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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2024 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    I am getting to old and 48" decks are getting to heavy to drag in and out for the cleaning that they should have. Scored this at auction this weekend for $45. Looks like new. Now I have to find a new excuse for not cleaning decks more often...
  2. 9 points
    What - no beans with that? I got some progress on several small projects today. One of them being a rack to improve the organization of our iron cookware: Turned out pretty well, I think.
  3. 7 points
    Busty got horny today... and led lights. Note the necessary ground wire to the light bucket. You know @Achto for those twilight booze cruises we never seem to get in lately. Sorry abount the seat @Pullstart... this one keeps a guy from getting thrown...
  4. 6 points
    A little update, work on this tractor is slow. I’ve been rewiring, the wiring was in bad shape. Still working on power steering, I do have a box made around steering valve and making sure got room for hydraulic lines. Next will be where to put steering cylinder so it’s out of way. Will post more pics in few days. Been trying to buy another used D250, but looks like it’s not going to happen
  5. 6 points
    We all know idiots who have driven longer than that for a horse! That's no excuse! Why just this week @Pullstart was encouraging me to drive to Georgia for a tractor!
  6. 5 points
    I can neither confirm, nor deny…
  7. 5 points
    Gotta remember, that to Kevin, the MI to GA trip is just another "Milk & Bread Run".....
  8. 5 points
    Mike, Usually, the black thicker plastics are HDPE. Not sure about the WH gas tank, but it sure looks like HDPE. I had a big 75-gallon roller that rolled over a spike creating a gusher. The roller was mas made from HDPE Heavy Black blow-molded piece. I purchased HDPE welding rod 1/8 black and used a big soldering iron with a flat tip to perform the melting / welding. Found it at Grainger, but I do believe you can purchase it from Amazon. Very similar welding to TIG welding, just alot slower and no eye shield required! I just moved the soldering iron in very small circles and added rod as I went along the torn seam. Never leaked a drop after that. I would say this seem leak would be repairable by welding. Keep us posted! Steve
  9. 5 points
    Definitely not a 702 front axle.
  10. 5 points
    I think I have found the final design. Now to start building it. I decided not to cut up any more metal mocking it up and just improvise, looks crude but it works. Final wheel base is about 66".
  11. 5 points
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers and well wishes. As of this morning the medical team and my family are working on getting him home so he can rest in his own house for a few days. You're a good bunch of folks and I appreciate being a part of this site.
  12. 5 points
    Your tranny is totally savable. Worst work is cleaning. I saved this one. Show and tell Ollie? ...
  13. 4 points
    Alto is a small unincorporated village with a population of around 1100 that has a 2 day (Wed & Thurs) fair every year. This was my first time at this fair & I was absolutely amazed at the crowd of people that were there on a Wed morning. The crowd only grew through out the day & it was down right packed when I left at 3:30pm. The garden tractors started pulling at 9am followed by antique farm tractors at 1:30. I participated in both. Wanted to share a few pics with you. Mod class. Child stock class. Most of the kids in this class are between 6 and 11yrs old. Lt pro mod. I was in Adult Stock class, not much time to take pics during my class. My brother was able to figure out my camera long enough to get short portion of my pull. I did not win but I did manage to go further than a few of the Cub Cadets. Actually I did better when I jumped in to the 25hp twin cylinder class, still no win but pulled 20ft further than I did in my class. Was a lot of fun and the weather was great.
  14. 4 points
    Possible CL score if we can come to terms. Who am I not to even try on a round hood? Seller says a 653 but not sure. I am leaning towards a 702.
  15. 4 points
    Newly discovered allergy to cut grass?
  16. 4 points
    First proper drive out in the new car today, bit of motorway work to try he radar adaptive cruise control thingy out. Set it to a speed and away you go, if you come up behind slower traffic it drops your speed to match them, if you pull out to overtake it accelerates for you. Lane following cameras too so you stay in lane if your mind wanders. Not autonomous driving but a very neat bit of kit for highway driving.
  17. 4 points
    I tend to agree. Don't dicker with the man Jim, just go get it!
  18. 4 points
    Like the front axle placement. However, Won't those two short step ladders look a bit out of place. Wheels would work much better!
  19. 4 points
    I'm leaning towards a 753 or 854. (frame & front axle at least), 702 style 1 piece gas tank & cast iron dash, 854 style HY-3 plow / cylinder mount, AND a later style (perhaps 8 speed) Unidrive. The rear track width is rather wide. A "FrankenMutt". And the not-quite-finished 70's aftermarket steering wheel conversion! Look at the color of the Kohler - not OE Wheel Horse.... If it runs well and sold as a package for less than a month's Grocery Bill, then it is worth looking into.
  20. 4 points
    That should clean up and be very savable. Show us what the inside of the differential looks like since it was locked up! A big wash tub and a gallon of diesel or your favorite water based degrease will make it look a lot better Then some quality time with a bench grinder wire wheel and it will look a lot better. Definitely a messy job ! The 4 speed transmissions are fairly easy to reassemble. If you decide to remove the shift forks watch out for those 2 little balls and spring in there. If you loose the balls, you can get replacements in those parts drawers at your favorite hardware store. I'm saving this one, but it will need a "few" used-new to me parts. Thankfully I found some 8 speed parts transmissions last year.
