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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2023 in Classfieds

  1. 2 points
    Runs and drives. New fuse block, fuel filter and line. Runs good when sitting still, but if you touch it, it starts to run rough. Has some real fine dirt in the tank so I think it's clogging the tank filter. Cleaning the carb doesn't help. Needs a tube in front left tire. Has two decks, the one on it is almost new. Has hub caps and integral hitch. I think it's worth my asking price just in parts. New battery. I have too many projects and would like to see this go to a new home and see some use! 20230731_195133.mp4
  2. 1 point
    1997 314h 14 hp kohler magnum 975ish hours 42" side discharge deck with mule drive #79360 tall chute blower tire chains wheel horse wheel weights brand new battery manuals for everything Runs and drives, but needs tlc. New fuel line added as the old one started leaking Included also is 2 brand new front tires as the ones on it are cracked Asking 800 for everthing. Cash only. Pick up in west michigan. This was going to be my next project, but just dont feel like starting it. Making someone a great deal on all of it to get it out of my barn pics will be uploaded soon
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