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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2022 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 9 points
    Years ago, a Wheel Horse dealer make a parade set up using 4 Wheel Horse tractors without drivers to pull a parade float. It consisted of 1 hydro tractor and 3 manual transmission tractors. The steering was mechanically linked together, and the hydro was the only tractor running and thus pulled the manual tractors along with it. I had gone to the dealer who had the set up and tried to purchase all the mechanical parts, but I did not find everything and decided to pass on the sale.. For the local Christmas parade almost 20 years ago I thought that i will just build my own driverless parade unit. I made a test run with a model 753 and some rope controls and thought hey this will work. A model 704 was used due to the 2 spoked steering wheel that the reins (ropes) tied to each steering wheel spoke could easily operate the steering. The starting and stopping was controlled by a lever operated cable that pulled the clutch brake pedal from the back downward. The clutch had to help back with the level, and I had to shift into second gear and leave in gear. And yes, there was a safety cut off switch wired in just in case something happens. The sleigh was built on top of my 4 wheeled wagon. I drove this set up for 2-1/2 hours during the parade and received many remarks from kids who thought it was magic that there was no driver on the tractor, women who thought it was romantic and wanted a to ride in the sleigh and men that said, "That guy is good". Wild Bill in Richmond VA
  3. 9 points
    It was a lot of body language and the front tires up in the air! My Wheel Horses had to cut the lawn, plow snow and run a grader blade so I pulled in the stock class. My Wheel Horse model 753 never looked like much but it would stand up on the wheelie bars for most of the track. My 633 Diesel Beast was always pulled in an Exhibition class. Wild Bill in Richmond VA
  4. 8 points
    As I remember being watched had sumtin' to do with this picture .... as ya' can see a small-town street, tractor parade, the gap in the center of the road and me on my six speed Lawn Ranger getting ready to make a full speed blast right up the middle! Wild Bill in Richmond VA Note: The Wheel Horse pulling the dump cart is Ed Mayhew.
  5. 8 points
    Brought my new unit home today. Tomorrow is inspection day.
  6. 6 points
    I have loved this Wheel Horse custom since first laying eyes on it. And just wonder if it might be for sale. Growing up during the 1960's (I was born in 1959) Rat Fink was a big thing with Ed Roth and custom car culture and this Wheel Horse hit me right in the heart! Wild Bill in Richmond VA
  7. 6 points
    Over the years I have been ...... well let's just say watched carefully by the law because of my activities on Wheel Horses! Wild Bill in Richmond VA
  8. 6 points
    I think the exoskeleton (outside roll bar) should be a dead giveaway that the driving will not be on country roads and open highway. These trucks are used in fighting forest fires where pentation into the burning forest could result in a tree falling on the truck.
  9. 6 points
    Bob, I have all my wheels powder coated, I also have the frame, front axle, footrest and a few other parts powder coated too. The powder coat color for my wheels is porcelain white from prismatic powders. Here is the last one I restored.
  10. 6 points
    Got the newly acquired 1045 running. Considering this tractor sat for over 4 years and the points were all jacked, bad gas in carb, gas in oil and nothing but a battery hook up and new gas to get it purring like a kitten I had a great day. Hauled in some inventory and couple new tractors life is good. IMG_6279.MOV
  11. 5 points
    A day of harvest here today. Peppers & tomatoes were ready so it was time to get some thing done with them. After a lot of prep work got a nice big pot of salsa. Canned this up so that we can enjoy it through out the year. After a hard afternoon of work, I was pretty hungry so I headed back out to the garden for some more peppers. For supper it was poblano peppers stuffed with cream cheese, chicken, cheese, black beans, tomato, onion & jalapeno. Topped with more cheese and cooked on the smoker.
  12. 4 points
    I’m looking for some help with a 753 I got yesterday. I would like to know how the hood mounted. Bottom of my hood is gone and there isn’t any mounting mechanism. I may be missing something here or is this the way is was? Surely not. Also on the gas tank…..sigh sigh sigh, is this really a two piece gas tank and a gasket separating the two is what’s causing the leak? Oh what did I get myself into? Not a very well thought out idea and I’m certainly no genius. In general if any of you have a 753 and possible spare parts and certainly your knowledge of these guys I would most appreciate it. You scratch my back I’ll scratch your back. Thanks in advance.
