POOS (248) 9for3-8six3four Text or Call. I do not visit this site enough. God Bless. NEW SEAT INSTALLED ON THIS TRACTOR! Started it up and ran it for a while yesterday... Forgot how nice this thing is. Tempting to keep it but it's time to send her one her way. GREAT TRACTOR!
  3. Now that we are finding more uses for the 1990 520H with a KwikWay loader I am experiencing some power loss in the hydro after about a half hour to 45 minutes?????? Ideas?
  4. Workin_Horses

    60" Side Discharge Deck

    Nice solid clean 60" deck for 520H Model # C560SC04 $500 OBO
  5. Purchased clevis hitch for 520H (thanks Dennis Turner!) Am having issues installing conduit tube that guides the pulling cable to the lift arm. The machine has hydraulic lift so the tube is bent. Can't determine the positioning of the tube or the point of attachment of the clamp that holds the tube in place. Schematics are "sketchy" so I am doing a lot of guessing. Anybody know how to do it?
  6. RJ Hamner

    Replacement Hubs

    I have a new-to me 1990 520 with a KwikWay loader. Have been going thu piece by piece and checking for anything that needs attention. Found some wobble in the rear hubs (both sides) the key ways on both the axles and hubs shoe some pretty heavy wear. Was wondering if you have used the hub repair kits that A-Z sells and any comments good or bad? Thanks Bob
  7. Brockport Bill

    520H For Sale

    520 H tractor for Sale: Onan 20 HP engine ----- 678 hours on meter - cleaned and serviced, new plugs and fuel filter, new tranny oil and filter, new engine oil and filter, carb cleaned, just a few hours on near new Battery includes new lug on positive cable, cleaned grounding wire attachment point, added grounding wire, excellent near new condition Wheel Horse seat - tires good - chrome muffler screen shield - lites work....new headlite rims, new Tie Rods............... Also available For Sale is 48 inch re-conditioned mower deck for $425 - shell plus lift carriage assembly and belt covers, all sand blasted clean to remove all rust, then two coats primer and two coats final top coat paint. Mower blades cleaned, sharpened and balanced. Rollers and wheels good condition. Also available For Sale: 48 inch plow unit - complete frame with necessary parts, springs, angle control lever, etc. Plus, like new re-conditoned blade had rust cleaned, then two coats primer and two final top red coats, newly welded reinforced iron bottom plate, plus rust cleaned and re-habbed painted wear edge blade with new carriage bolts @ $290. Also available For Sale: Rear Axle Bracket for plow, tiller, etc set up @ $65: All items cash pick up Hudson River Valley, Poughkeepsie NY area.
  8. 1995 Toro Wheel Horse 60” mowing deck. The deck is in decent shape but has been used. There are some repairs that have been made by the prior owner (not me). This deck would be really good for a working tractor and not a show piece. Comes with all the tins, mule drive, mule drive belt, new left and right front anti-scalp wheels and the manual for it. The only thing it is missing is the main belt for the deck spindles. I am located 45 mins NE of Indy. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message.
  9. New here! hello everyone! In a bit of a pickle here. My father owns a 1993 (I think that is the right year) 520H Wheel Horse. I don't commonly work on tractors but it seemed simple enough. the axle snapped on the left side, so it needed a new transmission. My dad bought a used transmission and I went to work changing everything out. The hydraulic pump that the engine's drive belt attaches to went to a different model/year of tractor, so I had to remove that part and swap it in from the old transmission. In the process I lost all of the oil in the pump (I mention this because I wonder if it has to do with my problem I'm having). When I reassembled everything I started the slow process of filling the transmission. I filled it up and started the engine. When moving the lever forward or backward, it had a tiny bit of power for a little bit and then lost power. The transmission wasn't doing anything, anymore. I though maybe that hydraulic pump needed to be primed, so we took the top hydraulic line off of the hydraulic pump right above the drive belt and used a transfer pump to pump some oil into the pump case. This still didn't work. I don't have enough experience with these hydrostatic transmissions to know if we got a bad transmission or if there is something obvious that I am missing when it comes to a transmission swap. I ask for any insight and help please. If you need pictures or any other info, then let me know what you need. Thank you!
  10. Selling my trusty WH520H. ~880 hours (currently used for moving snow when needed so hours may rise) very solid machine, strong and hardworking. 20HP Onan, hydro transmission and hydraulic lift. Has Matt's foot-pedal conversion for forward/reverse. Included in the sale is a tall-chute snow blower and 60" mowing deck. The blower is in excellent condition and is on the tractor currently. The mowing deck has been a workhorse over the years. No holes but could use some TLC, probably needs new spindles at some point and could use a couple spots touched up with welder also does NOT have any pulley covers/protectors (see photo). Tractor has been an incredible tool, very solid and dependable and I'm certainly going to miss her when she's gone. Recent maintenance: replaced the plugs this summer, fluids as needed (hydro has about 100 hours on fluid/filter; oil was done in the spring and has about 25 hours on it). Battery is about 3 years old as are the tires, Terra Trac tires on the rear and turfs on the front. The seat (with arm rests) isn't in great shape. I've got a cover for the seat, never used. It's never really bothered me but new seat cover is included in sale as are 4 hub caps, chains for the rear tires, and some misc spare parts (see photos). I've owed this machine about 8 year and put ~350 hours on her. She's not a show piece but could be restored. Sheet metal is generally in shape, no rust however the hood does have a couple dings in it. I'm only selling because I'm trying to help my son get a small lawn care business started and looking to move to a zero-turn. The 60" deck is too large for our trailer, the mowing deck lacks pulley safety shields, and we'd like something that mows faster. My only complaint with this machine is the top-speed (which isn't great when comparing to today's machines) otherwise she's a beast. They don't make them like this anymore.
  11. 608KEB

