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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2024 in Posts

  1. 18 points
    Has anyone ever been too tired to make the coffee right? We have two coffee makers. Mine’s from Germany and it grinds, presses the beans and shoots the water through with 240V of amazingness. Perfect coffee. Delish. Mrs. P. prefers the k-cup type, with her own grounds in a little refillable bucket. Yesterday making her coffee, I put the water in, filled her cup, put it in the machine, turned it on and walked away. While I was in the living room, she asked me what I did. More like “What did you do!!?” “What do you mean? I don’t know.” I walk into the kitchen and see a counter full of coffee and her cup next to the coffee maker!
  2. 13 points
    Brain farting has now become part of my daily routine! It doesn't get any better from here on out Kev
  3. 12 points
    You're not alone Kevin. We use the k cups but with the one use thingys. My usual routine is get up, let the dog(s) out, start up a cup and go to my computer room. In a couple minutes I go back out to get my coffee. This morning I went back out and cleaned up a counter full of coffee. Fortunate about 99% stays on the counter and none goes down the front into the drawers. But I knew that already.
  4. 11 points
    And we question why garden tractors have safety interlocks?!
  5. 11 points
  6. 11 points
  7. 11 points
  8. 10 points
    It's all a matter of what you drink it out of right @19richie66 ?? .... Once when I was a sub nub I ran for alot of coffee to get sigs on my qual card. A chief's cup had crust in it and I washed it. He put me on report for it! They had a fake captain's mast for me and added a few things to my qual card... Starting to get a nice patina...
  9. 9 points
    My neighbor held an open house to show his latest addition to his collection. A local company, Pullman Autos were built in York , Pa. in 1905-1917. This is one of the 27 of this model that still exist. That's a lot of brass to keep polished. Some of his other iron. The Felton Flyer built by a dear friend---- Mr. Bob Frutiger Bobs daily driver pick up parked by his aircraft. Couple more pics.
  10. 8 points
    I have an older single brew Keurig with a mug sensor so it will not start brewing without a mug in place. My wife got it for me for Christmas years ago. I am sure she got this model to prevent me from having to clean up buckets of coffee.
  11. 8 points
    I drink whatever Mrs. Sylvan makes. She's the coffee aficionado... I just drink it and give thanks...
  12. 8 points
    Grandkids and working tractor pictures this year!
  13. 8 points
  14. 7 points
    Although it might be early.....got the 654 ready for snow plowing duty. Now that leaves are falling the rear discharge deck doesn't work good for leaf pick up so I'm using my 33" Troy Bilt walk behind mower. Changed oil, greased all fittings, removed mower deck & installed plow, installed weights, & upgraded to led lights.
  15. 6 points
    As with most days, today I was wearing one of my Wheel Horse shirts. My brother stopped by and he had one on, then a little while later my son in law stopped by and he too had one on! It wasn’t too long before we were laughing about it, so I had my bride take a picture.
  16. 6 points
    I said I wasn't buying another one unless it was really old, or was a WH with an Eaton Hydro. Buuuuuttttt This popped up on Marketplace about 40 miles away. Closes one I 've found to home. Seller said it came with the property when he bought the place in 1994. He mowed 2 acres with it until about 2 years ago when he replaced it with a zero turn mower. He said the previous owner had brought it down when he moved to Texas, from New Jersey. I told my wife I was going to call and look at a " Parts Tractor" on my way back home from the farm, since it was on my way. When I got home she said " I though you were getting a "Parts Tractor" I said I'll see if it runs or not. I really do need a C Series Parts Tractor, even if it is a gear drive. I was sold at his $100 listing price. But I pulled the transmission dipstick, Seller saw it was a milky and said how about $80. I Loaded it up. Drained the transmission when I got home and thankfully it just had milky oil and no free water on the bottom. So I'm hoping a diesel flush or 2 will clean it up, also needs some seals. PO said engine was re-ringed about 10 years ago. Not currently running, but spins oven when jumped. I was really hoping the deck looked as good as it does in this picture. Several years ago the PO did a great job of fiberglass repairing a rusted out deck. It held for him, but its all coming loosed with new rust. Deck is shot. This is a Special Attachment the PO added, ya'lll have guess what it's for!
  17. 6 points
    Fall in Michigan... Campfire, Wheel Horse, Denali, Happy hour...!!!
  18. 6 points
    And here I thought my wife was the only person in the world with that talent. I drink tea so my mornings tend to be uneventful.
  19. 6 points
  20. 6 points
  21. 6 points
  22. 5 points
    Watched my two neighbors farming today. The corporate farmer had half the soy beans cut when an end bearing froze in the head. So, load the head and back to the shop for new bearings. Wait for the end to see my other neighbor. No bearing failures in his 5 HP pulling team.
  23. 5 points
    Working on leaf pickup today!
  24. 5 points
    Oh Bob. Bob. Bob. Bob. 😬 Did we forget something?
  25. 5 points
    Other way 'round here. People think I'm kidding when I say the BBT does 99% of the food & drink prep. Nope. I have ONE peoples nourishing responsibility. Coffee.
