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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2023 in Classfieds

  1. 2 points
    Wheel Horse 418-8 for sale. Not sure of hours as the meter doesn’t work. Doesn’t smoke and runs great. Has factory electric lift assembly installed and works great. New rear tires, shifter seal. Newer battery. Needs a seat as you can see. Just don’t have the room for it and hate it sitting outside. Someone needs to give it the love it deserves. I do have the headlight bezels. Located just south of Greenville, NC. I can pm you my phone number if interested.
  2. 1 point
    36" Rear discharge deck - decal seems to read 05-36MR 04 but hard to read. No rot, good condition. New bearings, pulleys,blades and belt. Mule drive and new drive belt. In storage for many years - refurbished for use now Send name and number and I will call you
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