    Spark plug cross reference

    Will a champion RS17YX sparkplug work in my Onan p220g engine gapped at .025? What's the difference between that and the RH14YC?
  12. New to the 520h. What should I be seeing for a vacuum reading on the gauge. Standing Reading at idle? What causes it to rise and or fall? Is this engine vacuum or a hydraulic vacuum? Thanks
  13. My son asked the local scrapyard owner to give us a call when he gets any WH tractors. we have bought a few from him. The owner calls my son today and says a Wheelhorse just came in. Stop by in 1/2 hr and take a look. Well.... $150 later... Its an amazing score. Whoever scrapped it drained all the fluids and pulled the filters. I wish I had filters! It looks like it just needs a good going over. Tmw we’ll get it fired up. 420H with a pretty near perfect 48”deck and a 2 stage snowblower. I think we’re missing some parts for the blower though. If this thing runs and moves it’ll top the Massey Executive find from the same scrapyard. 😁 OH! And the best part is last year the carpenter at work gave me his binder from the 520h he had and sold. He had compiled everything you could get into a big binder. I think I have every bit of paper work for this tractor! Repair/service manuals and owners manual. 😁👍👍
  14. WVHillbilly520H

    New "shoes" for a horse

    I finally got around to mounting 1 set of new tires front and rear on my "Good Friday" 520H after 22 years the original Dico brand were weather/dry cracked through the sidewalls only tubes were holding the air inside, @HorseFixer, Duke the 23x10.50-12 Nanco brand Ags mounted out to 9.5" not 10.50" but still more than 8" wide ,I don't think you would've been happy with that for your set up, but I'm OK with them being a bit narrow, means a bit more traction and bit less flotation for my intended purposes mowing,gardening, and snow pushing. The fronts are Trac Gard 16x7.50-8 turfs they were an PITA to seat the beads but got it done, had tire shop do the rears, also did inside MF approximately 45# and outside weights CC 30# on them and put my one off powder coated wheel covers on (they hide the "blue" weights that were originally MF red) all this today since I'm on 4-10 hour days now Friday is going to be project day, anyways here the goods, Jeff.
  15. Mike Sullivan


    I have my snow blade off of my old TORO 416 (1995?). I would like to mount it on my 520H (1990) but not sure where in mounts and I am sure I will have to apply some innovative rigging but would sure be appreciative of any advice. Thanks in advance.
  16. Chuck14025

    Starter just clicks

    1994 520 H. Starter just clicks. 1. Battery 12.6V, load test OK., New solenoid. Ground good. Key switch tested ok. Wiring diagram shows a 'kill' relay - I can't find it on the tractor. Checked the 3 relays under the battery box - they work. Neutral switch, PTP and seat switch work mechanically. 2. Not able to find article on this problem when searching. There must be dozens. How do I find them? 3. Can I test the starter without taking it out? 4. Is there a 'kill' relay? thank you...
  17. 608KEB

