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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2022 in all areas

  1. 10 points
    I think frequent and consistent oil changes are the key. I use 30 wt Rotella fwiw… However, I do not change the oil, ever, in my E 141. I can’t find the drain plug or filler cap…
  2. 9 points
    I also have walked this path with my dear father. We couldn't keep him from walking off.Finally, having power of attorney, I had to place him in a secure home for his safety.My only advice is love them and be there with them. There will come a time when they won't know who you are but continue to love and support them.This has helped me with coping with this terrible affliction. Praying for you through this trial of life. Bob Blough Jr.
  3. 8 points
    My father-in-law makes these. I thought it was really cool. Might be a way to soften up that women of the house who just can’t see what you see in the tractors. He also makes Ford, Farmall ect examples for the caves too. Something different.
  4. 8 points
    Worked her butt off today doing road maintenance.
  5. 8 points
    If you want to bring a bottle of that slick 50 to the show, I'll bring a vertical shaft lawnmower engine. We can run it with the Slick50 then drain it out, then run the engine without anything in it like they did in the old commercials. We can gamble on the time it takes to seize it up! OR, Sell tickets for a $1 with 3 different guesses--under 1 hr, 1-3 hours and over 3 hours. The winners split the money for that guess and WHCC gets the money from the other 2 guesses? Or, we can just do it covertly in Sparky's tractor engine without him knowing anything about the experiment!
  6. 8 points
    Spent most of the day working on setting up my work truck...this thing has been quite the project, but I think we are on the downhill slope now. Shortly after I bought the truck, I worked out a deal with a to purchase a friend of mine's Hobart welder/generator from his widow after he passed. The machine had been sitting several years, and after getting it on to the truck, we got it running only to discover it wouldn't weld. Ended up it was going to cost more than the machine was worth to fix it, so she took it back and I was left hunting for another machine. Thought about buying a new one but I don't use one enough to justify the cost. Last weekend I was helping Dad build fence at my sisters new house and the subject of the welder came up. He decided he no longer needed the Miller AEAD-200LE that Grandpa bought brand new in 1979, so I purchased it from him. It came already on a trailer, but a welding trailer is an inconvenience to me, so we spent the day taking everything off this trailer and moving it over to the pickup. Still have some work to do tomorrow, will get pics of the truck when I'm done. Then this evening I helped Dad unload his old boat and move everything over to the new one he bought today, that way the old Ranger can come home with me, as I bought it in a package deal with the Miller welder. Here is a couple pics of the 1978 Ranger we bought And here is Dad and Grandpa picking up his new one at Bass Pro in OKC this afternoon
  7. 7 points
    Worked a little bit more on the powered dump cart today. Call it "operation 10ft paint job", and it was a great success! From 10ft away this thing looks mint 👌. Still have a lot more paint to do rims bed touch ups and got to run wiring and weld up some rear tail light mounts but she's coming along! Hope everyone enjoys there holiday weekend!
  8. 6 points
    Spent the day cleaning up 1 of 2 wood tool chests I have. According to Cas's instructions. Lots to do yet. Picture of the lid...minus a couple of finish coats yet. Here is a before of the box. and here is the top...minus 3 finish coats.
  9. 6 points
  10. 6 points
  11. 6 points
    Back in the day at the Chevy garage I started out at we had Mobil 20W20 in 55 gal drums. They had the wind up hand cranks gizmos to get the oil into the gal dispenser that always leaked some. Then you had to go back and get the extra quart to make the 5. Most customers got that. We also had Quaker State Super Blend in a drum for the "Special" customers. Then the drum about the size of a 15 gal. drum of Quaker State "gold " grease. (Grease was gold color!) Then there was another shop where we had a 5 gal container of Pennzoil 40W for one fertilizer salesman with a 76 Caprice wagon 454 with over 300,000 on the clock. It needed the 40W to keep the oil light from flickering at idle!
  12. 6 points
    Before installing lock strike lid had to be realigned and hinge screws replaced . From the few acidental over-opening of lid screws on hinge were stripped and not holding properly. Pegs made to fill old stripped holes Hinges were repositioned using VIX bit to pre drill. New shiny screws were replaced by brass oxidized ones. Damage on lid from previous unsuccessful attempts to make lock work. Damage repaired Lock strike now installed Top lid now with working lock, locking onto second lid. Second lid next finally locking chest. Lid now safe from over opening . Used vintage coppered sash chain.
