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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2023 in Posts

  1. 13 points
    I was wanting somewhere to store a few tools and came up with this. Just poked a few holes and riveted it on. Perfect for hammer, tape measure, screwdrivers, pliers, just a few basic tools. Anybody else have a tool holder on their rig?
  2. 12 points
    Talking to nORM on Skype was a blessing. We think of England as being almost like America but his perspective on things in his home country , Scotland next door and Europe in general really opened my eyes on life somewhere else in the world. When I would get frustrated with prices and availability on basic necessities around here nORM would put me at ease when he would describe what they are going thru over there. Then his humor, "English words" great photographs, driving on the "wrong side of the road and knowledge of things would enrichen my day.
  3. 12 points
    Well y'all, she's shaken down and done! Even gave her a scuff and shot of linseed oil and took her to a local tractor show and parade. Didnt seem to get much attention til I fired her up and started driving around- people went nuts This thing is so much fun, and yes theres enough power to at least pull wagons, the boat, etc.... don't believe id attempt hooking up to a plow and turning clay though..... Hope you all enjoy!
  4. 8 points
    I went up north to the Pere Marquette river today @Rob J. you near there? We used a drift boat guide. We put in at Green Lodge and drifted and fished to Gleason’s Landing. I landed 7 king salmon and my uncle landed 3. Our guide Kevin did a great job navigating the river! This was a fly only section of the river and the river is catch and release only. It was clean, and peaceful and awesome! The fish picture I was posing with my uncle with, he caught in the same spot his dad caught the biggest king the guide has ever seen on the river.
  5. 8 points
    Do it! Installed this one like 20 years ago. Tractor is long gone. Screwed right to the fender, that should get a few guys fired up
  6. 8 points
    I first met Norm at Rural Past Times a few years ago. He had a little pop up tent which he slept in. It wouldn't un - pop next morning. Took the two of us to flatten it and force it back into it's carry bag. Think he slept in the Showman, Chris Sutton's, van at later shows. Had a chat with him recently where we compared getting older notes among other things. Photo is of Norm testing out the Roper on one of his visits down south. RIP Norm. You will be missed.
  7. 8 points
    A long time member of both RedSquare and My Old Machine, Norman was a close friend to so many. Rest in Peace Norman!
  8. 7 points
    We have lost a very good friend. I just can't believe it, he was so active. We would send things in the mail back and forth. Among those, Norm sent me a Golfing hat from a nice course near him. I think Norm has the only "Wheel Horse" Bourbon Batch # 1 bottle in the UK. I will miss my friend. God Speed Norm!!!
  9. 7 points
    Incredibly sad, god only knows how many hours we talked on the chat box in the early days. RIP Norm
  10. 7 points
    I'm still using my '68 Commando 8 with the roundish gear drive deck. I like the cut of that tractor better than the 42"recycler RD deck that's on the C160. Another nice thing is it uses way less gas. Yeah it might be slower than a zero-turn, but a lot more fun. I'm retired so I've got plenty of time for mowing.
  11. 7 points
    We could just use one of these?
  12. 6 points
    Thank you for letting me know guys. Words cannot express how incredibly sad this has made me. I never met Norm but feel I knew him through our chats on Red Square. He was a great man and so full of knowledge he was happy to share. And he was so active and busy with his work where he lived and at his friend's farm. Life has cruel twists and turns and sometimes we get thrown off the road. I hope his family find peace and that he rests easy after a busy and fulfilling life. My deepest condolences and prayers. Mickwhitt. Xxx
  13. 6 points
    I was so sad when I hear the news about nORM , only PM him about his world and how to mess with @squonk . He was one of the great ones across the pond and I learned about life in his part of the UK. I am going to miss him hope he left instructions with his mates on messing with Sir Skunky. RIP
  14. 6 points
    I liked it when he told about the ploughing over there and how they did competition and carried marker sticks. The buildings and sheds he put up and shared with us. You will be missed Norm. 😢 for your family. @Mickwhitt might want to know.
