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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2024 in Posts

  1. 20 points
    The Long Island Antique Power Association held its summer show and tractor pull this weekend. I went today (Sunday) with my son in law and brother. We took my Work Horse GT-1800, C-175 Automatic, and 420-LSE to the show. Here’s some pictures. Hope you enjoy!
  2. 6 points
    Sprayed some Regal Red on bottom of my cart, will wait until tomorrow and flip it over to finish it and running gears. Just barely had enough paint so hopefully can find some more in morning .
  3. 6 points
    I'm collecting parts to rebuild some transmissions and happen to have an 8 Pinion Diff and a Limited Slip Diff that I could pull out to measure and take pictures of. This was an interested learning experience for me. Sorry I didn't pull the IPL and get all the correct terminology. I can measure anything else you might need. To me, it looks like the 8 -Pinion diff would fit in a Limited Slip case if they both used the 1533 bearing. I'm not sure how the diff offsets would work, maybe the diff gear is wide enough that it wouldn't matter. you would have to verify if the 1/2" offset interfered with anything else. 8 Pinnion on right, Limited Slip on left. They both look the same width at the outer ends that fit into the case bearings. so i think the 8 Pinion would fit in a limited slip case. The outer housing on the 8 Pinion are equal length on each side. The outer housings on the Limited Slip Diff are of different lengths and create about a 1/2" offset. The Limited Slip diff gear roughly measures 1.66x wide. The 8-Pinion diff gear roughly measures 1.88x wide (hard to hold the caliper firm and take a picture at the same time. This is an 8-Pinion diff with one axle gear in place. This is a Limited Slip diff with all pinions and axle gear. This is the limited Slip Pinions in the carrier. I seen to have read its made out of pressed powder metal. Its lighter than expected weight wise. back when I disassembled it, the other half had a crack. I set it on edge looking at it, and it flopped over and cracked in half. so they are very fragile. These are the diff end caps top 8-Pinion, middle steel Limited Slip, bottom, cast steel Limited Slip diff. This is the Limited Slip Axle Gear it is roughly .09x smaller than the 8-Pinnion diff gear. This is the 8-Pinnion diff gear. These are the gears that mate/drive the diff, Limited Slip on Left and 8-Pinion on right. They both have the same numbe rof teeth on the small end. They are the same outer diameter and same number of teeth.
  4. 5 points
    My stack came today for the 753. Shout out to Chad @Phat Stacks.
  5. 5 points
    @clueless I don’t see any problem with listing an 8hp Kohler engine in the wheel horse classifieds section..especially if it’s “plug and play” in a wheel horse tractor. And I’m pretty sure the others would be ok with it too..
  6. 5 points
    A couple pics from me. Of course we usually eat well.
  7. 5 points
    Installed a NOS air cleaner assembly on the 401 since the original was long gone.
  8. 4 points
    Something you hardly ever see anymore - early bodied short track Modifieds. Used to love watching these as a kid - not many survived. Not sure about the low blue one between the 7-11 and the 34 - that may have a later style body.
  9. 4 points
    Cracks you say? And the fix ... Note the zerk... greasy Pete approved...
  10. 3 points
    I had a funny feeling that was you don!!! I knew I should of said hi but I was chasing my kids around lol
  11. 3 points
    My FIL has 4 vintage modifieds. They sure are fun!
  12. 3 points
  13. 3 points
    Don thank you for the picks. A nice group of different mechanical machines and tractors. That looked to be a nice show to be at.
  14. 3 points
    It's widely accepted that the 8 PINION 8 SPEED with 1 1/8" DIAMETER AXLES is the strongest Wheelhorse manual transmission. The differential end plates and the differential pinions are larger and stronger than the 10 pinion setup. You would lose the advantage of Limited Slip Differential but gain strength. You could fully lock the differential by either flipping 4 of the 8 pinions or welding each pinion gear set together. The 8 PINION 8 SPEED was made from roughly 1972 all the way through the end of production. I believe there is some interchangeability from an Open diff to an LSD. I'm not sure what may or may not need to be modified. I have both types on the shelf in the shop so I could get you any measurements needed if that helps.
