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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2024 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Welp, we added another to the herd. It’s a C-121 been sitting for a few years. Came with a whole bunch of miscellaneous wheelhorse parts. Got the tractor home hooked up a new battery to it cranked and no spark. Took the points cover off cleaned and regapped the points and cleaned the spark plug and she fired right up! Going to post a few things we got with the tractor for sale soon. Seat as you’ll see if a wreck. PO gave us a few other seats including a short back WH seat I think I’m going to put on it. Also got 1 hubcap that I’m going to make something cool with! This week me and my dad will go through it change all the fluids drive belt (which is also a wreck) replace the fuel line front to back and change the plug and air filter, Then she’ll be a great worker! IMG_9279.mov
  2. 9 points
    After getting those Cortisone shots in each knee on Monday, I decided to walk instead of riding around the Amish farm. The cantaloupe harvest is over and the thousands remaining are ground up for fertilizer. The cabbage has been harvested. The horses are being treated to a few remaining ears of sweet corn. The soy beans are starting to turn. Still have pumpkins , broccoli, and cauliflower. to harvest. Hickory nuts and acorns are everywhere.
  3. 7 points
  4. 7 points
    Was looking through some things this evening and figured these belonged here! My grandparents and cousin with the Work Horse my grandpa bought new in ‘83 the picture is dated 1986 along with the original operators manual which was really cool to be able to read through. The tractor is still around too which is cool and one funny thing with it was my grandfather didn’t like the turf tires so the dealer swapped wheels off another tractor so somewhere out there there’s a wheel horse with the gloss white rears and this one has the beige white rims.
  5. 6 points
    During the High Holy deer season In Michigan it's sometimes necessary to resort to remedial education to prevent accidents... A lot of Elmers out there...
  6. 6 points
  7. 5 points
    I had a follow up visit with the surgeon today. The pathology report shows no more cancer in the lymph nodes but there was in the tumor removed. Due to my energy level and weight loss (138 lbs) as of today I cannot return to work for two more weeks. He also told me they would like me to have more chemo to insure the cancer will not return. I have an appointment with the oncologist Oct. 7 to see what the plan will be.
  8. 5 points
    Footrest pads cut out and glued on. This is rubber sheeting that they ordered by mistake at work instead of gasket material years ago. I have used most of it up on all my tractors. Glue used is 3M 90 high strength spray adhesive used as contact cement.
  9. 5 points
    That’s when I fill my freezers with delicious vegan food. After all, salad is what food eats
  10. 5 points
    I don't go on here on the phone very often. I can see it well and was typing something that had nothing to do with the post I was replying to! LOL Ed's "mental state" LOL Let's not open up a can of worms here!
  11. 5 points
    That stuff ain't on my phone though John ... @Ed Kennell 's mental state????
  12. 5 points
    I've had this 1267 up for sale for a while. Had about 30 inquiries on FBMP but nobody would commit to even coming to look. Finally a guy from the snow belt said he wanted to come ASAP. He's been wanting a WH or an old Cadet for a while. Took one look and said "I want it! " Then started asking about attachments. I said I had a snow blower that I was thinking about selling as we haven't gotten snow in 3 years. Plus I have the PK Loader and an Ariens walk behind. Showed him the Tall Shoot and he said how much? Shot him a price and he said OK. I had to get it mounted up so I can show him how it goes on. I had to build the PTO pulley out of parts as the pulley on it was for a 1/2" belt and the blower uses a 5/8".
  13. 4 points
    Is there a season for them? I wasn’t aware…
  14. 4 points
    Picked up the 1054 yesterday. All body there except clutch side panel and front/rear lense covers. Gentleman said he had it running 5yrs ago but he hasnt messed with it since but has been stored in shed until 3wks ago. Hydraulics worked at that time also. Think i am going to leave as it is paint wise, clean rims up, get new front tires and get seat redone.
  15. 4 points
    Why can’t you just assemble it and tighten it up to drum real tight. I did that way one time it worked for me.
  16. 4 points
    With Fall approaching the penguins are following their migration route past my house. Due to over breeding half now walk while the rest take a conveyance powered by animals they force into service.
  17. 4 points
    Did someone say fish bait?
  18. 4 points
    I stay put in the State of Confusion most days...
  19. 4 points
    This 750 hour non running 310-8 that I bought for $175 had evidence the PO used the hammer on the starter to get her running for quite a while. A few checks with the VOM showed the problem was in a fuse holder. Added a waterproof fuse holder and it has run fine ...even with an abused starter. I'm guessing the vibration from the PO pounding on the starter was enough to connect the worn fuse holder until one day it failed to work. So, I get a cheap roller with a great 42"SD.
  20. 3 points
    No chance of saving any meat Ed? Same thing happened to me year before last. Injured buck on the side of the road. I dispatched it with my concealed carry piece and called in for a road kill tag. When the cop got there I inadvertently let it out I finished it never giving a thought that it's illegal to discharge a gun within 50 ft of a roadway. He just smiled and said he didn't hear that and bedsides I'm not a game warden. On my way up nort and just happened to be passing by a processor that does them for food pantries. That's kinda a big thing here. I think the state pays them.
