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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 15 points
    Pulled out the old Brinley de-thatcher and Wheel Horse 1067 (1967) yesterday. Perfect day for annual clean-up.
  2. 10 points
    Elmer Pond had a business in South Bend, He made "real" Wheel Horses to the end, in 86 the Company was sold, and so, I am told, Hasn't been the same since then.
  3. 10 points
    limerick: Saw my neighbor Rick climbing around in his tree. I told him "be careful on that limerick, it don't look real safe".
  4. 10 points
    We might have to wait another couple minutes...
  5. 9 points
    I confess... it's mine.
  6. 8 points
    Way… Way… Way… to many visuals…
  7. 7 points
    An Irish Haiku… It Takes the Irish 5 lines To make the same point
  8. 6 points
    As we pose looking for the pot at the end of the rainbow waiting in anticipation the luck only to be found was the charms floating in my cereal bowl
  9. 6 points
    Twas a nice warm day today, warm enough that I wouldn't have to heat the shop up in order to spray. I took advantage of this and sprayed primer on my sheet metal parts after I was done with work. 3 coats of urethane primer should provide enough filler to sand out any imperfections that may be left in the sheet metal.
  10. 5 points
    Most of the limericks I know, I can't repeat here.
  11. 5 points
    If you get too much salt on your glass, you gotta have the tender limerick it off.
  12. 5 points
    They didn't need to, they were all lined up in order at the parlor gates when they heard the vacuum pumps start up to sanitize the pipeline before milking! 'Course they knew right after milking they were to head out to the free stalls for feed.
  13. 5 points
    Today’s trash pick score: 20 ten pound weights… Got them before the scrappers did!!! May need to break down and add some weight to the plow tractors given the exorbitant cost of these…
  14. 5 points
    those look more like @Achto’s Jesus cruisers than my fast of flip flops
  15. 4 points
    well it runs got it out and run it around the yard a bit . it does smoke some but the more it ran it cleared up some . don't know how long this sat before i got it it sat in my shed bout a year . ran great after i got the carb adjusted right and adjusted the hydro so it wouldn't creep in neutral . reve'd it up and once it hit high r.p.m. it wanted to go . now it work's like it should . need to get decals on it and the hood strap's and fix the paint that messed up on hood . then put the 48" deck to it . fixed theses headlight bulbs so they fit tight and won't move fabed a peice up after seeing a massy garden tractor and used a connector nut on stud and bolted bracket down also ran a ground wire all the way to lights got a group picture but my 857 buried in the garage it didn't make the picture it sleeping for the summer since it my snow pusher sorry about the green thing it had to get in on the action also was y nice day out today temps in the 70's so i got some seat time in on my C 120 rolling the yard
  16. 4 points
    Looking for opinions. What do you think this tractor with mowing deck is worth? One owner always garaged well taken care of.
  17. 4 points
    Today, well actually the last few months, I have been conducting a weldathon on this knackered deck. It's coming along nicely though
  18. 4 points
    limerick noun | LIM-uh-rik What It Means A limerick is a humorous rhyming poem of five lines. // The students were asked to compose limericks to help them learn about poetry's use of meter and rhyme.
  19. 4 points
    No, but that’s what popped into my thick skull when I read it in my tired airplane state. * I saw rim lick instead of lim-rick
  20. 4 points
    I try, but it took a few minutes .... Bill
  21. 4 points
    Wow you nailed that one Bill!
  22. 4 points
    Most of the large dairy farms in Wisconsin have now switch to milking every 8hrs instead of every 12hrs. When they are milking 9000 cows, this does not leave a lot of time between shifts.
  23. 4 points
    Stupid cows, can't they read a clock!
  24. 4 points
    One farm that worked at we did not change the milking schedule. 5am & 5pm so DLS milkings were 4am & 4pm.
  25. 4 points
    I prefer my curds to be made of limmerickburger cheese.
  26. 4 points
    by Chicago Does anybody really know what time it is (I don't) Does anybody really care (care about time) If so I can't imagine why (no, no) We've all got time enough to cry Come to think of it I have been sitting here on Red Square for an hour where does the time go?
  27. 4 points
    I used to just have an argument between "me" and "myself". Then I found it necessary to drag "I" in for a tie breaker. The winners gets to have the final say as always, and have a drink to celebrate. The loser is left to drink away his sorrow.
