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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2022 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    Hello all! I had the privilege of going to Greenfield and Waupun Wisconsin this weekend and picked up a few more toys! GT 14 hasn't been outside since 1982 but didn't mind fresh fuel and a battery. Will need all fluids changed and hopefully figure out what hydraulic fluid is correct. And the 1132 Toro snowblower has sat 5 years but started with no trouble with the fuel that was in it. A 75 year old woman owned it and swore by buying the best fuel with no ethanol! Going to service and then spray with Fluid Film to preserve. Thank you all and be blessed!
  2. 8 points
  3. 7 points
    But, if you absolutely have to sell one of them. The older you get, the more you will appreciate hydraulic lift.
  4. 7 points
    The sad thing is that this could have been avoided. While Ukraine has been begging for about 15 years to join the EU and continuously turned down because they “were not ready” ,we all have been getting chummy with this maniac building pipelines and appeasing him when something similar was done years ago. Essentially building him up. Now even though the world has the power to financially cripple him immediately we still are reluctant to do so and keep trying sanctions little by little. The Russian people cannot eat nuclear weapons. All because we are worried about gas prices and such. Well my friends, the fact is that it is going to cost much more than that because of our selfishness. Peace of mind is already gone for ever. What’s next you can all imagine. Look up not only to Ukraine’s people to know what courage is but also to their leader to know what the definition of what a real man is. Not many of those in politics.
  5. 6 points
    I think you should sell the No-name 14, and contact me when you're ready to get rid of it. I'll take it off your hands. Seriously, I'd keep them both, one for winter and one for summer. Keep the plow on the 14 with the hydro lift, and use the C-120 for other chores around the yard. This has been a mild winter, but we're going to have snow sometime up your way, and the hydro lift is a big help plowing. I have a C-120 8-speed, and I love it far pulling equipment around my property, but I wouldn't want to have to plow with it. You also need a third Wheel Horse as a spare, just in case. Jim
  6. 6 points
    Me thinks you'll rue the day if you sell either one. A good running Wheelhorse of that vintage is becoming more and more scarce these days.
  7. 5 points
    Another option that has worked well for many of us is to use a torques bit (don't remember the size) that can be driven into the rounded out allen wrench hole.
  8. 4 points
    Hello all! We picked up this Ariens in Waupun Wisconsin over the weekend and can't wait to give it a full service and a cleaning with Fluid Film. Bought this with a Toro 1132 snow blower and a GT14 tractor. Hopefully there is one more snow before I can't try it out... Be blessed all and thank you!
  9. 4 points
    You do what you want Newbie your thread and we'll back ya. Truth be told a Work Horse was never a bucket lister for me anyway but every time I see @c-series don 's and the history behind it get the hebbe jeses and thinkin if one come my way....so I err... we appreciate what yer doin. Me thinks you are doing a bit more than a mechanical resto and that's a great thing!
  10. 4 points
    I thought about how long the thread was today… I sand two pieces and post it …thought maybe I should save up some progress and post more per post… I did predict that I would finish the Work Horse in 50 pages though… still a possibility since I’m painting body panels now…
  11. 4 points
    I like what yer doing Newbie but at 38 pages are we workin on somthing EB has got conjured up? 'At's alright if if weren't for the jib jabber but that's what makes it all enjoyable! Wished I had tunnel vision at times like @Achto has and would have that giterdone mentalitiy ! Enjoy your project and keep us posted!
  12. 4 points
    @ steve , being a post war kid , grew up with bombproof stuff , just expected anything to last a very long time , what a concept ! love tings that make common sense , and just last , like a wheel horse , help it live on , pete
  13. 4 points
    +1 for the torx bit tapped into the rounded plug hole. The tapping should help to shock the threads loose also. If the torx doesn’t work, just drive that 7 mm in there with carefully strategerized taps and it should grab ahold. As for lube capacity, filling it right up to the tippy top with diesel or kerosene might help soak whatever’s binding that first gear…
  14. 4 points
    I would keep the auto for the hy lift.
  15. 4 points
    Very nice combo. 953nut beat me to it. 👍
  16. 4 points
    Pull the transmission dip stick and lay it on a clean white paper towel, if it is amber color use 10 W 30 and if it is pink use Dex/merc ATF. The filter is a NAPA 1410 or Wix 51410, either one will do the job.
  17. 4 points
    Sweet haul!! Should've given me a heads up, could've met up for lunch or something. Waupun is not too far from me.
  18. 4 points
    I’d keep both. I have an exact same scenario plowing two neighbors. Two ‘s outfitted with plows. Several times this year have needed to park one and go to the other during a storm for some minor mechanical issue… tuck one in the corner as a spare until the new shed materializes…
  19. 4 points
    @JCM, @c-series don I’ll complete the trifecta with a 418-8, althought not as nice as either one of yours.
  20. 4 points
    Took the ole girls out for their spring photo shoot. Also sharpened the blades on the 71 800 grass cutter. She smokes ,knock’s and taps like crazy but still runs strong.Can’t decide if I should try to rebuild the 8 Briggs?…I know a bad word around here😝or drop a Kohler in.
  21. 3 points
    So came across this at an antique store over the weekend. Never seen one in gold color before and can't find anything on it either. Model says it's a "Super Vac" also N9. 44 is on it. Green, Grey and Blue are all you turn up on searches and ebay. Any knowledgeable Stanley Thermos folks out here and know anything about this one?
