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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2024 in Classfieds

  1. 1 point
    Wheel horse C195 pedal tractor made by roadmaster. Great display piece, No shipping and no trades Located in Nappanee, IN
  2. 1 point
    Various 300 series parts. Hood stand, Wheels, frame, spindles, etc. Need room. May be able to ship smaller parts. Pick up only for larger items. PM with needs and I'll see if I have it. Thanks.
  3. 1 point
    PM Me on here if interested. I have a 1970's era 7-1722 partial (rear piece) Wheel Horse cultivator with 6 shovels (3 long, 3 short) and an 8-5511 Clevis Hitch (Just the hitch piece, I might be talked into removing the tube & cable from my C-100 to add to it for the right deal) . I have no use for them now (Got a Farmall) I'll sell the whole kit and kaboodle as it sets (In photos) but you'd have to come and pick them up. Or, I can part it out and sell pieces of it individually to be shipped to you. Asking $100 for the whole thing, or make me a good offer on pieces (It'd have to be worth parting out plus shipping) Probably could ship the whole thing, but I'm not willing to go into the hassle of finding a way to package it up for shipment (No, there's no UPS stores or anything like that around here in the boondocks) Right now they just sit in the way - If buyer is coming to pick them up I have also a whole pile of good used parts off a big 520i snowblower (I stripped it down and scrapped the big massive pieces, thinking I'd sell the used parts on ebay, but have not found the ambition to do so) and other stuff (Box of old cub parts, a patternmaker's lathe, and so on) for collectors or pickers looking to make a bundle deal, also. PM me here on the forum and we can talk about it. (No I don't do phone calls - I am deaf as a brick wall) Picture of cultivator and hitch (all in pieces to save space in my small garage) here:
  4. 1 point
    Wheel Horse C-141 Hydro Tractor....This is a 1978 or 79 Model....14HP Kohler Engine....Hydro Transmission and Hydro Lift....Nice Tires that are Not Very Old....This Tractor Has Sat For Awhile....All I Have Done to It is Clean the Fuel System and Points...It Actually Runs Well with No Noise or Smoke....I Could Not Get The Spark Plug Out and Did Not Want to Damage the Head....Transmission and Lift Seem to Operate Very Well....It is Missing the Air Cleaner...It is Running in All The Pics....Check the Pics, What you See is What There Is. Thanks.
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