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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/28/2011 in Images

  1. 15 points
  2. 13 points
  3. 12 points

    From the album: Ironman

    It took me a year and a half, but was worth it!
  4. 11 points
  5. 11 points
  6. 11 points
  7. 10 points
  8. 10 points
  9. 10 points
  10. 10 points

    From the album: 77 C-160

    77 C-160
  11. 10 points
  12. 9 points
  13. 9 points
  14. 9 points
  15. 8 points
  16. 8 points
  17. 8 points
  18. 8 points
  19. 8 points
  20. 8 points
  21. 8 points
  22. 8 points
    Another picture of my commando 8 pulling a 10 foot disk!
  23. 7 points
    Featuring a WH plow frame a partial front frame and rear frames are attached. An inverted WH front axle and spindles are linked to a ross steering column. 8 speed and 301 Hemi Predator drive my extreme wheelbarrow tub custom Wheel Horse

    © Jonathan Karmelita

  24. 7 points
  25. 7 points
  26. 7 points
  27. 7 points
  28. 7 points

    From the album: wheelhorse 1656

    This is my 1656 witch is a modified 1056.
  29. 7 points
  30. 7 points
    GT16 with Disc, courtesy of Brad M.
  31. 7 points


    This is my custom 604. It has a 8hp Kohler electric start, a suburban steering wheel, a 2000 pound winch.
  32. 7 points
  33. 7 points
    This is me on my commando 8 with triples pulling a 10 foot disk through one of our fields!
  34. 7 points
  35. 7 points
  36. 7 points
  37. 6 points
  38. 6 points
  39. 6 points
  40. 6 points
  41. 6 points
  42. 6 points
  43. 6 points
  44. 6 points
  45. 6 points
    Gets the job done

    © FM 2021

  46. 6 points
    Tri-rib tires on restored front rims, I find these both cost effective and nice to look at.
  47. 6 points
  48. 6 points

    From the album: Richard Moon

    LB hit and miss engine on a Wheel Horse
  49. 6 points
    My 702 in the toy barn with mIy 57 bug.
  50. 6 points
    1958 Wheel Horse RJ-58 Owned by Lane Ralph Greencastle, Indiana
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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