  15. 6 points
    A very good friend of mine and will be sadly missed
  16. 6 points
    I'm crushed. Spent many hours on Skype with him and the boys. RIP nORM!
  17. 6 points
    My Scag Tiger Cub is my primary mower. But my 520-H is the backup, and unfortunately the 520-H mows more often than I like. Simple truth is that the 520-H is slower, and not nearly as strong as the Scag, yet far more dependable. Today's commercial mowers are much faster and more powerful than anything Wheel Horse ever produced. Performance wise, there is no comparison. But they only do one thing, are very expensive, and break down regularly. There is something to be said of the dependability and durability of these old tractors that still work 40+ years after they were built. I'm thankful for my red tractors!
  18. 5 points
    So lately I have had an interest in old cast iron cookware. Picked up a couple of skillets this weekend. A Birmingham Stove and Range, and a Wagner Ware. I already have an Erie and another BSR. I was wondering if there was anyone else with a collection or interest in these. If so..... what ya got ?
  19. 5 points
    So very, very sad. Your presence will be greatly missed, here and on M.O.M. Rest in peace Norm. My deepest condolences to your family, prayers sent. God Bless. Doug.
  20. 5 points
    Oh noooo... This is really upsetting. I never got to meet Norm, except through RedSquare, but I always enjoyed his posts about the rallies he attended, and his dogs, and everything he contributed to the Basement. My condolences to Carole and his family, and also to @Expeatfarmer, thanks for letting us all know. @stevasaurus and @DougC will want to know. I need to take a walk.
  21. 5 points
    Oh damn! So sad to be hearing this horrible news. Red Square has lost a great member and friend. @Stormin , you will be missed.
  22. 5 points
    I'm saddened to hear this. Prayers and thoughts to his family and friends.
  23. 5 points
    34 years and runs like the day the dealer dropped it off in my driveway. Has been the best money ever spent on anything I own. It has a very pampered life now. Saving it for someone who appreciates a made in the USA tractor. Applying it's first coat of wax in June of 89, a winter picture in 09 and a current picture.
  24. 4 points
    It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to announce the sudden death of my friend and yours " Stormin" Norman Dainton. He died very suddenly last Monday from a stroke. Our thoughts are with his partner Carole and his extended family. His funeral will be held at Carlisle Crematorium on Thursday 5th October at 12.20. As a major contributor to Redsquare and the MOM forums over the years he will be greatly missed.
  25. 4 points
    Mounted a plastic toolbox to the back of the homemade. Was a nice little trunk.
  26. 4 points
    No tool holder on any of my tractors yet, but that may change after seeing your pics !!! I have thought about mounting an ammo box somewhere, but hasn't happened yet.
  27. 4 points
    R.I.P Mate !. Sorry I let you down by not finishing my lastest project you were looking forward to seeing.
  28. 4 points
    RIP @Stormin may there be a Wheel Horse waiting there for you.
  29. 4 points
    I was saddened to learn of @Stormin's passing, he will be missed.Norman always had a way of adding humor and wisdom to postings on Red Square. Always remember the good Norman has done and keep his family in your prayers.
  30. 4 points
    I’m so Sorry to hear that. bye Stormin, we will miss you. have allway’s a good ride, wherever you are. Sent Prayers to him and his Family. Rest in Peace
  31. 3 points
    I am shocked. Another great loss. We take it for granted that we all will be here for ever but unfortunately it’s not so. Rest in peace Norm.
  32. 3 points
  33. 3 points
    1 Lodge, 2 Wagner's, 1 Griswold and 1 no name. The wok is also a no name Total cost to me $45 dollars. This makes five fry pans and one wok. Fry pans range from 8" to 12".
  34. 3 points
    Once it seasoned never wash it with soap. I use just water. Dry it well by putting back on stove top then thin coat of canola oil while warm.
  35. 3 points
    He will be sadly missed by his Red Square family. Rest in peace Sir.
