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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2022 in Posts

  1. 13 points
    Rear weight off the back behind the rear wheels will help to counter-weight the bucket load Change those front tires. Those Ag lug tires are digging in. Tri-rib tires seem to work the best for a loader tractor Only steer when the tractor is moving Upgrade the complete steering and front axle to a reduction steering set up and swept forward front axle from a 520 tractor
  2. 12 points
    Hello all, Tinkered on yet another... Carb job, peeled cover off choke cable--freed it up and lubed it... grease and oil service throughout and threw on a clean 48" deck And on the 7th day God created the perfect garden tractor.... gave it a 48" deck and a 35 cubic inch Kohler single. Then God rested... after he cut the lawn! Lol Tony 20220719_115446.mp4
  3. 8 points
  4. 7 points
    Made the PTO lever the other day and it needed a handle.
  5. 7 points
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. 6 points
    That's 105F over here, that's just way too hot any way you look at it. Take care of yourselves over there, guys. Remember to stay hydrated, most preferably with water or diluted sports drinks. And take it easy, we're all much too old to be over-exerting in temperatures like these (speaking just for myself, of course ).
  9. 6 points
    Several years ago my wife and I were going through an agricultural museum and I would explain what the implement was and how it operated. As we went along a few other people followed at a discreet distance listening intently. I spent quite a bit of time explaining how the horse drawn grain binder worked, the various functions it performed and the tremendous amount of exhausting physical labor it saved. Turned out one of the people listening intently was the curator of the museum and never fully understood how a grain binder worked. At his request I recorded a narrative about it which he said he would use in an audio information station at the display.
  10. 5 points
    Came across some Aurora cars from the 60's. These aren't slot cars but cars designed to compete with Matchbox. They were in a Aurora Cigar Box carrying case. Looking for a source for tires. If memory serves me right, they appear similar to the early slot cars. Any Aurora Aficionados here?
  11. 5 points
    Hi all. As I write England is gripped by the highest air temperature ever recorded. Its 41 degrees C outdoors which is way outside our experience on these shores. I know I've experienced temperatures as high on holiday but this is different. Our buildings are not designed or built for this kind of weather. Our rail network is just about shut down due to fears the rails will buckle and allow derailment etc they have even tried painting the rails white to reflect the heat! Lord knows how they manage in countries where this is a commonplace occurrence. For now I'm sweltering under the ceiling fan hoping it will cool down soon.
  12. 5 points
    416-8 ...... still one of my all time favorites.
  13. 5 points
    Two for Tuesday. The 1075 and the 856/Forsaken. The 875 is still in the garage hiding in the shade. Man is it hot out today. Going to be warmer tomorrow.
  14. 5 points
    It sure would be nice if we could find some decent help around here…
  15. 5 points
    Thrust bearing and washers on the bottom of you r spindles may help a little. Just steer when you are moving sort of like my 1953 M-37 N o power steering back then. ..
  16. 5 points
    @MXDPA glairing to me , what type of grease / lubricant do you have in every related chassis joint ? no load , its easy , load , impossible . would use the bottom of that bucket on some chassis lifts , to suspend that entire front end , broken record , lucas x-tra heavy duty chassis grease , is made for that set up . grease it while suspended steering fan gear , spindles bearings , move it while suspended and greased , to insure application . that polyurea , hi temp , anti sling grease will stay with it , also verify you don't have any hidden contact / drag points , at different bucket range points . that rig looks too good to have that issue , pete
  17. 5 points
    Not much I can add to what John has already said. Going to a larger diameter tire would help and I would also recommend using a narrower six ply tire inflated to the highest pressure stated on the tire. https://www.millertire.com/4-80-8-rubber-master-trailer-tire-c-6-ply/ The 520 swept front axle will give you better size spindles and hubs.
  18. 4 points
    I have a front end loader on my 310-8. With no load steering is easy, however with a load, it is almost impossible to turn the wheel. I'm afraid I will break something trying to turn. Is there a modification that would remedy this?
  19. 4 points
    Thought I would share my latest project. Just finished restoring this RM-323. I've worked on a lot of mowers over the years but have never seen anything like this. If any of you are not familiar with this deck as you can see the blades are gear driven and turn in opposite directions also the curved pieces on the sides come off and are mounted upside down on top of the deck. The front moves up and down you can move it up if the grass is tall and heavy. If anyone has one that has the front guard I would like to see a picture as someone along the way made the one that I have . The wheel is off my 854.
  20. 4 points
  21. 4 points
  22. 4 points
    This wheel horse runs great but cuts off and not throttle. It’s got some bugs to be sorted out he runs and sound amazing!!! did I mention fast as a rabbit too???
  23. 4 points
    As others have said, I added six ply trailer tires and wheels to mine. They hold 70psi. Nearly as much improvement as gear reduction steering which I also added. Swept forward axle also adds a little more stability because it is farther forward and also wider...
  24. 4 points
    They are rated anywhere between 300 lb and 500 lb backslift. It's very important to remember that these tractors are NOT riding lawn mowers. They are Garden Tractors. There's a HUGE difference in strength, durability, versatility and capability between the two.
  25. 4 points
    I agree with everything above. Having a load on that with no rear weight box, I’m surprised the rear tires don’t lift off the ground! Even with the rear weights, adding much more weight out back (and extended away from the tractor for more leverage) will do you wonders. The 310 has 6” front tires. My old loader machine, I simply swapped 8” wheels and tires on and as Richard mentioned ran them up to the 40 psi they were rated for and it made a big improvement.
