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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2023 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Took a chance on this one. Pick it up in the Am. Half torn apart know. This is a 1056 with a good engine and tranny. This suffered from back yard mechanics. Never owned a 1056 I had a 1075 and a 1057 but not this model before. Hope you enjoy the picks.
  2. 8 points
    Rob J.


    Another little guy followed me home this weekend. Mostly original. New seat and a funky hitch. Runs good, little puff of smoke at start up. Looks to have been repainted quite a while ago. Gonna just clean this guy up real good. Do the normal maintenance. Rebuild the trans, doesn’t need it but I feel better with new seals and bearings if needed. Mechanically sound is priority. It’s close. Now for the fun stuff. Any 702 gurus here? I’ve notice a few things I’m not sure on. Is the solution to rebuilding these 7hp Kohlers is boring them out to an 8hp or can the 7hp rings still be found? Tower supports.?.? Are these a ‘62 only thing? Also the pronged key. Is that switch a 62 only as well? What about the hand lever bracket. Appears to be a middle notch. Any help is much appreciated.
  3. 8 points
    One of my favorite models as it has the opposed magnum 18 with electric lift . This is a true original survivor with low hours . After a year or two of chasing this one it’s finally made its way home . Fully went through it and it sure is a gem. IMG_6569.mov
  4. 6 points
    I've repainted both my 516-8 and my 312 Hydro because of the peeling paint. What happened to the quality of the paint when Toro took over Wheel Horse? My older C-120 had not a spot of paint missing. For that reason, when I got around to re-doing it, I chose to not repaint the hood and fenders. I wet sanded with 600 and shot them with semi-gloss clear to preserve the patina. But just to give it a little spark, I added a few flames to the hood. For all of my tractors I used Rust-oleum Sunrise Red and trim colors of Rust-oleum Gloss White and Silver. It was a toss-up between Sunrise and Regal Reds, but at the time I wanted to paint, only Sunrise was available locally to me. It is somewhat brighter red than the original, but I'm satisfied with it. For all of the purist's out there, forgive my use of non-official paint colors.
  5. 6 points
    Took the C-145 out today for a little rototilling in the garden did a very good job.
  6. 5 points
    No explanation required. Image number two says it all, rim held in bench vice.
  7. 5 points
  8. 5 points
    Finally got time to finish my quick and dirty harrow build. Not anything fancy or pretty but it worked really good. I was extremely happy with how well it worked on my driveway. Of course the hydraulic lift on the 416 makes it really nice
  9. 4 points


    Well, I can tell you this...tires are original. The early 702's had a shifter that was straight. The bend came after the HY-2 lift was available. My 702 serial is 62-4216, and mine has the HY-2 (option) and the bent shifter. Not a big deal with the shifter...it is original also. The seat is correct also. Nice horse. Except for the hitch pin, that horse looks complete and original to me.
  10. 4 points
    I bought a 48” deck site unseen 10 hours away with just a photo of the box . (Which is the first picture ) that’s the photo I bought it off of . I had it shipped and with being very busy i didn’t have time to take a look . Today I peeked in the box and seen something shiny and said this needs to be opened up to only find this 😬 . What a good day !
  11. 4 points
    Fix the generator today and painted it too
  12. 4 points
    I got out the two C-85's and the set of 1973 8 HP three speeds just to take some pictures. I still have not put a battery in the boy's C-85 to see how well it runs plus I have to get him to mount the seat. His also has a set of rear axle snowplow blade brackets , plus the paint is a little nicer. My C-85 doesn't look like it was used very hard but seems to have developed a wiring problem as the starting solenoid is not always getting the current for energizing. And yes, I have noticed someone has been in the wiring before ..... I'll get it fixed. The second set of twins are the 1973 no name 8 HP three speed with the smaller tires ..... I just think they look neat! My boy bought his at the Annual Wheel Horse Show two years ago and is a good runner. Mine was repainted and decaled but to me still needs more work. I will convert mine to have working lights. I believe somewhere in my garage I have all the parts including the correct muffler. Wild Bill in Richmond VA
  13. 4 points
    I still pop in from time to time. Here’s my late father’s 1978 he babied for decades before he passed when I got it and how it looks today. He replaced the original seat pan with the metal version. It still pushes snow 54” at a time every winter. Thanks for the nice words.
  14. 4 points
  15. 3 points
    I paint everything with sunrise red, including my C-161 and E-Z Rake
  16. 3 points


    Nice tractor!! I save tractors has kit for the K161. https://isavetractors.com/ultimate-engine-rebuild-kit-for-kohler-k161-7hp/
  17. 3 points