  22. 3 points
    Nope ... the jibber is included with with the price of supporter.... keep at it! Yer a freak of nature EB but we'll put up with ya
  23. 3 points
    I started this in October…Eb started Colossus in August 2019 ! However I do realize his is a custom from scratch project, and mine is take apart, and reassemble…
  24. 3 points
    Don't let those old timers discourage you! LoL It's not the end of the world to break a trans, yet. So enjoy YOUR tractor the way you want. It can be fixed or grab another trans from AZ tractors. You should put a bigger tougher 8 speed trans with 1 1/8" axles on there if you do the heavy pulling dragging etc. It will bolt right on the frame but will need some tweaking for the brake/clutch stuff. We can help guide you on it. Then fix that 4 speed while it's on the bench.
  25. 3 points
    I’d say there’s a colossal difference…
  26. 3 points
    Got a loooooonngg way to catch up.
  27. 3 points
    Won’t be no vibration… it has a Briggs…
  28. 3 points
    Bombs are not being dropped in our cities! We are not suffering and if cooler heads prevail the minor hardships we face will help keep our countries free.
  29. 3 points
  30. 3 points
    Sanded a little on the foot boards tonight after work…
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
    I'm hoping it's fluid/filter related problem! Slow in reverse and jumpy/ cavitation in forward travel. I believe it's original filter and fluid
  33. 3 points
    Thank you for the help! Definitely going to follow the advice and hopefully use it occasionally. Have to put 3 pt on and see how it does with a plow or tiller
  34. 3 points
    what kind of quality are you looking for? I think there is a couple older ones in my dry shed, I'll look tomorrow and double check.....and take a pic or two.
  35. 3 points
    Did some updates to the storefront, added a bunch of free shipping!
  36. 3 points
    There sure is. Wheel Horse spec 16 HP engines had good strong blocks and you can actually use a V8 piston. Maybe a 327 chevy...?. Difference in price is not much at all. I wouldn't spend a lot extra cuz it isn't like I'm in competition but who couldn't use a little extra grunt when they're moving heavy stuff or plowing thick snow...
  37. 3 points
    Very nice looking GT-14. Thankfully, not much use for a snow blower don't here in Texas!
  38. 3 points
    How bout I just come get both . That will settle the decision making problem right there!
  39. 3 points
    Sweet finds! That auger on the blower looks well made. I think I like those drum styles more than the individual blades!
  40. 3 points
    For anyone to be actually talking about WW3 is pretty scary, for them to be discussing if it will be nuclear is even more worrying. Someone said recently Putin would detonate a nuke over the North Sea to shut up Europe and the UK. Not much in the way of death and destruction but a pretty clear message. The biggest worry is that this us pretty much how WW2 kicked off, a nation seeking to take over another country with plans to dominate the whole world. Sound familiar? As they said in Ukraine, we can beat Russia, but the cost is the thing we can't be sure of.
  41. 3 points
    Mine is a 550 Ark on a 74 C160, but I did add 520 steering and swept axle. If you find one reasonable, buy it. If you ever find one you like better, you'll have no trouble selling the first one....
  42. 3 points
    The grounds are so big you can't walk it and see it in a single day. About a dozen years ago I built a chariot to tow behind my , worked out well for us. Ran into a couple we knew and shared the ride with them too.
  43. 3 points
    I sanded on the seat pan a little more and primed it for the Work Horse…
  44. 3 points
    We have the manual also was told to be new old stock still has the dealer price tag in the fertilizer hopper! The gentleman said that he had it in his possession for 20 years never been in the dirt! Sadly only came with one disc/plate and unfortunately it’s the lettuce carrots and onions…. Here’s a list in the manuel of its planter options!
  45. 3 points
    All but the hood. I have the foot pads done top and bottom like the seat pan. I put a tape in lay on the foot pans so the tread tape would stick. I forgot to do this on the rear pan for the decal. might have to improvise. I have it all done in a couple week and will post a pic or two.
  46. 3 points
    Entire contents of a long-time Wheel Horse dealership (60's thru 2020), it took 5 people, 7 hours, 1 enclosed trailer, 1 open trailer, 3 full size pickups. The owners of this dealership had an auction years ago and sold off the equipment, but kept the parts. And then they sold the building with the contents in it...... More photos to follow as I get thru it ( it will take months! ) I have very little idea as to exactly what all I have since I had so much help, but there are parts here ranging from RJ's to 520's and everything in between.
  47. 2 points
    See this jibber is taking up valuable space ! But I don’t mind it a bit . I need to do a “progress” type thread instead of a “reveal” type, because I need help and advice along the way. At the same time I see why others here like a “reveal”.
  48. 2 points
    My exact thoughts Bob. Everyone needs a hydro with foot control and hydo lift. It just takes some owners longer to give up the gears and manual lifts.
  49. 2 points
    I would agree. I had 1/4 inch adhesive rubber bumpers from work stuff, and still got some scratches. The area between the footrests and fender flexes quite a bit.
  50. 2 points
    @OutdoorEnvy loved those Stanley thermoses , used mine for 30 years at work , always ice cold or hot , what ever i was using it for , mine was the speckled green color , # A - 1357 QUART WIDE MOUTH , just looking at it now , and seeing the bashing it took , its a true American piece of quality work . kept the original handle replaced the straps with large hose clamps , never seen a gold one . truly earned the bombproof status , liked the wide mouth for ice cubs , cold drinks , summer at the beach , made in Nashville tenn, usa , pete
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