  13. 5 points
    Hello all... Today's oils much like the gas are all engineered for these new fangled engines. Lots lf alcohol, no zinc... no good stuff unless you buy the "racing" versions for big money. Yesterday at the Bernardston show I picked up 12 qts of 10w20w30 (yes that's what it says) along with 3 qts of slick 50 and a dozen or so bottles of dry gas. All for $20 The dry gas I use to rinse out contaminated gas cans or gas tanks or whatever... usually I get isopropyl from CVS. The Slick 50 I dunno... maybe mix a bit here and there into my Kohler Ks. The oil--well its Quaker State and is made with genuine USA Pennsylvania Crude says so on can. I figured it's gotta be good for the old Kohlers. I looked it up and this "flavor" was last produced in 1971!!! What are your guys thoughts---I change my oil often and figured this stuff has to have all the goodies today's oil doesn't Happy Wheel Horsin Tony
  14. 5 points
    Got most everything mounted on the truck today. Still need to get tools out of storage boxes and back on it, change the oil in the Miller and run a battery cable from the truck battery back to the welder, but it's coming together nicely so far
  15. 5 points
    The twins, and a side shot of the pickup as a bonus
  16. 5 points
    The girls wanted something today finally some nice weather so after I got home from work Friday we went for a cruise!!! Wanted to share before we head to church…. Hope you enjoy!
  17. 5 points
    Bill - I have been dealing with this condition as my older sister could no longer live alone since 2015. As @lynnmor stated - do what you know is right - right for ALL involved. Taking care of another person as their mental state declines is a 24-7 job in itself. You may be able to take care of him at your home, but you cannot do it yourself and hold down a job - it requires 2 caretakers minimum. I received Power of Attorney for her financial and medical needs that year - she became a resident at a local Assisted Living facility from 2015 to early this year. She had Covid twice last year, as did most of the 53 residents & staff. She and four other residents came back from the hospital the second time a different person - not in a good way. Covid greatly accelerated her mental decline - she is now a resident doing OK at a great Nursing Home in the next town in their Alzheimer Ward. She is where she needs to be, getting the personal care she deserves .... What is right may not be easy, what is easy may not be right. You have to look at your own situation and decide. Hindsight is 20-20, looking back from now to 2015, I have no regrets for the difficult decisions I had to make. Bill
  18. 4 points
    So one of my “Z71 OFF ROAD” decals was missing on my 1998 Chevy Silverado Z71. So I ordered a set and put them on today… muffed up the first one/ few air bubbles… Used the “wet” method on the second one and it looks good… oh well. I’m not redoing the first one because the truck ain’t perfect neither.
  19. 4 points
    Ok what Hotel chain uses blue towels?
  20. 4 points
    Cutesy - needs maybe a 2-stroke weed wacker engine under the logo to finish???
  21. 4 points
    "Bud" stack. Sounds like a Farmall!
  22. 4 points
    Start NOW checking into the ... unbelievable red tape and bureaucacy? of getting into a nursing facility because it Will come to that. I'm still recovering from my little bride of 61 yrs battle with late onset MS and shortly after that diagnosis she started the decline into dementia. This was for some 5 years, I was able to care for her till the last year when I had to get her in a facility. I had seen it coming and with the talk of a facilities running in the $6000+ per month range, I used a service that specialized in taking care of this morass of getting her qualified for medicad - which was .... unbelievable !! That upfront cost for their services was a bit pricy, but as time went on and I saw what they were able to get accomplished, I soon forgot that upfront cost. Ended up with them taking about $225 out of her SS and that was ALL!! Thankfully?? she passed a year ago....Dementia is a truly HORRIBLE disease!!!
  23. 4 points
    Now that you have an interest in 520's, hooked up to a 2 stage 44'' blower with a hydro is hard to beat when the going gets tough. Depending on where you live.