  26. 4 points
    The PTO bell is now red. I''ll give it the Greasy Pete treatment and get it put on the tractor in the next couple of days. The outer bearing has metal shields, so I'm not going to disassemble it for re-greasing. The inner roller bearing will get Sticky Red grease 'causethat's what I have in stock. The paint came out well enough that the PTO bell will be the best looking piece on the tractor.
  27. 3 points
    With aerodynamics like that I bet it would have great down force, wonder what the wind tunnel numbers are on it.
  28. 3 points
    OK, let's see how high we can go. I worked for Alcoa aluminum on the "pot line" where we made the aluminum from scratch from the ore. The pots were approximately 24' long and 12' wide full of molten metal. About 10' between pots, 120 pots in a row, 4 rows to a building. When it was 85-90* outside it was 160-170* between those pots actually. We had to wear long sleeve cotton shirts and pants, long sleeve t shirts, steel toed boots, gloves, hard hat with face shield and those silver coats like they wear near volcanos. We had break rooms with AC but most of the time you were on the floor. Your clothes were soaked five minutes after you started work. You'd think you couldn't stand it, but we did. Of course I was younger then, 40s and 50s....
  29. 3 points
    A set of O-rings might do the trick?
  30. 3 points
    I remember being on patrol on hot summer days. Before we had to wear body armour we would be allowed shirt sleeve order, thus dispensing with our wool tunic. Still had to wear a tie, unless the Chief Constable decided it was warm enough to issue a general order to remove them, a rare treat. We always had to wear the "Big hat" or policeman's traditional Custodian helmet no matter what the weather. With its Cork lining it was pretty good at keeping in the heat. Good when you sneaked a small portion of fish and chips under it for a tasty supper back at the nick (not so good when vinegar ran down your face). But in warm weather it was really rather uncomfortable. When body armour arrived we were still in a collared shirt and tie, some university did a bit of research and said that wearing the stab vest was like wearing 16 shirts at once. We ended up in a tee shirt and stab vest, which in my opinion was a big loss in smartness and discipline.
  31. 3 points
    Well I call some lawn mowers because I always see them as mowers but yes I do understand it’s a garden tractor and that’s alot of weight
  32. 3 points
    Sounds like you were a decent docent…!
  33. 3 points
    Lucky me found yesterday a Source of rebuild Frame parts, so the rework time can be reduced a little. But it must be made absolute accuracy. I ordered the Parts, than i will see how much work it is definitely and how i can do it. it seems i must build a Construct to rework the Frame in the needed accuracy.
  34. 3 points
    Just don’t call him late for supper…
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    I stocked the cabinet today!!! Paint, rear reflectors, zip ties, and an extra belt hidden in the background... ALL'O'DAT cost almost 100$... But hey... that is a small price to pay for beauty! Don
  37. 3 points
    Hitch update. Did a little cleaning up on the wiring and new spark plug. New fuel lines and filter and bam, runs like a dream. All gears were ran in both hi and low and zero issues. I’m tickled pink! IMG_6038.MOV IMG_6039.MOV
  38. 3 points
  39. 2 points
    This is one of those "internet legends". It's not old. It's not an Indian. It's a custom job, and one of a kind.
  40. 2 points
    I, for one, did not know that. Thanks for sharing the pic
  41. 2 points
    I have a ton of Thunderjet cars and track...all my stuff from the 60s and 70s. I will look to see if I have tires....im sure i do John
  42. 2 points
    Is there any possibility that the solenoid is staying engaged while the engine is running?
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
    I tend to differ - a lot depends on the width of the tire, air pressure, and the weight of who is driving! I have a set of wide Tru-Power AG's - I like the agresive look and they do not tear up the grass.... and they are NOT worth a thing in the winter to plow with!
  45. 2 points
    Hmmmm... that's not good! I can't believe that nobody on here has an xi and is willing to photo that connector so you can figure the wire colors out! Try starting a new topic and put something in the title with " 520xi " and anything else you think might catch their attention. I wonder if @Pullstart still has his?
  46. 2 points
    Nice work, Kevin. Hey this could be your next gig making kits like this to sell to all of those who have busted up plastic fenders.
  47. 2 points
    Nice work - a fresh AG tire on a properly painted rim... A side note - the driven gear on top of the spindle is reversable top to bottom so you can get a second unused portion of teeth if need be. The drive gears can be switched from side to side to engage the driven gears on the other side of the tooth profile...
  48. 2 points
    I think you will have to remove the hydro motor from the manifold. Its output gear sticks well into the transaxle. You do not want to stress the manifold by trying to pull it out. You should follow the instruction in the sunstrand manual as to removal. I know it says you can sort of do this with out removing the transaxle completely but it would make working on it awkward.(Working on the ground doesn't agree with my knees and other parts.).I have never done it. i just roll the whole assembly back then open it up.
  49. 2 points
    Looks great for an old "suitcase" deck. If you have not already, download the attached manual for the deck. It has a picture of the missing front guard. You need to reposition your 2 drive belts to the middle and inner most pulleys - the outer is for the PTO belt. Bill Mower Rotary 32in RD 1963 RM-323 #A-7137.pdf
  50. 2 points
    @Stormin you're a brave man with those temps. Our 'cold-frogland' (kouwe-kikkerlandje) has seen 35°C/95°F today. All I could do was work in my shed/garage/barn-thingy because outside was way too hot for my liking. Did'nt feel like grinding and welding today so I finally installed and plumbed a small wash basin so I can scrub my dirty paws in the shed instead of in the house. My gf (and myself) is pleased with the outcome. That's a win in my book..
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