  15. 3 points
    Nice work! Where did you find that bushing?
  16. 3 points
    Mowed with my $100 414-8 today. She needed a slight carb adjustment today and then ran and mowed great . Todays lawn stripes brought to you by a 36” RD
  17. 3 points
    857 got a new shifter boot…the old boot still had another ten years of service left in her I’m sure, but figured why not
  18. 2 points
    This is a new one for me. It's the center pulley off a 42” SD mower deck. But, I guess, after nearly 50 years it shouldn't be a surprise. Though it was a surprise how easily it came off. Fortunately, I have another 42” SD. I don't think it was an alignment problem as the rest of the pullys was evenly worn on both sides but comments and experience would be welcomed
  19. 2 points
    That's my distant cusins tractor Joe pansini. His son Joe Jr was pulling along side my son. A guy he knew gave him this RJ
  20. 2 points
    If you have the gear on the left your gonna have to shave a little off the bull gear for clearance. Just like 3/16 to 1/4 inch. Also use the 8 pinion axles cause they are both the same length, the 10 pinion ones are different sizes per side
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    Agree with all the above.
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
    @ri702bill Those modifieds belong to a couple of friends of mine. One is a collector and the other is a retired driver/owner of the cars and I believe still holds one of the track records at Riverhead Speedway. Both really nice salt of the earth kind of guys. @Pullstart You know Kevin I honestly didn’t look carefully at the steering on that tractor but, yes it looks like it would be some kind of cable steer? @Tractorhead I was going to answer your question but @ebinmaine beat me to it!
  25. 2 points
    An oil question will get lots of points of view. I've run Mobil 1 synthetic in my Kohler's for 5+ years now. The only restriction I'm aware of is they suggest using a conventional dino oil for a new/rebuilt engine ring break-in. JMHO
  26. 2 points
    @Achto Somewhere in my fuzzy memory I recall someone have to grind a little off a diff for it to clear something. But that's what grinders are made for I currently don't have any bearing in the six speed case I have. I may dig around to see if I saved some used bearing that I could use to test fit the 8 Pinion in the six speed case.
  27. 2 points
    I love those Trucks with a snout. Btw. What is the 4. in row for a Brand? looks similar to a Faun Truck.... Oooooh The Faun’s - Memories comes up... That was the first big Truck in Drivingschool of the Bundeswehr each rookie must drive. They had an unsyncronized Gearbox so Double dome with intermediate declutching and „ hear the right rpm“ was the gamechanger from turning a kickback and screaming Gearbox into a real roaring Engine Monster. It’s V12 Multifuel Aircooled Deutz engine with 19 litre displacement and about 260 horses... Oh Boy - what a Soundambiente..❤️ As i remember it has no Powersteering at all and even correct Shifting without a Backkick was definitely real „hard Work“ and good timing. 🤪 And beware if you wasn‘t right in the Gear and releasing the Clutch too early - that Monster Kick back the shifter Stick very Badly and punish a wrong or raping drivin style often with a broken wrist - what was not rare back in the Time... The most in the military hates them - i love it to Drive that Beast.❤️ The Sound was unbeatable. But i know i be „not normal“ 🤪😂 I believe i get old but i must Say, Thanks for bringing me back these good Memories. 👍
  28. 2 points
    @oliver2-44 Thank you for all the research. Looks like switching from one to the other maybe a bolt in application.
  29. 2 points
    Great pictures, thanks! I'm surprised at how little engagement there is between the axle gear and the pinions here on the LSD. I’d surmise that any or all of the axle gear, the pinion carrier, or the pinion gears themselves are pretty worn and approaching end-of-life.