  24. 4 points
    We use pigs to open new ground, just electric fence of the bit you need, drop a hut and water supply in, then stand back and watch. They are amazing when it comes to turning over land and bringing rocks up. Never tried a hand tiller before, just the one for the wheelhorse - that's scary enough!
  25. 4 points
    Not many machines will prepare land that hasn't been used before as a garden without nearly killing you. My wife and I obtained a troy built pony from her uncle many years ago, I was young and dumb and thought I'd open up a garden. I put the setting at it's deepest and started out, well the governor did its job and that pony would have went through the side of our house if I wasn't young, strong, and quick. My governor kicked in and I was able to grab that pony and get it under control. We've been gardening that spot now for over thirty years, I do the majority of my tilling with my C-125-8 these days. That pony is still in my barn and I still use it between the rows.
  26. 3 points
    I think I am selling my 1987 414-8 with plow, weights and chains. Now here’s the story on this one. A long long time ago, I was searching for a snow plow for my 416H. In that search I stumbled onto a forum which was one day old. There was no name of the forum, just whtractor.15.forumer.com. Trying to learn more about snow plows I started conversations with one of the active members on the site, let’s call him Mike. Mike convinced me I didn’t need a plow, but an entirely new tractor. About a week or so later, I found this 414–8 for sale, and bought it. I now had my plow and could plow the driveway. So what happened with Mike @Sparky and this forum I spoke of? It grew a little bit, and we now call it RedSquare, and for sale is one of if not THE reason RedSquare exists today, so you can own a piece of RedSquare history! About the tractor: 1987 414-8. Kohler M14, runs well does not burn oil. Everything on the tractor works as it should, but it is a worker. The plow is a 48” with a custom made scraper blade, made from heavier stock than original. For the past several years, this has been a dedicated plow tractor, so it hasn’t seen a lot of work, but has also sat outside (under a tractor cover) so lots of let’s say, patina going on. I a, selling because I just picked up a 416-8, and that will become my winter plow / blower tractor. I am looking for $550, but like I said this tractor is a bit of a legend! I have cleaned it up since the pictures were taken.
  27. 3 points
    3 weeks ago I started a kitchen remodel. Let's start with a little history of the house I live in. My great great grandparents were the caretakers of what was called Garnsey Lake Home which was a 250 acre farm and they lived in the house that I own now. In 1955 my grandfather remodeled the kitchen for my aunt and uncle who owned the house from 1955 to 1965. That was when it was separated from the farm as a private residence. In 1999 I bought the house back and started a complete remodel on the whole house. Now since I've retired, I'm able to work on the inside, last year I put a bathroom in. This year I started the kitchen this is what the kitchen looked like before I gutted it.We've lived here for 22 years with the cabinets he built which were cedar tongue and groove hand-built cabinets. I'm now 68 years old and this kitchen was built the year after I was born. I think these cabinets lasted pretty good considering how old they are. I salvaged what I could of trim and cedar shelving to use for trim when I finally get that chance. It happens to be raining this morning so I've actually got some time to be on the forum, seeing this is not the best weather to be cutting trim in and that's the stage I'm at right now I'm ready for trim, install the stove and microwave, and hook up the sink. It's pretty close to being complete. I'll save you all the gory details of what was entailed in the remodel and the endless amount of pictures that I took. The one I will post for you, you can see the picture of the studs which was a bearing wall that had to be removed and a beam installed up inside the floor joists in order to hold the second floor up which wasn't really that much of a big deal. We wanted to open the kitchen up into the addition in order to open it up. I think it came out pretty well. So here is how it came out other than the things that I have to do to complete the finish. I'll end by saying this is Memorial Day weekend please honor those who gave all for this great country. God bless America.
  28. 3 points
    Touch your test light from the b+ and b- right on the battery. Maybe your bulb is blown. I've seen it twice where a guy was stumped and his light was half the problem. (Wasn't me) Also what's the voltage at the battery?
  29. 3 points
    Old schooled mowed today with the 857. Watched the last half of Indy and started polishing the rocking lawn chair for the show!
  30. 3 points
    Just wait Eric...with Cas on my shoulder, I can already see this is going to be a nice piece of furniture. And don't call me SIR !! Call me Mate.
  31. 3 points
    If I gave that to my wife is would go where the sun don't shine.
