I wanted to share some pics of a restoration I just completed. This project was really rough when I started. What was there of the original engine was actually in pretty good shape, no cylinder wear etc,
but due to missing the blower housing, points cover and a dead coil, I decided not to use it. The blower housing is really hard to find. I gave up on the original engine and put a early 60's B&S engine on it.
It has all new bearings and seals in the transmission. It was completely torn down, cleaned and a lot of it sand blasted. It now runs good, trans works good. It is not perfect, but perfect was way gone on this one.
I actually restored this for someone and they are supposed to pick it up today. I believe it is a 1960 model.
Thought you might enjoy seeing it and I wanted to say thanks to some folks here that helped with locating some parts.
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