    Nice score!! The "added" notch in the lift quardrant is not original, as is the replacement muffler. The hood stand supports are only 701 and 1962 models, and are correct. As Don mentioned, it would have had the cast slot hitch and lift cable. Overall, about 90+ % original. A great worker - I still have Dad's 702.......
  18. 3 points
  19. 3 points
    When I make a tomato pasta sauce I add an Oxo stock cube to it as I simmer it. This gives a meaty edge to the sauce. I can see Worcester sauce doing a similar thing. We have something over here called Hendersons relish. It's only made in Sheffield and its way better than Worcester sauce, but a similar type of thing. I only use fresh basil from the herb Garden, and it gets added right at the end before serving, just to wilt it down. The flavour is so much more intense. Mick
  20. 3 points
    Well if ice cream = 2.5 miles, I’ll holler at you when I circle the globe once or twice!
  21. 3 points
    Just to keep the weeds down on the places we don’t have anything planted.
  22. 3 points
    I found my issues ON the inside of the dash, there is cotter pin holding that lever in. There is 1 very thing washer that is near that cotter pin I simply removed the cotter pin, added another washer, reinstalled the cotter pin and now it "pulls" that lever tight. No issues anymore!! simple fix
  23. 3 points
    got two free generators decided to try the most beat up one fired right up had to clean the jets and drain fuel for it not to surge so badly
  24. 3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. 2 points
    Wonderful past hospitality and generosity -- I made one gathering a couple years ago -- awesome barn and collection -- and terrific chats with the herd enthusiasts !!!!!!!!!!!!
  28. 2 points
    This 🐻 does not own one. And that's probably a good thing.
  29. 2 points
    Some years they are way worse than others... mother nature thing. They can strip a tree of green in no time. I favor a 🔥 thrower EB ...
  30. 2 points


    Here too...yes slot hitch. Key was 701 702. @Achto says small block parts are getting hard to find but not quite hens teeth yet. Mainly OS piston/ring sets. Nice lookin survivor and un molested no matter what.
  31. 2 points
    I believe those are tent catapillers?? Those can be just as devastating as the wasp.
  32. 2 points
    Looks good! I used Rust-oleum IH Red Tractor paint and a Harbor Firght paint gun with Asetone thinner and Omini MH 284 hardner on my Raider 12. I had some PPg Hardner but could not find it. the Omini was for etching primer. I ending up with a textured finish. I fix three or four of the worst dammaged places and the textured finish hid three dozen more small ones.
  33. 2 points
    I'm thinking you should change your thread title to just "New 418-8" and be done with it.
  34. 2 points
    Thanks Bud. Foe the $$ I could not pass it up. Needs a lot of love.
  35. 2 points
    I weighed in this morning at 268.1 Look up a bit but I've been struggling with my meds again which I had a feeling was going to happen because the timing was about right... I've gone off of the gabapentin completely as of last Thursday so 4 days now. I worked very hard yesterday for the first time in quite a while. Definitely feeling it today but I don't think it's excessive or abnormal. I've decided to add a different supplement into the routine and just try to keep up with the stretching and movements.
  36. 2 points
    I drove through the neighborhood and got the carb all hot/bothered, and adjusted. Letting them graze a bit to see if it requires more adjustment. Ready for more
  37. 2 points
    Glad to chip in that the “6-speed” has the same gearing as an “8-speed”--it was a naming thing by WH! It does have a “limited slip differential” (This is NOT posi-traction. Lots of threads here discussing these--do some searching!) It was a LOT easier for me to make the swap having the brake setup the same as the 3-speed, having a parking brake, and NOT having a dipstick to mess with. I used the shift lever from the 3-speed (personal preference). The drive belt from the K181 hugs the frame and the 6-speed input shaft is ⅝” and quite short. To line it up properly, you need the 6-speed pulley which has the setscrew at the bottom of the pulley groove. @ri702bill nails it--with enough traction, it’ll climb walls. I use the low range pretty often. It is especially handy when having it drive itself onto or off of the trailer using the ramps and I’m steering from the side.
  38. 2 points
    This gets the juice between the bolt and the nut or body but what gets it to the bolted-on component?
  39. 2 points
    Yeah back to real life Glad that you had a nice time and enjoyed the food! We took the Mom in law over to Italy a few years back. I also came back from travels with ten pounds of fluff and zits like a teenager. Would not trade the time/food and a week at home cleared that business up. Cant eat perfect all the time but... gotta attempt i guess Pro trainer neighbor assigns activity to a number of food and beverages. That is how i cheat. Ice cream... 2.5 mile run. etc. etc.
  40. 2 points
    I cook for a living. I have never in my life put soy or worc in pasta sauce. I will certainly give this a go... TODAY! Many thanks. Learn something everyday iffin you are paying attention
  41. 2 points
    Best to get the whole kit and replace everything that comes in it. That way you'll have a new needle and seat as well. Kohler carb rebuild kit is 2575702S
  42. 2 points
    Thank you all. the linkage just popped off with a little more mustard. I changed all of the fuel lines and the petcock under the tank. The petcock was leaking. I sprayed out the carb well especially the bowl and float area. The bowl seal is not great looking. Does anyone know the part number for the seal?
  43. 2 points
    Two of everything…, oh yea, you got it bad
  44. 2 points
    TBH I "go by ear". My experience shows me I'm better off having the idle on the high side. More oil splash. More air flow. Both somewhat important in an air cooled splash lube engine. 🤔
  45. 2 points
  46. 2 points
    Axle cut to length and tacked. Spindle bushings made. Need a little more fitting for the spindle bushings to axle and grease zerks installed. Also need to machine the bushings for thrust bearings. Axle pivot pin bushing is the next major task.
  47. 2 points
  48. 2 points
    Spark plugs will fire outside the engine but some will not fire when under compression. A new plug is best to try and if it is not the cure remove and save it for the next time you want to try a new plug. Some will remember the Champion spark plug machines. They had a sandblaster to clean the plug and a port the plug was screwed into to test it. It had a coil to fire the plug and a mirror to view the spark. One would crank up the air pressure in the chamber and watch when the spark would quit. The dial had pass and fail markings so one could determine the plug condition.
  49. 2 points
    My B-80 pulling tractor with a Kohler CH20 v-twin
  50. 2 points
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