  21. 3 points
    @8ntruck Up here during Hunting Season (August-November) it’s heavily encouraged to wear bright orange in the woods and not wear anything white from now to November as some hunters have issues determining if they are shooting at a deer or not. I have heard of businesses and houses getting hit too. I used to work at a small country store here that had a bullet go through an entry way window. No one was hurt though. Despite that, I don’t mind hunting season, it brings money to the State and population control to the wildlife population.
  22. 3 points
    Looks like fun. During yesterday's family gathering, I was telling my brother in law about the Allis Chalmers B10 I picked up this summer. He did a restoration on one probably 20 years back. His wife joins the conversation with 'you want another Wheel Horse?' My wife chimes in with 'NO!' I immediately point out to my wife that Horses are herd creatures, while noticing that my brother in law is looking at his wife with a 'I don't believe you just said that, and where did it come from' expression on his face.
  23. 3 points
    That’s cool! Great to get out and play as a band. It’s like a team sport. Luckily our jam worked out awesome yesterday. Played a bunch of stuff from the eagles to the foo fighters. Been playing with the drummer for a while and we were having some trouble finding others. Yesterday met with a bass player and a singer/guitarist for the first time and everything was pretty spot on so now it looks like we have a full band 🤘🏼
  24. 3 points
    Clean everything, use the adhesive of your choice (clear silicone for me), mount the band on the transmission and set the parking brake overnight. Works every time. Don't let @ebinmaine fool you, BBT does all the work and she doesn't make a mess.
  25. 3 points
    Trina's newly restored stove is AMAZING!! The thermostatic fan works wonderful. The draft is excellent. Certainly the best stove we've had on the main floor. She started it, got it going well, added ONE stick after that. We'll let the temp fall for the night now. HUGE difference compared to the other two stoves that have been here.
  26. 3 points
    Just FYI Most members have that listed under their name / avatar if you look at the info on the left under each. It's there for each and every post they make Like yours states "Farmington" but that could be anywhere. Lots of Farmingtons around the country.
  27. 3 points
    After yet more obstructions to my building of the model I made a start on the wheel hubs . The kit hubs were drilled at M2.5 to take plain bolts, clearly nothing like the studs and lug nuts that the full size vehicle has. I decided to enlarge the thread to M3 and make wheel studs. Not a huge job but repetitive with 5 studs per wheel. Then came the lug nuts, I used hexagon brass bar to make them. Turning a taper, drilling and tapping them M3 to suit the wheel, then parting off to length. I'm quite happy with the look and when painted up they will be just fine.
  28. 2 points
    The 8278 PTO clutch on my '69 GT-14 is shot. Can't get any continuity with a multimeter. Finished rewiring my garage this week. Today I'm taking the day off and going to start working on this clutch. Have 400' of 18 gauge copper magnet wire and Epoxy Seal 9000 electronic grade epoxy resin for potting. Today I will dissect the old coil, work on turning a two piece bobbin, try and make a spool holder with some sort of friction tensioner. (Probably won't get all that done) Manufacturer specs on old coil: Self bonding aluminum wire, 18.25 gauge at .0419 diameter. (the 18.25 at .0419 is weird, my wire is .0413 in diameter, would expect the old wire to be smaller than that) 12 turns per layer, 20 layers, 237 turns. 2.88 ohms, 4.17 amps 12V tape wrapped OD 4.915, ID 3.374, .655 thick My general idea is to wind the coil at reasonable tightness, line the bobbin with wax paper, super glue occasionally, may also use cotton thread to hold it together. I'll be hand winding with the bobbin held in the lathe. Try and get as many windings as possible with the above given ID/OD/thickness subject to what I find when dissecting old coil. Once I've got a coil wound, I'll see what resistance I've got and do some calculating.
  29. 2 points
    The we've see it all file is gettin pretty full ... check this out. Found while harvesting a axle bracket... Question is do I try and fix it ? Seem to be on pretty good if not brown welded. No shortage of 1" hubs here. You ever heard of Paul's Garage @Achto ? City says Omro. @PeacemakerJack ?
  30. 2 points
    It's dicey here in PA. Sometimes you get the OK without a second thought, sometimes they want to slap you in irons and suspend your hunting license for 10 years just for asking. I remember once, about 20-25 years ago my dad and I came on a similar situation, guy came around a corner in his Grand Marq and plowed into a deer, broke it's front legs, and it couldn't get out of the road, a few weeks before the season started. Dad was considering dispatching it when an off-duty LEO pulled up, radioed it in, then we waited for an on-duty ociffer to show up, who then put 2 whole clips from his service weapon into the poor animal's head without killing it. Then they radioed in (only because they were out of ammo) and got the OK for dad to use the 30-30. Then they allowed us to take it to "donate to a non-profit". We took it home, butchered it ourselves, and gave the meat to the pastor.
