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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2023 in Classfieds

  1. 12 points
    Restored three years ago: new wiring, excellent Goodyear tires (no cracks), front wheel weights, new seat, lights all work, new battery. This was one of my favorites. Used just to pull garden carts around the yard. Kohler 12 HP engine runs great. Unfortunately, we are moving to a retirement community, and I don't have the space for it. This is the last of my reluctant downsizing. PS: I have a set of rear wheel weights from a Simplicity, and I'll include them if it's bought before I have to move it this Saturday. HOT STEAMING DEAL !
  2. 1 point
    We have available a fully rebuilt Onan P220 20hp twin. New OEM parts include pistons, ring, rods, seals, etc.. Valves were properly reground and seated , all new OEM seals and gaskets. Has been run since rebuild ( 20230427_122227[1].mp4 see attached video ) Price is $800 for the complete engine from the air cleaner to the exhaust. Price will come down as the items come off that you may not want or need. Private message me here or call / text during normal business hours. No shipping on this item , cash only at time of pickup.
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