  13. 4 points
    Yesterday, @squonk replied to my question regarding your worst teenage job - His words "Not a teen job but probably the worst job I ever had was when I worked evenings at the hospital was doing PM's on the dish machine, (nasty), grease trap (nastier) and morque garbage disposal! (Nastiest)!" about the grease trap got me thinking.. Did you ever get into a situation where something in the vacinity reeked soooo bad, but you could do nothing about it? I think we have all been stuck in traffic behind either a garbage truck or a Rendering Company truck in the summer - not pleasant. I worked 2 jobs for a few years in the 1980's, one was doing front end work and alignments at a local Goodyear store. Two brothers owned the building but each had a seperate business - left side was the Goodyear store, the right was the Truck Department where they made and installed large truck recap tires. One hot August Saturday, i got to work and next to the alignment bay, there was a 10 wheeled Septic Pumping truck parked outside. It was there for 8 recaps in the rear and 2 new tires in the front, per law. It took the tire guys all day to change all 10 - I got home in the late afternoon and my wife wanted to know what I stepped in outside!!
  14. 4 points
    Malady… Who you calling’ Malady??!!??!! Oh wait… Uhm… I’m a man I can change If I have to I guess…
  15. 4 points
    I remember driving back from a fishing trip in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan (Big Bay De-noc). My friend Larry and I were just south of Green Bay, Wisconsin when we happened upon a Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road. It was a very strong Oder. I looked at Larry and said, "You know, I kind of like that smell." He started laughing hysterically and said, "Me too, but I never would have told anybody." We laughed about that for hours.
  16. 4 points
    Are the Hillman bolts cup point? Ideally you want hardened alloy cup point set screw. They will cut in to the key and into the axle for the second position. (no need to grind a flat spot on the axle.
  17. 4 points
  18. 4 points
    Working on getting the trans back together. Swapped a few bearings (outboard axle shaft and input shaft) cleaned out all the gears and the case. Made a gasket. Hope to paint it this weekend along with the main frame parts. Im continuously amazed at how much space this process demands. Get everything cleaned up and organized, then within a few hours the shop looks like a tornado came through.
  19. 4 points
    Thank you the metal shop I brought it to has celebrated 100 years of business this year and the family is awesome I worked for them for a short amount of time in the past. The shop has built long island stump jumpers out of 2.5 and 5 tons too
  20. 3 points
    Today I picked up this RJ-58. It’s missing the pulley on the gearbox but seems otherwise complete. Kohler K91 turns by hand. Previous owner never ran it. Anything else you guys can tell me about it? I only know what I’ve found the last few days searching around. Is the hitch thing on the rear homemade? Thank you.
  21. 3 points
    Rear wheel weights , anyone seen or know about these rear wheel weights ?
  22. 3 points
    You might try an auto junk yard. A cigarette lighter from almost any old vehicle would work.
  23. 3 points
    Well here's the thing. You are. And it's ok. Pretty near all of us here on Redsquare have the same or a similar malady. Me and my wonderful Trina have been around here for a bit over 5 years. In that time we've gone from 1 tractor to.... Near 15. There's no cure ...
  24. 3 points
    I saw this on during my morning review. I've never seen one with a hand crank before! If it wasn't 2 hours away I could be tempted..... Can anyone identify the model, HP and years this model was made, The spark plug has an interesting location, looks like it is on the side of the intake valve. quite a ways from the top center of the cylinder Lots of cast iron for those few HP
  25. 3 points
    McMaster has the correct square head set screws, jam nuts and 8 point sockets. Using stainless steel is fine for a trailer queen but for real work use the alloy steel fasteners.
  26. 3 points
    Only thing missing now is air cleaner (which I will make probably tomorrow)... and the regulator. I may buy a starter solenoid, key switch etc... for it as well. Power has been out here since last night... running on generator power so I couldn't do anything else but work on this engine. @Evguy... I'm a little behind schedule now to bring home the Z... hopefully still looking at a couple of weeks here (3 weekends at most, I think). I'm off to gorge myself on homemade fried chicken... compliments of the female lady women here on the funny farm... (lucky that we have a gas stove)... Only thing I would change about the above song is instead of "cold beer on a Friday night" ...I would rather have "cold Coke on a Friday night" Best part of the song @Jeff-C175... I thank God for my life And for the stars and stripes May freedom forever fly, let it ring Salute the ones who died The ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice All the things we love Like our chicken fried K181 carb works great... although it needed A LOT of adjustments... 100_2112.MOV Don
  27. 3 points
    Apparantly my girlfriend not only took some video of me riding around at the show I visited last weekend but also took a little ride herself! Think she'll need her own tractor in the future
  28. 3 points
    Road trip with @squonk for the big haul.