    Fuse block question

    I would like to eliminate the current fuse block in my 1995 520H. I have a wiring diagram. It looks like the wires were tampered with but I'm not sure. Suggestions about why both white wires are on the 30 amp block. The 25 and 30 amp blocks are connected with a bridge. I'm not sure how to wire these individually. The 30 amp fuse was melted.
  18. I have a 520h tractor that won’t stay running. It starts up but dies out after a short period of time. I’ve changed the fuel filter and air filter. Not sure if it has to do with electrical or fuel. If you have any tips on where to go from here it would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Hi! I'm a new member and sure this has been addressed here but how do you remove the gauges on a 520h '91? I just bought a replacement tach on top right (sticking with all Toro to match) and almost cried when I saw how difficult replacement seems to be. Saw one post about bending the dash cover and loosening the metal piece behind the gauge flange but I tried and don't want to take the chance of breaking the dash cover. Is it necessary to remove the steering wheel and maybe the hydraulic levers to get to them? The voltmeter isn't registering either (bottom left) and it's even more difficult to get to so I don't think bending anything will work. Everything else works perfectly. Help! Just purchased this 520h with just over 600 hrs and really worried about the rear valve seat issues but it purrs like a kitten and is a delight to hear - love it! The owner mostly restored everything and I'm finishing the job.
  20. Hi all, New to the group and hoping to tap into your knowledge. Also hoping I'm posting in the right place. Please excuse me if not. I live in NE Minnesota, and am looking for a WH tractor for mowing and snowblowing. I have a couple of questions I'd like your opinion/knowledge on, mostly about snow blowers and steering: Did all 520H/C models after 1991 have gear reduction steering? How do I know if a machine has gear reduction or not? Do the newer xi series have gear reduction? I think the 520/2/3xi offered power steering as an option, but do non-power steering models incorporate gear reduction? I'm leaning toward 2 stage blower, just because it seems heavier duty, and it snows a ton in NE MN. Are the 2 stage units worthwhile? I was lucky enough to work for Toro for a few years, and really want to find a red machine. Lots of green around here, but hoping to stay RED. Thanks for your help. Greg
  21. Hi Guys, I just bought some Carlisle Turfmaster 24x12-12 rear tires to replace the 23x8.50-12 tires I have on there now. I was wondering which rims I should buy to fit these bigger tires. The charts say an 8.50 width rim but should the offset stay the same or does it need to change? Any other dimensions I should be concerned about? Thanks in advance. Hope everyone is healthy and well! John
  22. My 520H has never cut grass really well. It seems this deck is more like a bush hog than a finish mower. It doesn't seem to mind if the grass or weeds are really tall it will mow them down but that's about it. I have a Zoysia lawn that I like to cut at 3" but when I do it never looks neat. This grass is just around my house about 40' or so all around. The rest of our grass I have to cut is a mixture of grasses but now mostly weeds. The zoysia is slowly spreading out into these areas and does a pretty good job of controlling some of the weeds once it gets established. When I cut the Zoysia I try to keep the RPM's up and I have been reducing my ground speed but it still doesn't leave the grass like I would like. It sort of looks like all three blades leave a different pattern if that makes any sense. I put on a new set of blades and belts each spring after the second or so cut once all the winter leftovers are all cleaned up but even with new blades it's about the same. It's a 48" deck and I'm thinking that the 48" deck would be the max for the 520. I have a smaller WH with a 42" deck that would cut the grass much cleaner but that old deck is past worn out and I just use that one for a pull tractor. I'm wondering what the blade tip speed is for the 520 H with a 48" deck. Is there a chart somewhere that will speak to this?
  23. Michael Moore


    Looking for 48” deck near Pittsburgh PA, good condition, no holes, comes with mule drive and belts.
  24. wh315-8

    Yard Work

    Grandpa wouldn't line up in right way. Stubborn. Nice day today, got some of my herd out. 315-8 w/42" deck to mow. D200 to disc w/tandem disc. 520H w/36" tiller. And RJ59 with 36" Parker Sweeper. These horses done me well today.
  25. 1990520H

    520H swept axle rims

    What is a good replacement rim for the fronts since you can no longer get the stuff from Toro. Been looking. Not much luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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