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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Classfieds

  1. 1 point
    My dad bought this new C-160 8 speed in June 1975 from Agro Inc. in Bourbonnais, Illinois. It now has 1,079 hours. Along the way he bought new implements for it including a 42 inch Dozer Blade Factory Model #6-9623, a Rotary Mower Model 5-1210 48 inch, Snow Thrower Model #6-6212 47 inch, Implement Hitch Model #8-5521, EZ Vac modified to fit the tractor with 42 by 37 by 31 inch custom trailer (he built himself) , 8 foot spray boom with pump and tank (he built himself), Sears wheel weights, chains and miscellaneous parts. It includes the original bills of sale, owners and parts manuals as well as attachment and accessory catalog. He passed away years ago and gave it to me. It was meticulously maintained, garage kept with all maintenance and repair records since new. It seemed like he was constantly taking the mower deck off, cleaning and oiling it. He painted it and installed new decals, so it looks very good other than maybe some minor surface rust on dozer blade and snowblower. I have not driven it in probably seven years as I do not have a need for it. I would like to see it go to someone who can use it as intended and take good care of it. I live 45 minutes north of Boston, Mass. I am asking $3,000 or best offer.
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