  29. 3 points
    Had to put a clutch in a sheep farmers truck one during the heat in August. Don't want to gross anyone out but at the hospital they brought in a man who had been dead for several days. They put him in the morgue cooler. The morgue had a dedicated exhaust fan but it was a ridiculously long duct run thru half the hospital basement then up 3 floors to the roof. There was a booster fan in line in the ceiling of the break room for the sterilization crew. Lets just say there was a little bit of duct leakage at that booster fan and the rest is well history!
  30. 3 points
    Thank you BDS, very helpful. I'll check those 2 wires soon, it's raining right now.I fear I may be developing a fairly severe mental issue. I can't figure out how to justify all of the satisfaction I'm getting from getting a 33 year old garden tractor running again! Everyone has been very helpful, and I really appreciate it!
  31. 3 points
    @ebinmaine and BBT's 1045 on the trailer this week. Note the rare optional 4x4 pressure treated seat support--no extra charge.
  32. 3 points
    That was @horsefeathers but he really didn't return on here much after that big show. Shame too because he was a fun and talented guy.
  33. 3 points
    Easy..Peasy. Fit a crescent wrench just over the steel tube, below the rubber grip. Lightly tap the crescent wrench up against the grip...it'll slide off easily without damage.
  34. 3 points
    Very good idea , but in my experience with stainless nuts and bolts they will and do gauld to each other, so use your favorite anti seize.
  35. 3 points
    It needs a shoulder high 8 ball shifter.
  36. 3 points
    Well, this is just a thought for now, but I have a White mountain electric ice cream freezer and the motor is really tired. i found a hand crank unit on Marketplace for ten bucks when all the rest were 75 and up. White mountain plus a cute little 8 horse. Just an idea for now, but I hope it works. Mom told us they used to jack up the old model t and place the crank handle in the spokes
  37. 3 points
  38. 3 points
    @ebinmaine still have my original snap on , roll punch set in the wooden slide tube , penetrating oil , 3 lb hammer , makes it seam easy , pete
  39. 3 points
    I have these also and the short set too. To get the pin moving without bending work great.
  40. 3 points
    The ads say 100% USA made GRACE USA 12 Pc Roll Spring Punch Set is manufactured from the highest quality High Carbon Molbendenum Tool Steel and properly heat treated to ensure long life of the punch. Each punch is hardened the entire length with tempered striking end and are certerless ground for complete accuracy. We have incorporated a reverse taper from tip of punch to help prevent punch from sticking in the work piece. The pilot point (ball on end) that fits into the hollow center of the roll pin helps prevent damage to wall of hole and pin and gives added control for driving roll pins in or out. The Grace USA Roll Pin Punch has three identiying machine marks to help distinguish between our regular pin punches. Punches are manufactured from hex stock vs. round which helps stabilize punch from rolling away from user. Sizes are 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 1/8" 5/32", 3/16", 7/32",1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2". 100% Made in the USA.
  41. 3 points
    I have Grace punches that seem to work well.
  42. 3 points
    Probobly made out of Chineseium in the offshore facility...??
  43. 3 points
    Although the reason why might be aggravating I think you won't regret going this route. It just works very well. One thing you might want to check is that you make sure the powder-coater uses a primer first before applying the color coat. As with paint this helps the powder stick..
  44. 3 points
  45. 3 points
    I spent one week as a field hand picking raspberries at a local farm. Commuted by bicycle. It left me with eternal respect and concern for migrant farm workers. The work was long hours, back breaking, miserably hot, and paid pitifully. The foreman was insufferable but the workers had to put up with him and they didn't get to go home to a shower, a good meal, and a clean bed like I did. And they couldn't decide, like I did after six days with parents at home that would take care of me, that the work was not worth the pay.
  46. 3 points
    Nice! Much better purchase than a second 520 in my opinion. A mid 70’s C series with a Kohler single is the perfect machine to learn some mechanical & restoration skills…and in the end you will have a desirable tractor
  47. 2 points
  48. 2 points
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNY !! One question..."Are you ready to quit counting??" Have a nice day Sir.
  49. 2 points
    Blade set #106636 Spindle belt #6738 PTO belt #94-2501 Outer pulley #109967 Idler pulley #112425 Center pulley #110148
  50. 2 points
    One of my father's favorite sayings was.... If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it a second time.
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