  31. 2 points
    In the spring and early summer stockings, the human fishing pressure is heavy and most get caught. The bald eagles and great blue herons also get their share. An eagle followed the stocking train this morning. I swear they listen for the train whistle to know when we are stocking. Some of the fish in the remote sections (require a 5 mile hike) live for several years. Most of the fishermen that walk that far release the fish unharmed. During high flood stages some trout do get washed downstream out of the creeks onto the river. Migrate?, I see no evidence of a reproductive migration. During low warm water periods, some do move upstream to smaller spring runs in search of cooler water. Most of the fish stocked this morning will be there till the spring season opens in April.
  32. 2 points
    The safty swicth 101845. Toro has them $60/$80. Found and used one of these Cole horse neutral safty switch, works great. Also found some on Amazon
  33. 2 points
    Same on the orange down here. We don't even go out in the forest on our own property to gather firewood without having Orange on in some form. I have hiking shirts that are safety orange as well.
  34. 2 points
    Definitely agreed but I don't know where I would put them yet and also not sure if this is going to be a permanent solution. I don't think it'll really go anywhere because the tractor will be locked in place and I never dump anything unless I'm on level ground.
  35. 2 points
    K. I'll give you that one. Just seems that gunshots are more common in the fall.
  36. 2 points
    Yup. Fall is here. Geese are flying over, the underbrush and a few maples are starting to turn. Lots of gunshots in the distance this weekend. Baltimore oerials and humming birds seem to have moved on. Acorns are falling like rain. Several of our neighbors have metal roofs - gets kind of noisy when the wind blows. Corn and beans are drying out. Potato harvester equipment is making the rounds in the potato fields. My brother in law lives on a river about an hour north of us. Goose season is open, and the hunters are out on the river. Their house and their neighbor's place have been 'sprinkled' with shot a couple of times.
  37. 2 points
    I got no argument.... Actually...... She takes most of the pictures too.
  38. 2 points
    As you spray it got it a final coat of Rustoleum Crystal Clear Satin or Gloss. It will dry faster and the Gloss will defiantly increase the shine.
  39. 2 points
    Looks good. A little tape and that seat will be good as new
  40. 2 points
    Understandable. Trina's like that. I'm WAY more comfortable below 60⁰, 65⁰ down to about 25⁰ or even less. 🤔
  41. 2 points
    Ahh. Be strong man. Fall is wonderful !!
  42. 2 points
    Haven’t biked in close to 7 weeks (usually get out 3-4 times a month). So this morning before I mowed my brothers lawn and my mother in laws lawn I got in a ride. Really hammered down and made good time with a good average speed…legs were not happy with me at all
  43. 2 points
    All the geese are congregating and flying formations. Corn is being chopped like the market’s closing down. I saw one swipe of beans get chopped down the road end of week last week. Different deer are on trail cams.
  44. 2 points
    Hopefully that goes to a good home and the person joins us here!
  45. 2 points
    Boss in my first job out of college was a former Air Force avionics tech for fighter planes. He introduced me to the “brogan adjustment” techs sometimes used. Many of you know brogans are the heavy lace-up boots worn by the U.S. military in WWII and later. The thought of “fixing” a fighter plane this way, and then letting the pilot go fly it, made me shiver.
  46. 2 points
    I reanimated the C160 after it sat for a few weeks. Y’all are no doubt familiar with the old “turned the key and nothing happened” gag. Now, the starter worked when I hot wired it and it ran fine. Now I’m not great with wiring, but I went all through that thing, even bypassing all the safety wiring and then hooking up another solenoid. Having fixed nothing, I restored everything to its original condition and did one last check with my testing light - confirming that everything appeared to be continuous. No go. At my wits’ end, I opted for the last remaining option I could think of; I got a hammer and whacked the solenoid, turned the key again and… It fired right up! So I guess my spare solenoid is junk, but my hammer still works great.
  47. 2 points
    Aside from receiving a snowblower and a visit from Eric and Trina (great, great people) I finally got my Raider 12 down to the frame! Time to let the color fly and start reassembling after I clean this thing up. i also have been practicing a bunch of songs on guitar in anticipation for today. Trying to get a rock cover band going here in the southwest NH area to play at all the festivals and breweries. Hopefully just sticking to all the “best songs of all time” is something people would enjoy. Can’t wait to get playing again.
  48. 2 points
    Really fortunate here in Ga near Lake Lanier. Lots of places selling non E gas for about $1 a gal more than regular. Started using it years ago after having outboard engine issues. Never looked back for all my small engine needs...
  49. 2 points
    We don't even use the stabilizers here. Still no issues. Our machines like a walk behind snowblower or the splitter are used for a few months every year then shelved. They always start right back up.
  50. 2 points
    We had some friends over yesterday, and we took a walk in the field trails. 200 yards past my hunting tree I heard a cry. We found this little thing in the weeds. I named her Rooster.
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