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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2022 in Classfieds

  1. 5 points
    Early RJ-58 with mower deck for sale (no date code on the transmission). Engine is a good running K91 with recoil start. Proper belt drive with reproduction belt guard and an extra set of rims for the rear. Also comes with a 32" mower deck which I have not mounted. I have a video of the tractor running available upon request.
  2. 1 point
    C-175 hydro roller no engine Rough tin $50 SOLD C-81 8 speed roller missing Right rear axle no engine $50 Raider 10 6 speed m/n 103017 s/n 843664 $300 runs and drives but smokes no deck C-160 auto with 16 mag replacement engine m/n M16S spec 711502 s/n 2403565803 $500 SOLD includes 42" SD deck and electric fuel pump C-120 hydro with hydraulic lift m/n 104959 s/n 46433 16HP Kohler replacement engine new fuel pump and has 2" spacers under rear wheels $400 carb has been cleaned and it starts, runs, and drives as it should good tires 1971 Speedex model S-19 with B and S 19 HP electric start and rear cast iron wheel weights. $650 Guy installed a new carb and new used valves and front wheels and tires. It now runs and drives.
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