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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2022 in Classfieds

  1. 1 point
    Fully restored to original. If interested send me an e-mail with your number and I will call you.
  2. 1 point
    I was planning on restoring this 71 Bronco after I retired. However, we have decided to move south to be closer to our daughter and I will have no need for the mower/snow thrower there. My late father purchased this Bronco new in 1971 and we used it mainly for snow removal. It has been sitting in my shed for several years and has a lot of surface rust, but I am certain anyone with a little skill can get it sanded and repainted to that beautiful Wheel Horse red! Tires hold air, everything works, even the cigarette lighter. I do think the carb either needs adjusted, or more likely rebuilt, as it spits and sputters a little. Everything is original that I am aware of with the exception of a couple nuts and bolts. I recently replaced the air filter, fuel filter, and changed the oil. That is the only maintenance I have done. The enclosure needs a little work on the vinyl (mostly the front piece) and the plastic windshield is cracked. Other than that, I have all the pieces to the attachments - at least whatever was in my dad's yard barn when I took it out to bring it to my house. I MAY have overlooked the hubcaps, but I really don't recall ever seeing any on my Bronco. I will look again.
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