  36. 3 points
    Mine is a repowered 2006 model. It's not that it breaks that often, but it's hard to work on when something fails. This past year I broke belts, had the PTO clutch quit, and now the starter solenoid went out. Then the "interlock control module" broke, and I just rewired the whole machine. Mostly what I'd consider normal wear stuff. The clutch alone was listed at more than $500, though I finally found a new one for $150. Same part, just not through Scag. I don't have a decent shop here for parts either. A broken belt can take several days to get, and half the time it's wrong. My Wheel Horses have pulled me out of a mess more times than I can count. While they can't cut as fast, they sure keep me caught up.
  37. 3 points
    Hi Everyone, I posted about this on the MTF an TF forums already so forgive me, but I figure spreading the word the more places the better. I don’t talk about my health here (or actually anywhere) besides my own home and sometimes at work, but I been having medical issues with my kidney and liver my whole life since I was born 23 years ago. This time however is a bit different. There’s a long story about all this and I honestly don’t even know all the exact details because I was only 3 years old at the time. All I know is that I got my current kidney from my now 65 year old biological father back 20 years ago in 2003 cause I was born premature. However now 20 years later that kidney unfortunately took a turn for the worst and is failing, and failing to the point where I now need dialysis. I most likely have a living donor already, BUT I’m wondering if that person does not come through if anyone else would be willing to help me out and possibly donate. I’m blood type A positive and am located in Berlin CT. I know it’s a long shot, but I figured I would at least try. Thank you all.
  38. 3 points
    No worry about getting the doors dinged in the parking lot.
  39. 3 points
    So sorry to hear, he was always so active and involved with so many interesting to-dos! Rest In Peace @Stormin
  40. 3 points
    Prayers for Stormin and his family...
  41. 3 points
    Absolutely and without equal. I have a 1974 and a 1975. Trina has a 1966 and two 1967s. We restore them. We work them. We maintain them.
  42. 3 points
    A few more 1991 520 - H.
  43. 3 points
    I've operated equipment for 70 years that had none of the government mandated safety equipment. I also don't have any kids around to get hurt with my tractors I learned back in the 40's to keep my fingers out of equipment when it's running and still have all ten of them. Most of the safety required by our government was brought about by larger manufactures to put small manufactures out of business. The small guy can't afford to get the testing required for the little sticker on the equipment so he can sell it. I bolted these together one summer in 1961 before the owner had to quit building them.
  44. 2 points
    Also note @Bill D’s thread on his progress making a pedal motion control (I think he’s closing in one that satisfies him!)
  45. 2 points
    Some of the pedals have a flange that can be drilled for a bolt on lever.
  46. 2 points
  47. 2 points
    I'll some times buy a rusty pan if it is not pitted real bad. Here is my process for getting them back in shape. 1 - sandblast the pan to get rid of the rust. 2 - use Scotchbrite on a 4 1/2" grinder to smooth out the inside surface. 3 - heat it up, 350+ degrees for 20min or so this works best in an oven 4 - while it is hot rub it down with cooking oil 5 - turn it upside down & put it back in the oven for 30min. 6 - turn the oven off & let it cool inside the oven. May have to repeat the heat, oil ,cool process 2 or 3 times to get desired results. Every day cleaning process for me is wash the pan, put it on the stove top on medium heat to extract any water, while still hot give it a light rub down with cooking oil, let it cool & put it away.
  48. 2 points
    Thanks I just ordered the kit.
  49. 2 points
    Most of these were 18-20 lbs. he said a 25 pounder in the river this year is MASSIVE. I’m not sure if I shared these picture yet, but in July we were on an Alaskan cruise and landed some monsters up the river in Ketchikan. My two were around 30 lbs and my buddy Matt’s was pushing 35+
  50. 2 points
    Joe - a classic dilema like the chicken and the egg..... Do you WANT the bolt to snap if you hit something fixed at speed while plowing??? If it does, it may lessen the damage to the tractor & plow.......... Grade 2 is sufficient if you do not use the equipment as an earthmover!!! Rule of thumb - if you USE the trip springs more than twice a season - fix what is tripping them!!!
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