  30. 2 points
    Thanks for the help! Did what you said and now it roles good. Didn’t even have to use and penetrating oil or anything
  31. 2 points
    Not me Chris, not my job now. Seriously, this should have been posted in "Talk to the Mods" section.
  32. 2 points
    Drained the tranny. Hope I got all of it past the humpy thingy. Then a couple of 80w90 IV's. Parts are arriving and I'll be putting it back together again real soon.
  33. 2 points
    This 89 310-8 was sold last September to a RS member at the Meet & Greet minus deck and chrome hubcaps. This was used with a 42'' Side Discharge deck on a well maintained lawn, cut dry and never had any issues. Keep your decks CLEAN. @Keaton Good Luck
  34. 2 points
    I have a 8HP Kohler on the shelf and probably by your name aren't far from you.
  35. 2 points
    Quick test.. take the small wire off the solenoid. If starter stops spinning then the issue is in the ignition switch (or wire from it to solenoid). If it keeps spinning buy a new solenoid
  36. 2 points
    A 10hp tractor might not be enough power for a 42" deck. Of course that would depend on the type of grass you're cutting, the length of it, and how thick the lawn is.
  37. 2 points
    Thanks for the picture and clarifying!
  38. 2 points
    The manual for the Eaton 1100 transaxle has this: So I’d say yes.
  39. 2 points
    It might be a good idea to trim those wheel weight bolts down. They can wreck your day in a heartbeat! You might be able to spin them around and keep the long side inside the wheel too.
  40. 2 points
    I get them welded with reinforcement. They crack due to the twist/torque of lifting a heavy implement like dual stage snowblowers, garden scratchers and 12" plows still pulling in the dirt.
  41. 2 points
    Thanks for sharing. Looks like a nice variety of equipment.
  42. 2 points
    Those bushings (bungs) are readily available. Usually purchased with a new valve. They do tend to seep after a while and I always replace the valve when I put a new one in. Some of the valves have the screen attached and I don't use those. I just replaced them on the 314 and the 2005 due to minor seeping. In a pinch if you don't have a bung and valve handy you can wiggle and slightly twist them to get it to stop until you get a replacement. I just looked at those Eric. I like a lot and they are reasonably priced. I'm going to order a couple. As far as the tank over the battery models most all of them, with a few exceptions, had that until they moved the tank under the seat in 78. There were variations such as the nipple molded as part of the tank which I think were older models and, of course, metal tanks. As far as red or black there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. I'm thinking it was simply what the supplier gave them in that batch.
  43. 2 points
    Thanks Alex. It was more than half way when I picked it up. I just did the finishing touches.
  44. 2 points
    I looked back and it seem I have only posted one time in this section. So here you go. No vids like I use to.
  45. 2 points
    After having several of the cheap imported valves and bushings fail I've started ordering from a company called Aircraft Spruce. Just yesterday evening I discovered another failure. I put a new twist type valve and new bushing in a project tractor two years ago or less and it's completely frozen in place now. Valve won't move one way or the other. The bushings are softer and far much a lot a bunch easier to use. The valves they sell are a 90° lever instead of the old style twist knob.
  46. 2 points
  47. 2 points
    Not an expert by any means, but I’d strongly suspect that the splined axle gear has stripped (edited). Clip is still on holdiing the axle in place so it didn't go (embarrassigly) off on its own!
  48. 2 points
    Your this far, I'd carefully cut a slit through one side of the hub to let it expand. Should slide right off then. If not, cut a slit on the other side and spit it apart.
  49. 2 points
    So I finally got home from visit with in laws and had my buddy Ken b come over and help me swap out the tranny with the one out of a 520 with only 324 hours. Thanks again Ken! Swap done and she is a real nice unit!! Next step it to clean it up. I wet sanded and buffed hood and it looks real good. IMG_7642.mov
  50. 2 points
    Very nice. I'd swap the transmission then figure out what went wrong with the old one.
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