  28. 4 points
    To get back to the original question... I start work in the dark several months a year. That's a challenge at times but we have these "light" thingies. During the busy times I often start and end work in the dark. The actual clock hour doesn't make any difference because our home work spaces are well lit and warm. Where I notice a literal difference is when there's more quantity and quality of sunlight. I feel better. I have more energy. I take supplements to enhance/correct this year round. It's awesome to have more sunlight at home to get more done. Yes... My real issue is this "work" garbage interruption of the "home/play" occasions. I should just become independently wealthy so I don't need to work. 😂
  29. 4 points
    The hour isn't gone. The amount of actual light and dark didn't change. We didn't lose an hour. We won't gain an hour. We simply make the choice to manipulate the designation of measurement twice a year because of a false notion of savings.
  30. 4 points
    Just trade that sundial in for a set of Viking Sandals.......with those on time goes away!
  31. 4 points
    Hopefully we can get it bought, had to work a bit late tonight, so didn't get to go back by there, maybe tomorrow evening I'll be able to. Yeah I know it sounds strange, but believe it or not it probably still saves us money. Between only having the 74 GMC camper that gets about 5 MPG for our only other vehicle, and the cost of clutches in the 81 every time she burns one up If she was my boss I could probably handle that, I mean I've gotten pretty good at taking orders from her the past couple years but I really don't think I would make it more than a day working for her boss. I don't much care for the way he does business, and if I know me well enough I'd open my mouth and tell him what I really think of him and his way of doing business, and that would be the end of that.
  32. 4 points
    Since you are the first to reach out they are yours. PM me our mailing address and I will get them in the mail to you! Dave
  33. 4 points
    New shoes today… Carlisle Turf Savers - Made in USA…! Then noticed right rear hub was in about 1”… hhhmmm. Loose set screw. Hub came off by hand!!! Now I know why I don’t use lift assistance for my plow blade… After a winter of plowing with a manual lift I can take hubs off by hand!!! Fixed and torqued… Oh… the other one is soaking…
  34. 3 points
    I have number 126, purchased in October from the original owners widow. 17 hours on it, signed by Cecil Pond. Perhaps the only one signed by him? I’m not sure?
  35. 3 points
    No worries… Fixed it for ya…
  36. 3 points
    @SylvanLakeWH AKA” the hub whisperer “ I’ll bet you’re going to be happy with an electric tractor with the price of gas nowadays!
  37. 3 points
    69° here today so I raked the sides of the driveway, cleaned out the ditch and enjoyed a wonderful sunny day.
  38. 3 points
    Deer dropping from a feed with corn and molasses, need to be careful with supplemental feeding of White tail deer. They need woody browse to maintain the health of their digestive system.
  39. 3 points
    Yes you need the shallow pan and the correct connecting rod to go with it. A K301 will use a lot more fuel than a K181. You'll get stranded in the woods.
  40. 3 points
    Constipated deer. Too much starch(corn) and too little ruffage(browse).
  41. 3 points
    Sitting in MCO airport waiting to come home this morning, I noticed a pair a gear reduction pulley sets spinning these air movers off a 1/2 horse or so motor. No more FL sunshine, but we got to MI just in time for Midwest tee shirt weather!
  42. 3 points
    Check with Lowell, Wheel Horse parts & more. Vendor section.
  43. 3 points
    That's what most of the dairymen did when I worked on farms. Had to go out many nights at 3 am and fix a vacuum or milk pump to able milk at 4!
  44. 3 points
    Is the idler pulley bearing in good shape??
  45. 3 points
    I'd start with the balancing before pulling a lot of stuff apart. I would start by slipping the belt and making sure the pulley's are not bent and that all the bolts are snugged evenly. The thing I've noticed about decks is that they resonate so it doesn't take a lot of vibration somewhere to make 'em loud!
  46. 3 points
    I know in my early days of my mining career when on dayturn, that week would go by and I would not see the sun at all. Went to work when it was dark, worked in the dark, came out and guess what....it was dark. I am not sure an hour of light for the drive home would have made any difference. The milk farmers liked the change because it put light on the morning milkings. I don't think the cows give a S*** if it was light or dark, just milk me!
  47. 3 points
    Always nice to see another new member showing some love to a vintage Wheel Horse. We would love to see a few pictures and if you have questions please feel free to ask.
  48. 3 points
    I certainly wish they still made those front tires. They give a look to the 867 that you just can't duplicate. I'm glad yours are in such good shape! And those wind chimes do look nice!
  49. 3 points
    My kohler shop clock shows 5:00 pm all the time… it broke, so I set it for the generally accepted start of Happy Hour… Never need to change it for DST and no batteries… works really well…
  50. 3 points
    Uhm no… Time does not get lost… If your fancy clock runs out of batteries and stops running, time does not stop and it certainly isn’t lost… But, does anyone really know what time it is? Why yabadabadoo they do!!!!
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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