  26. 5 points
  27. 5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. 4 points
    Thought you had a new girlfriend or wife Oh no, another one naming his tractors.
  30. 4 points
    Yep d series dual spools work very well!
  31. 4 points
    Working in Pearl Harbor for a few weeks. I’m on the right. And the view from my temporary home (Hotel) while I’m here.
  32. 4 points
    As in all groups, there are good and bad. Some of their rules seem contradictory but it works for them. They make use of every minute of daylight and during the harvest season many times they are working well into the night with headlamps. In general, I envy their independent life style. My Amish neighbor bought the farm next to me at an auction about 6 years ago from the Grandson of the Man that I bought my plot from over 50 years ago. The other bidders at the auction were real estate developers. If they had won, I would have moved. We have a great relationship. I continue to mow around the farm and do some critter control as I have for 50 years. He allows me to continue to hunt as I have in the past. I can pick my own produce as needed and pay him when I see him. In my case, It's a win.
  33. 4 points
    Just happened to be building this #5053 3 speed and thought maybe something a little different.
  34. 4 points
  35. 4 points
    "Boys at Work " -- teach them on a horse at early age --- plowing snow from 35 years ago -- Year "one" of 1989 model 312 - 8 -------- Son, daughter, and two sets of grandsons now all have horses.
  36. 4 points
    Pullstart Stables 2024 April plow day . Sure wish my son would take pictures with the phone sideways .first two pictures I played with the lighting and contrast.
  37. 4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. 3 points
    Alice is always been problematic starting and melted the tip of a fine pocket knife jumping the solenoid. While searching for the gremlin I decided it would be best with a whole new wiring job. PO had replaced the K with a magnum ... guess he had worked at Kohler go figure. Question is should I A) Pull the oil sensor out and plug it? It was not wired in. The safety switches are getting nixed. B Wire it in? C) Just leave it in and tie wrap the wires back? I suck at most things but pretty good at keep an eye on oil. Battery tray came out for cleaning and fix a broken hoobie doo so now would be the time.
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    I was going to use scotch locks ...
  42. 3 points
    And back in harness and discing at 8AM this morning.
  43. 3 points
    I make my coffee using the pour over method. I like iced coffee, so I put it in the fridge for the next morning.
  44. 3 points
  45. 3 points
  46. 3 points
    We had a couple coffee floods at our VRBO beach house last week. Seems the lid on the pot needs to be in a particular position to allow the coffee to drip into the pot.
  47. 3 points
    My cousin has seen this guy for three years now. Just never close enough to get a shot . They don’t get that big being stupid . . Coyotes have been out of control behind the house for the last week . Was leaving the middle school football game the other night and heard a friend say that he taking the couch out for a night hunt . Told him what I had going on and around midnight I heard two shots. Same night another local guy seen 8 and had gotten 6 of them .
  48. 3 points
    Find a dual spool valve from a D-series, and just plumb a second circuit wherever you want.
  49. 3 points
    Yesterday the 257 had a Flat so I put some slime in it for the time being.... I hate to use that stuff as it is really messy when changing the tire.... After some slime & some air I put it back on the Tractor & then spun the tire as fast as i could for about 5 minutes to hopefully thoroughly Coat the inside & eliminate the leak.... Today I found some keystock at the big box store today while getting other stuff for other projects that require attention before the "Herd" gets their much Needed Attention. At least I have stuff at the ready when I can escape these other tedious & Not as cool projects.... Hoping for a full day on sunday with Real Progress to share.
  50. 3 points
    My brother manages mom's farm in north Missouri. He contracts planting and harvesting. I guess with the technology available, you buy your seed by the kernel or bean because the computer on the planter prevents double planting rows. Although, only 123 acres of the farm are tillable, the work gets done in hours instead of days when dad used a two row planter. Some of our local Amish clans are slowly being drawn into modern conveniences. An Amish grocery store a few miles from home is air conditioned and has compressed air motors running the ceiling fans. They have three reefer trailers air conditioned for storage. A fellow who drives the Amish around said that last summer when it was so hot, the Amish family moved their beds into the empty cooled reefer. When asked why they don't air condition their bedrooms the reply was "That's not permitted." The driver for the Amish took a van load of them to Kansas CIty to visit the Union Station and then to the airport to watch the airplanes take off and land. I know the driver, who attends our Sunday School Class, asks for prayers for Amish children when he has to take a child to Children's Mercy in Kansas City. In this day, it's impossible even for folks like the Amish, to not to be assimilated into our technology driven world--maybe that's not a bad thing. This afternoon, I was talking with a fellow and we talked about hand nailing shingles as mention in another posting. I never did use an air nailer when roofing and early on we carried each and every bundle of shingles up on the roof. My wife loves to tell a story about me when we visited my one and only trip to a casino in Laughlin, Nevada. If you took 5 dollars in gas receipts, the casino would give your 5 dollars in casino money. I spent three of my dollars and cashed the other two in because I was still ahead. When Pam asked me why, I told her "All I can think about is how hard of work it is carrying shingles on my shoulder up the ladder and I'm not willing to spend my earnings here."
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