  21. 3 points
    I’m one step ahead of ya.. 😉 I asked then started checking into how to become a supporting member ( which I should have done anyhow) thanks guys once again!
  22. 3 points
    Nice! Looking good Jay. Front axle under the engine will allow the tires to go around it so it's just a matter of getting the belt or drive line past a fully turned tire, but think your axle was made pretty wide to leave enough room.
  23. 3 points
    As good I I can do. Probably worth spending the hundred bucks for a new seat I will never replace but a quarter of the price/quality 😁
  24. 3 points
    All my electric pumps are under the seat fuel tanks. Pumps push better than suck so I mount them next to the tank. I use Facet posiflo pumps now ..had a 50% failure rate on the cheapie China pumps../ You can leave the old pump in place cap the fuel line fittings...
  25. 3 points
    Just using what we have to stack up the parts to get a build started. Lookin good Jay. Now the fun begins.
  26. 3 points
    See those rims on the step ladders. Those are a creative new “butt” steering design. You can even steer from either side
  27. 3 points
    I like things that work well and can be repaired as needed to keep them working. Therefore, I don't like plastic fuel pumps because they are throwaways.
  28. 3 points
    Cool looking tractor, how far did you have to push that cart to bring it home? Here is a thread that you should find helpful. @stevasaurus is the man on these transmissions and has posted several great threads on repairing them.
  29. 3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. 2 points
    Your name looks great in red!! That plug itself looks OK but the wiring colors, I'm not so sure.
  32. 2 points
    Well he's got a sugar mama whos the bread winner too... Fixed income here Squonky says. Ouch think I just got cattle prodded... Me thinks you guys were taking the skin boat to Beaver town... But it's a round hood ... It's allowed
  33. 2 points
    Go to the Implements Section and look over the Interchange Chart. Find your tractor, it lists the decks that fit. ID the one you have and download the Manual for it. That will have the info you need.
  34. 2 points
    My local Chef is cooking a chicken breast over the open fire out back.
  35. 2 points
    I have used Aircraft spruce as a source also you can use Amazon. I have been using the 1.5 - 4.0 PSI others prefer the 1-2 psi (since your tank is higher and closer 1-2psi should work fine) Facet pumps are made in USA Elmira NY
  36. 2 points
    Our GT1642 does this too. The key is to idle down and wait 1 minute before shuttiing off. That's all it takes.
  37. 2 points
    Yep missed that completely. The one piece tank jumped at me hence the 702 thought. I had also initially thought his asking price (700) was abit high but the HY, weights & plow kinda add up. The 7 hr round trip is a kicker tho.
  38. 2 points
    Just tap into the line going to the + on the coil. Yes they work on S/G
  39. 2 points
    Found a leak on my C-161 tank the hard way. Thanks to @ebinmaine a new tank is on the way. I've watched some YouTube videos about plastic welding and it's making me want to try it on this tank. Anyone here have any experience with this? I know it's polyethylene material, but I don't know which type.
  40. 2 points
    Failed vacuum pulse pumps can suck gas into the crank case just like a failed diaphragm in a cam operated pump. Why take the chance ...electric isn't that expensive...
  41. 2 points
    You're WAAAAAYY ahead of me on 99% of projects...
  42. 2 points
    Have you not heard of one step at a time? Simple minds like mine need simple steps. Coming soon,I haven't got to that step yet.
  43. 2 points
    I was wondering about steering without front wheels too.
  44. 2 points
    I almost didn’t include my random blabbering, because it was not informative. I was simply amazed at the things I was seeing!
  45. 2 points
    They are junk and can not be trusted to run for long. I had the pump arm break off on a couple.
  46. 2 points
    For the most part, thumbs DOWN.
  47. 2 points
    Pretty confident, I could color match that seat pan, no sweat.
  48. 2 points
    Just run that B&S powerless plant for a while and the whole thing will be covered in soot. Then soon it'll be all the same color! Viola! Problem solved
  49. 2 points
    The Large and the Small. On the way to the Steam Pageant.
  50. 2 points
    Nice looking tractor. That transmission should be savable. Hear a source for a bearing, seal, & gasket kit. https://wheelhorsepartsandmore.com/product/base-kit-1-for-manual-transmission/ If the large 1533 bearings are bad then you will need this kit instead. https://wheelhorsepartsandmore.com/product/kit-1-with-2-1533-bearings-for-manual-transmission/ Inspect your 3rd gear closely. If you question it's condition, post a pic of it & we'll help you decide on its condition. Will mainly need to see the inner teeth of the gear. If you need 3rd gear, this is the only source for a new replacement. https://wheelhorsepartsandmore.com/product/3523-3rd-gear/ I was able to bring this transmission back to life.
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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