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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2023 in Classfieds

  1. 2 points
    Unfortunately my Father recently passed away, he was big fan of Wheel Horse tractors and a member of this site. He happened to be in the middle of rebuilding a couple different models at the time of his passing and now we have a ton of parts some in original packages that we have no idea what to do with. There are engine blocks, cranks, gasket kits, lights, seats, hoods, fenders, hitches, tires, tire weights, mowing deck, gauges etc - too much stuff to mention. The hope is that someone be interested in taking everything at a fair price. Attached are pictures, the boxes contain a multitude of parts. I can try to answer any questions if needed, simply would like to see everything go to another Wheel Horse fan.
  2. 1 point
    Selling a nice shape wheelhorse lawn ranger has new governor gear crankshaft seal side cover gasket and front tire tube. Has a nice shape original wheel horse seat. Mows great! Deck is in good shape too. 300 cash . Will also trade for a husqvarna gt2254 will add cash.
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