  32. 3 points
    @OldWorkHorse Hey if you want to test that awesome trailer out bring it over and I'll let ya haul some 🪵🪵🪵🪵🪓
  33. 3 points
    That's awesome!!!! And like Bill states, little 2 stroke would look cool. Check out the vintage look of Ohlsson & Rice compact engines. One would fit right in there https://myoldmachine.com/topic/6504-ohlsson-rice-type-133-military-engine/ They're on epay all the time but don't be fooled by the people that believe they're gold. Typically one can be had for $75-$125. A chainsaw would have a gearbox too but just placing one in there would set it off. (Might scare away the women when they see an engine though)
  34. 3 points
    I had a customer with flat head Fords. He hated using antifreeze because when he got a leak it would spay all over the windshield ect. Any way he would go through water pumps like nobody's business. They would seize up. And those engines took 2. So I ended up selling him new pumps with a lifetime warranty instead of the rebuilts he was buying. That's when I found out he was running just water. I found him a case of water pump lubricant from somewhere on the east coast. Box it came in had about 2 inches of dust on it. He was a happy flat head after that
  35. 3 points
    I vote stack, look & sound cool, I'll spare you my rant about showerheads. Think TRACTOR not generator.
  36. 3 points
  37. 3 points
    My dad had a Merry Tiller that looked a lot like that in the 1950s. It had knife tines and spike tines as well as tractor tread pneumatic tires for towing light trailers. Using the knife tines to prepare land that hadn't been used as a garden spot would about kill you!
  38. 3 points
    I had a MerryTiller, mid tine tiller built very similar to that. I was given it by a friend that was getting rid of years of stuff, after her husband passed. I really didn't need it and another friend was in need for a tiller so I gifted it to him. Five horse Briggs, he said it works well.
  39. 3 points
  40. 3 points
    Couple more pics. Tony,( @Docwheelhorse ) and I snuck over the border into New Hampshire for some ethanol free juice … bought 11 gallons for myself.
  41. 2 points
    If you do... send me one... PLEASE!!! Don
  42. 2 points
    Hello all…. I am high jacking my wife’s account…. With her permission of course! Her and I were trying to work on the 701 we got a year or two ago! So we had it running but it ran uncontrollably full throttle and had to shut it down…. Looking it over noticed that the pin wasn’t there and was afraid the governor gear would come off… so we decided to tare into it after not being able to just install the pin…. Then compared the 701 engine to a 702 engine… the blocks are different and what parts am I to get…. Help! I must say having a wife that works hard everyday taking care of her tenants and then coming home and getting greasy and dirty… That’s my dream girl come true! The guy that had this engine was very non stingy with their gasket sealer Wife was removing it the best she could…. So new gaskets could be installed after we get this issue solved!
  43. 2 points
    If there’s a Fastenal near you that is a good route to go. You can get a quote online.
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    Yeah, the threat of rain really dampens the turnout. With the long weekend it's probably better up there today but just hanging out, cruising around and telling jokes is a good time for me.
  46. 2 points
    You're evil you know, making me want it more and more... I want a 520! Got to do some grading with the 416 yesterday and it was great but the 520 I got to drive the other day was well wow, love the size and feel ot it..
  47. 2 points
    It did cross my mind, but I just don't need it, and it's about a 2 hour drive each way - a lot of fuel for something I don't need!
  48. 2 points
    Put the towels back over the seats and floorboards of the 1998 Chevy Silverado Z71…
  49. 2 points
    Paint is dry, but not cured. With the weather today it should be cured by lunch time, but I have to leave around 11 for a wedding. My plan is to leave it sit out and sun bake, then start putting it together when I get home.
  50. 2 points
    Ok busy day.. change the oil, tore off all the covers, clean out a mouse nest, changed the fuel lines and filter, cleaned the connectors etc.. put it all back together and this is how it is as of tonight. Question on air filters.. went to the Toro dealer, he pulled up the info on the tractor and then sold me the wrong one.. Also started to surge after maybe 15 min of running.. will pull the fuel petcock tomorrow to make sure that the flow is good. Fuel filter only fills about 1/2 way but not sure if that's normal or not..
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